The Insider

By John Liang
September 7, 2011 at 6:47 PM

The RAND Corp. just released a pair of monographs examining how countries that confront insurgencies transition from a violent to a more stable situation. The first one "examines such transitions as: the military-to-civilian transfer of security and economic operations; disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of fighting forces; the building of police and justice functions in a post-conflict environment; and the contribution of international partners."

The second monograph "examines six case studies of insurgencies from around the world to identify the key factors necessary for a successful transition." Specifically:

In some of the cases, such as Iraq's Anbar province and Afghanistan, the United States was (or still is) directly involved in combat operations; in the Philippines and Colombia, it played a supporting role; in others, there was little U.S. involvement of any consequence. The authors review the causes of each insurgency and the key players involved and examine what the government did right -- or wrong -- to bring the insurgency to an end and to transition to stability. They note that in each case, there was a need to understand the participants in the insurgency and the grievances and needs of the local population; to balance security needs with reforms in other areas; and to plan for the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of militias and government and insurgent forces.

Inside the Pentagon reported last month that many Defense Department officials oppose the Defense Science Board's recent call for a new senior post to oversee intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance for counterinsurgency operations. Specifically:

Defense officials critical of the idea argue that a new ISR post "isn't the way to go in view of a constrained budget," the source said.

The DSB's report, released in May, outlined ways DOD intelligence could better support counterinsurgency operations. The panel urged the director of national intelligence to assume responsibility for COIN ISR and to create a related national intelligence manager position (ITP, May 20, p1).

Although the Defense Intelligence Agency has since penned a two-page memo to Pentagon procurement chief Ashton Carter endorsing the panel's findings, roughly 15 to 20 DOD agencies are also "discussing and considering and making their points of view known," the source said.

Two of those agencies are still in the process of being briefed by DOD officials on the national intelligence manager (NIM) recommendation, the source said. All briefings are expected to wrap up by the end of the fall, although they were initially slated to finish by early August, the source said.

After that, it will be up to Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers, the source said. He will receive all the recommendations from various agencies and present the findings to the director of national intelligence.

By John Liang
September 7, 2011 at 3:21 PM

The Defense Intelligence Agency recently published a new strategic plan outlining the way it will do its job over the next five years.

"The DIA 2012-2017 Strategy is to strengthen and unite the agency's core defense intelligence capabilities to best support warfighters and policymakers in an era of persistent international conflict and enduring U.S. fiscal challenges," the document states, adding: "The strategy's theme is One Mission - One Team - One Agency. One Mission, cleanly nested in all-source defense intelligence, is accomplished by One Team, operating as an integrated, agile, and results-oriented force within One Agency, performing as a critical member of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise and committed to excellence in defense of our Nation."

The agency plans to implement its strategy via four main principles, according to the document:

*    Work together as one team within an operational environment that fosters trust, unity of effort, diversity, integration and transparency, adaptability and mental agility, and close proximity to the customers of DIA's output.

*    Focus DIA on its mission-essential capabilities by pursuing efficiencies at every level, including centralized planning with decentralized implementation, aggressive and adaptive restructuring, and redirecting resources to priority mission areas.

*    Grow stronger by leading or joining U.S. whole-of-government efforts to leverage interagency information, expertise, and capabilities, while strengthening and forging stronger partnerships with academia, the private sector, and international partners.

*    Apply performance management to maximize individual, team, and organizational performance to ensure DIA services and products are timely and relevant to customer needs, and hold the workforce accountable for their actions and job performance based on measurable outcomes.

DIA plans to "fundamentally shift its intelligence operations mindset and business practices from focusing on the last war to preparing for the highly complex and uncertain future" in "tangible ways," according to the document. Further:

DIA's core mission resides in four intelligence competencies: all-source analysis; counterintelligence (CI); human intelligence (HUMINT), and measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT). Primarily focused on foreign military and defense-related matters, DIA will:

1.    Provide strategic warning and integrated risk assessment.

2.    Plan and direct defense intelligence activities for all-source analysis; collection management; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; HUMINT; CI; open source intelligence (OSINT); MASINT; technical collection; and international engagement.

3.    Collect information through HUMINT, CI, OSINT, MASINT, and technical means.

4.    Process and exploit information collected through HUMINT, CI, OSINT, MASINT, and technical means.

5.    Produce all-source intelligence analysis from all available collection means.

6.    Integrate and disseminate defense intelligence products and data.

The strategic plan acknowledges that "current and future adversaries will constantly adapt and seek new ways to challenge U.S. national security interests," and "calls for a more flexible, adaptive, and agile operational culture immersed in critical thinking. It further requires that DIA Officers thrive in an integrated and decentralized structure, embrace civilian-military integration and information sharing, be willing to accept risk, and foster proficiency to adapt operations based on a continuous assessment of the situation."

By Christopher J. Castelli
September 6, 2011 at 3:33 PM

Turns out former Defense Secretary Robert Gates' next job will be less than three hours away from the Pentagon. Gates has been named the next chancellor of the College of William & Mary, his alma mater. In a statement released today, Gates noted he is "deeply honored" to accept the job.

"The time I spent at William & Mary as an undergraduate student shaped my life and I look forward to working with the students, staff, faculty and the William & Mary community," Gates said.

President Obama congratulated Gates on his new position. "In Bob, one of our nation’s oldest colleges has found one of our nation’s finest public servants," Obama said. "I’m confident that Bob will bring to this new role the same sense of duty and personal integrity that I and other presidents valued during his distinguished career in government. As he did at Texas A&M and the Department of Defense, Bob will again help lead an institution devoted to our nation’s most precious resource -- our young men and women." From 2002 to 2006, Gates was president of Texas A&M University.

By John Liang
September 2, 2011 at 5:04 PM

The August congressional recess hasn't stopped lawmakers from pressuring the Defense Department to continue developing the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, despite program delays and cost increases.

In an Aug. 31 letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) calls on Panetta to "fully commit to the expeditious fielding of the F-35 and forego procuring any additional 4th-generation fighter aircraft such as the F-18E/F which will be of limited to no value in any future threat scenario."

Yesterday, Inside the Pentagon reported that Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn had turned down a plea made by nine senators to reconsider the termination of the second engine for the JSF:

In an Aug. 23 letter, Lynn writes that continuing a competitive acquisition strategy for the fighter's engine does not make sense, even when taking into account General Electric and Rolls Royce's offer to "self-fund" more than $100 million of the development costs for their F136 engine, which the department terminated earlier this year.

Lynn's letter is a response to an Aug. 2 letter sent to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta by Sens. Jim Webb (D-VA), Rob Portman (R-OH), John Kerry (D-MA), Richard Lugar (R-IN), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Scott Brown (R-MA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Dan Coats (R-IN) and Mark Warner (D-VA).

The senators asked Panetta to review the termination decision and to "take no action" on the disposition of government property acquired under the F136 development contract until the fiscal year 2012 defense authorization bill is "fully debated" and passed by the Congress. But Lynn notes that the Pentagon's Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation shop concluded that "the potential life-cycle cost savings from a competitive sourcing of engines does not provide a compelling business case for a second JSF engine."

"Given the austere fiscal environment and increasing pressure to cut future defense spending, it is difficult for the Department to justify making such an investment," Lynn writes.

The Pentagon remains unmoved by General Electric and Rolls Royce's proposal to "self-fund" further development of the F136 with more than $100 million of the contractors' own funds in FY-12. The department estimates that it would require $480 million in FY-12 to continue the development of the F136, Lynn notes.

This morning, Inside the Air Force reports that JSF program officials recently began to train both pilots and maintainers using classroom and ground exercises as well as test site visits, paving the way for flight training expected to begin in the next two months:

The F-35 has not yet received its formal airworthiness certification from the Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center, a certification that comes with a military flight release, according to Marine Corps Col. Art Tomassetti, the vice commander of the 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin Air Force Base, FL, the site of the F-35 training program. That license to fly is expected this month, Tomassetti wrote through an Eglin AFB spokeswoman in an Aug. 30 statement to Inside the Air Force.

Once that and other certifications are granted by the Defense Department over the next two months, pilots in training will be allowed to begin practice flights, Tomassetti said. Those are expected to begin in the fall. In the meantime, the two JSF aircraft that have been at at Eglin since July -- Air Force variants known as AF-8 and AF-9 -- are being used primarily for maintenance training.

"Small group tryouts for government maintenance training started in August," Tomassetti wrote. "A handful of maintainers focused on running through the course material needed to teach fuels and avionics. We are also completing installation in our new facilities, ensuring training, support equipment, Autonomic Logistic Information System (ALIS) and personnel are in place."

By John Liang
September 2, 2011 at 4:54 PM

With Labor Day almost upon us, a congressional "supercommittee" will soon begin the process of cutting billions of dollars in government spending. A sizeable chunk of those cuts will likely impact the defense budget.

In that spirit, five Republican House and Senate lawmakers -- one of whom is on the supercommittee -- will appear at an event next week hosted by the American Enterprise Institute, the Foreign Policy Initiative and The Heritage Foundation to talk about where some of those defense-spending cuts may be made. The GOP lawmakers are:

Rep. Randy Forbes (VA)

Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA)

Rep. Allen West (FL)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC)

Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ)

Kyl's appearance is contingent on the supercommittee's meeting schedule, according to the event announcement.

By John Liang
September 1, 2011 at 8:04 PM

A State Department official briefed attendees of an international meeting in New York today called the "High Level Workshop Against Nuclear Tests -- From Here to 2015: Meeting the Targets of the NPT Action Plan."

During her briefing, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Marcie Ries had the following to say about the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, including tidbits about some upcoming studies due out soon:

The United States is committed to pursuing U.S. ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and to its entry into force at the earliest possible date. Entry into force of the CTBT is an essential step toward the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons. While the United States abides by the core prohibition of the CTBT through our nuclear testing moratorium promulgated in 1992, the principal benefit of the Treaty -- that of constraining all states from testing -- still eludes us.

We have begun a deliberate and methodical process of engaging the U.S. Senate and the American public on the importance of the CTBT. Entry into force of the CTBT is an essential step toward the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons, a vision articulated by the President when he spoke in Prague in 2009. Our recent experience working with the U.S. Senate to gain ratification of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty – New START – with the Russian Federation has prepared us for what is expected to be an equally thorough and robust debate over the CTBT. We do not expect it will be easy or happen quickly, but we will work hard to make it happen.

The Administration commissioned a number of reports, including an updated National Intelligence Estimate and an independent National Academy of Sciences report to assess the ability of the United States to monitor compliance with the Treaty and the ability of the United States to maintain, in the absence of nuclear explosive testing, a safe, secure and effective nuclear arsenal so long as these weapons exist. A public version of the Academy’s report is expected to be released soon. These authoritative reports, together with others, will give the U.S. Senate a wealth of information to assist them in making a determination on the merits of ratification of the CTBT.

By John Liang
August 31, 2011 at 8:20 PM

The Missile Defense Agency today awarded Teledyne Technologies Inc.'s Huntsville, AL-based subsidiary Teledyne Brown Engineering a contract worth up to $595 million over the next five years to work on the Objective Simulation Framework program.

OSF will integrate MDA's modeling and simulation architectures for the Ballistic Missile Defense System. Work will begin Sept. 1, according to a company statement. Further:

Under the contract, Teledyne will design, develop, test, implement and maintain the OSF.  It will be the centerpiece test and simulation framework for all elements of the missile defense system.  The OSF will be capable of supporting full scale simulations, ground tests and live fire events.  For the first time, it will tie together the Digital Simulation Architecture with the Single Stimulation Framework.

"Winning this significant contract reflects well on our capabilities for designing and developing test systems for complex applications such as missile defense," said Robert Mehrabian, chairman, president, and chief executive officer of Teledyne Technologies. "We expect similar test technologies will have use in other markets we serve including energy, marine, aviation, space and environmental applications."

Teledyne Brown developed the first digital and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HWIL) test and assessment capabilities for missile defense. Through the years, Teledyne Brown developed and supported advancements in test frameworks that established ground test standards for missile defense systems. The company also developed an OSF prototype that incorporates legacy digital and HWIL capabilities to support Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) test and assessment activities.  Teledyne Brown has executed BMDS tests and assessments at its headquarters in Huntsville, Ala. and at other locations.

One of the teams Teledyne beat out for the contract was a Northrop Grumman-Boeing one. As Inside Missile Defense reported in March:

A Northrop Grumman executive told Inside Missile Defense earlier this month that the company's proposed partnership with Boeing was meant to "cause the least disruption" to MDA as the agency consolidates its Digital Simulation Architecture program -- developed by Northrop -- with the Single Stimulation Framework effort being developed by Boeing.

"The OSF program will enhance and integrate these current frameworks into a system that accurately represents the performance of fielded BMDS equipment against a variety of threats in realistic environments," the Northrop statement reads.

"Missile defense calls for flexible, high-fidelity simulations that are affordable. OSF is crucial for increasing the cost-effective role of modeling and simulation in verifying and certifying BMDS performance," Kelley Zelickson, vice president of Air and Missile Defense Systems for Northrop Grumman Information Systems, said in the statement. "In response, we have assembled an extraordinarily talented, comprehensive and balanced team to offer the best value with our proposal. We will perform the work in Colorado Springs and Huntsville, and collectively, we bring unmatched experience with BMDS elements and legacy architectures, niche expertise and innovation to deliver a modular, scalable and reconfigurable system to the MDA."

"The Northrop Grumman-Boeing team is committed to working with the MDA to achieve an optimized, common framework that will reduce the costs associated with modeling and simulation while enhancing the ability to evaluate new ballistic missile defense capabilities," Zelickson added.

By John Liang
August 31, 2011 at 4:12 PM

The Senate Armed Services Committee plans to hold a hearing to consider Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter's nomination to become deputy defense secretary on Sept. 13, according to a panel statement issued this morning.

The hearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. in room 106 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, the statement reads.

Carter has recently sought to dispel "understandable confusion" among Defense Department procurement officials about how and when to implement two policies central to the Obama administration's efforts to wring inefficiency and new savings from DOD's procurement process -- "should-cost" targets and  "affordability as a requirement."

In a two-page, Aug. 24 memo to DOD's acquisition community, Carter provides a brief tutorial on how -- particularly early in a program's life cycle -- to calibrate the two policies, both of which are designed to keep the focus on program costs. As reported last week:

"The two are compatible, but they must be balanced differently across the product life cycle," Carter writes. "The emphasis prior to milestone B [engineering and manufacturing development] should be on defining and achieving affordability targets. Past this point, the emphasis shifts to defining and achieving should-cost estimates."

The acquisition executive notes that these two policies "have come into conflict early in programs," particularly when affordability requirements are formulated to be in accord with service budget plans, yet when the program is not yet mature enough to clearly define should-cost estimates for future production.

Carter directs that during the early stages of product development, the priority should be on establishing affordability constraints. Should-cost policies, during that early phase, "should not keep us from making sound investments in product affordability," he directs.

By Sebastian Sprenger
August 30, 2011 at 5:55 PM

The House Armed Services Committee is planning a series of hearings intended to shed light on what one staffer called “the future of the military.”

The introspection comes amid great tension on Capitol Hill, with deep budget cuts on the table in defense and elsewhere.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has spoken out vigorously against defense spending cuts deeper than the $350 billion to $400 billion range discussed for many weeks, a range that has come to serve as something of a goalpost. Notably, he has also offered a fresh definition of national security that may not sit well with some hawks -- namely, that Americans' overall quality of life plays a part in ensuring it.

House Armed Services Committee spokesman John Noonan said the details of the hearing series have yet to be finalized. “Look for a good selection of 'Formers,' especially flag officers,” he told us via email. Another staffer said the lineup is expected to include former cabinet secretaries and chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

By Christopher J. Castelli
August 29, 2011 at 3:52 PM

Pentagon spokesman Col. David Lapan declined to comment this morning on the substance of the recommendations of the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, which the panel previewed today in a Washington Post Op-Ed. The panel's report is due out this week, Lapan said, noting he had not yet seen it and he was unsure whether the panel provided a prepublication copy to the Pentagon. He said the department has been aware of contracting "deficiencies" and has been working to fix them.

By Jason Sherman
August 29, 2011 at 2:49 PM

Gen. Robert Kehler, head of U.S. Strategic Command, will convene an advisory panel in early November to examine a wide range of policy issues including space, intelligence and cyber operations, an assessment of the nuclear weapons stockpile, global strike, command and control, and missile defense.

Kehler, an Air Force officer who assumed command of the Nebraska-headquartered command in January, will meet with the STRATCOM Strategic Advisory Panel on Nov. 1-2 in a closed session at Offutt Air Force Base, NE, according to a notice in the Federal Register last week.

“The purpose of the meeting is to provide advice on scientific, technical, intelligence, and policy-related issues to the commander, U.S. Strategic Command, during the development of the Nation's strategic war plans,” states the Aug. 23 notice.

No further specifics about the meeting are available, according to a spokesman for the body. An identical agenda was published this spring in advance of a April 7-8 meeting of the advisory group, the 85th plenary meeting of the body.

Retired Gen. James McCarthy, professor at the Air Force Academy, headed a panel on Nuclear Enterprise and Global Strike that focused on command and control (C2); planning; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; execution; and, mission assessment, according to minutes of the April meeting. "In order to maintain the current level of security, we need to engage in a robust analytical assessment of our C2 capabilities leading to a modernization program," the panel reported to the advisory group.

Priscilla Guthrie, chief information officer in the Office of the Director for National Intelligence, this spring delivered a report of a panel assigned to examine the authorities, responsibilities, and relationships needed for an effective joint approach to conduct STRATCOM's missions in, through, and from cyberspace.

"The panel's recommendation was to develop relationships and interfaces with USG policy-development components similar to those for Strategic Deterrence and Space, recognizing that the USG cyberspace policy landscape is evolving rapidly," according to the minutes of that meeting.

Former National Reconnaissance Office Director Keith Hall delivered a report on space operations, including an assessment of the feasibility of using a capability similar to the Space-Based Infrared System to substitute for radio-frequency systems for missile-defense trajectory tracking. "It was concluded that a SBIRS Low-like capability could theoretically replace RF systems for theater missile defense if deployed in sufficient numbers with adequate on-board and ground processing," according to the minutes.

Keith Payne, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for forces policy during the George W. Bush administration, and an outspoken critic of the priority President Obama placed in April 2009 of pursuing the eventual elimination of existing nuclear arsenals, presented a policy panel report. The panel presented a report on the "pros and cons" of completely jettisoning the bomb, according to the minutes:

They considered how much deterrence and assurance is needed and what has proven historically effective. What future threat do Russia and China present? What is the impact of proliferating weapons of mass destruction? How does human nature drive state nature? They recognized that there are no "universal truths" regarding how, what capabilities and how much deterrence and assurance is necessary to maintain stability. The panel recommended continuing a dual track capability to provide deterrence and assurance while working toward zero nuclear weapons.

Another panels, led by Joan Dempsey, senior vice president at Booz Allen Hamilton, headed a group that looked at how DOD's intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets can better serve STRATCOM's priorities. According to the minutes:

The resources needed to focus on strategic issues do not exist. The intelligence community is not responsive to the needs of USSTRATCOM. Resources needed for strategic analysis are focused on direct support to on-going combat operations.

By John Liang
August 26, 2011 at 4:41 PM

The Air Force Research Laboratory's Munitions Directorate and Lockheed Martin have signed a five-year, cooperative research and development agreement to assess the viability of the company's cooled tri-mode seeker for integration onto Air Force weapon platforms, according to a Lockheed statement issued this morning:

"We will work closely with Lockheed Martin to leverage their mature seeker technology with some of our novel in-house targeting concepts. Our scientists are excited to begin incorporating these proven tri-mode seekers into data collects, algorithm developments and subsystem evaluations," said Buddy Goldsmith, chief of the U.S. Air Force's Weapon Seeker Sciences Branch and Seeker Phenomenology Evaluation and Research (SPEAR) facility.

Lockheed Martin and AFRL will work together over the next five years to thoroughly assess tri-mode weapon capabilities, emerging targeting concepts and guidance techniques.  Data and analysis from this effort will enable AFRL to develop a baseline for integrating seekers onto future U.S. Air Force weapon platforms intended to engage stationary and mobile targets in day, night and adverse weather conditions.

"We are pleased the U.S. Air Force is interested in further evaluating our tri-mode seeker and pushing it to its operational limits," said Frank St. John, vice president of tactical missiles in Lockheed Martin’s Missiles and Fire Control business. "We have continued developing and testing our seeker hardware and software for other customers and applications since the end of the Small Diameter Bomb II competition, and we look forward to demonstrating our mature seeker still offers superior effectiveness at the best value."

Lockheed Martin’s cooled tri-mode seeker is based on three combat-proven weapon systems: Javelin, LONGBOW and HELLFIRE. The first-generation tri-mode seeker was developed in 2001 for the Common Missile program; later generations were developed for the Small Diameter Bomb II and other weapon systems. The seeker, now in its fourth generation, has undergone thousands of hours of laboratory, tower and captive-carry tests and has been proven in dirty battlefield testing and in guided flight.

The tri-mode seeker combines a semi-active laser sensor, an imaging infrared (I2R) sensor and a millimeter-wave radar into a single seeker with a common aperture. The cooled I2R sensor provides passive detection and lock-on-before-launch from substantial standoff ranges, significantly increasing warfighter survivability. All three sensor modes run simultaneously and share information in flight, allowing warfighters to defeat moving and stationary targets on land, at sea, in adverse weather and in an obscured/countermeasure environment, with true fire-and-forget capability.

Lockheed Martin’s tri-mode seeker recently defeated a variety of countermeasures and obscurants in a series of challenging and realistic battlefield environments. Test results demonstrated all three sensor modes successfully communicated and worked collaboratively to effectively address and defeat each countermeasure and obscurant, targeting both moving and stationary targets.

By John Liang
August 25, 2011 at 7:46 PM

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program is "becoming a budgetary bargaining chip," according to a just-released research note from analysts at Wall Street firm Credit Suisse.

The analysts' note references a letter sent yesterday by a key Republican senator urging Ashton Carter, the Obama administration's deputy defense secretary-nominee, to "step up" his defense of the JSF, suggesting that Carter's role in recent Pentagon decisions to restructure the program demonstrates "a lack of commitment to the success" of the F-35. As reported yesterday:

In a letter sent to Carter today, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) directly links the Senate's consideration of Carter's nomination for the Pentagon's No. 2 post to the lawmaker's concerns about the F-35, which is assembled by prime contractor Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, TX. Carter, the Pentagon's acquisition executive, has played a pivotal role in decisions over the last two years to restructure the program, including deferring the procurement of 246 aircraft and plowing an additional $7.2 billion and two more years into the fighter's development phase.

"I am concerned that the DOD’s failure to sufficiently defend and advocate for the F-35 program has enabled and even invited unwarranted criticisms from many corners, including calls for partial or complete cancellation of the program," Cornyn writes. "It is my hope that, as deputy secretary of defense, you would be a champion of the F-35 program, using your voice to remind Congress that this weapon system is one our nation cannot do without."

"I strongly encourage you to step up your defense of this key program," Cornyn's letter states.

In a statement to, a Defense Department spokeswoman said: "We've received the letter, it asks important questions, and we look forward to sending a response."

The Credit Suisse research note issued this afternoon states that the Cornyn letter "illuminates proponents' rising fear of F-35 program vulnerability." Specifically:

Sen. Cornyn's perception triggers strong inference that [the Office of the Secretary of Defense] may target both F-35 Force Structure and Procurement quantities, under constrained 2013-2017 [program objective memorandum] deliberations. This concern is exacerbated by immediate flat-lining of [Defense Department] Base Budget for 2012-2013, under recent Budget Control Act.  (USAF currently plans to procure 1,763 CTOL; and Navy/USMC 680 CV/STOVL; for 2,443 total DoD orders - see F-35 funding charts inside)

Cornyn's Approach May Have Limited Impact: This Congressional effort at "hard-bargaining" bears obvious risk, given overriding focus by OMB & OSD Leadership on meeting Defense Funding "caps"; delayed nature of final 2013-2017 POM decisions in November-December; and level of Senate goodwill for Secretary Panetta. We think Senator Cornyn's action is unlikely to be supported by [Senate Armed Services Committee] Chairman [Carl] Levin (D-MI) or Ranking Member [John] McCain (R-AZ), who both harbor strong concerns over F-35 production cost-growth, and estimated future sustainment costs. (Nor does Senator Cornyn sit on SASC Air/Land Subcommittee, with jurisdiction over F-35). This also reinforces importance of F-35 LRIP 5 "Should Cost" Review (~October), because that will be the next insight into F-35 Unit-cost affordability.

By John Liang
August 25, 2011 at 5:23 PM

The Pentagon earlier this month released an updated doctrine document on conducting joint operations. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen writes in the introduction to Joint Publication 3-0:

This revised edition of Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations, reflects the current guidance for conducting joint activities across the range of military operations and is the basis for U.S. participation in multinational operations where the United States has not ratified specific doctrine or procedures. This keystone publication forms the core of joint warfighting doctrine and establishes the framework for our forces' ability to fight as a joint team.

Often called the "linchpin" of the joint doctrine publication hierarchy, the overarching constructs and principles contained in this publication provide a common perspective from which to plan and execute joint operations independently or in cooperation with our multinational partners, other U.S. Government departments and agencies, and intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations.

As our Nation continues into the 21st century, the guidance in this publication will enable current and future leaders of the Armed Forces of the United States to design, plan, organize, train for, and execute worldwide missions as our forces transform to meet emerging challenges. To succeed, we need adaptive and thinking professionals who understand the capabilities their Service brings to joint operations; how to integrate those capabilities with those of the other Services and interorganizational partners to optimize the strength of unified action; and how to organize, employ, and sustain joint forces to provide national leaders with multiple options for addressing various security threats. Above all, we need professionals imbued with a sense of commitment and honor who will act decisively in the absence of specific guidance.

I challenge all commanders to ensure the widest distribution of this keystone joint publication and actively promote the use of all joint publications at every opportunity. I further challenge you to study and understand the guidance contained in this publication and teach these principles to your subordinates. Only then will we be able to fully exploit the remarkable military potential inherent in our joint teams.

August 24, 2011 at 2:42 PM

Michael Schifer, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for East Asia, will hold a press briefing today on the Pentagon's report to Congress on the “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China.”

The briefing is set for 2:00. We'll have details and the report as they are available.