The Insider

By Sebastian Sprenger
May 17, 2011 at 7:34 PM

Two members of the Senate Armed Services Committee have asked panel Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) to “significantly restrict funding” for the Medium Extended Air Defense System in his mark of the fiscal year 2012 defense authorization bill.

Defense leaders have put MEADS on a “proof-of-concept” trajectory through FY-13, to the tune of $800 million. In a joint May 16 letter to Levin, Sens. Mark Begich (D-AK) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) argue the plan is unreasonable because the United States and its program partners Germany and Italy would not get “any tangible benefit” out of MEADS.

They propose authorizing only $265 million -- which, they write, would be enough to cover the U.S. share of termination costs in the event of a mutual decision by all three countries to cancel the program.

By Cid Standifer
May 17, 2011 at 6:30 PM

The Navy made it official today: As expected, Rear Adm. James Murdoch has been tapped to lead the recently created program executive office for the Littoral Combat Ship.

The LCS program has been divided between a program office for the seaframe and another for mission modules since its inception, but as Defense News reported earlier this month, the Navy plans to unite them under one PEO.

The Navy confirmed that today in its flag officer announcements, which said Murdoch will be transferred from his post as Fleet Forces Command fleet maintenance officer to the head of the new office.

This is not Murdoch's first run-in with the LCS beast. Until mid-2010, he was program manager for the LCS shipbuilding program under Naval Sea Systems Command.

By Jordana Mishory
May 17, 2011 at 2:31 PM

The Pentagon is on track to become audit ready by the 2017 deadline set by Congress, according to the latest version of a biannual audit readiness report released this week.

Signed by Pentagon Comptroller Robert Hale, the report states that audit readiness is a top priority for the Defense Department and lays out a series of incentives to encourage components to get their books ready. The DOD has still not complied with a two-decade-old law requiring all federal agencies be audited. On May 16, Hale, Deputy Chief Financial Officer Mark Easton and Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness Director Joseph Quinn presented elements of the new report to a Defense Audit Advisory Committee.

By Amanda Palleschi
May 16, 2011 at 8:41 PM

The White House unveiled a "U.S. International Strategy for Cyberspace" today that explains the administration's agenda for partnering with other countries to secure cyberspace.

Deputy Defense Secretary Bill Lynn presented the strategy along with Homeland Security Adviser John Brennan, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The release comes just after the White House unveiled a legislative cybersecurity proposal.

The proposal states that military force can be used in the cyber realm along with other means to defend the nation's networks as well as allied nations:

All states possess an inherent right to self-defense, and we recognize that certain hostile acts conducted through cyberspace could compel actions under the commitments we have with our military treaty partners.We reserve the right to use all necessary means -- diplomatic, informational, military, and economic -- as appropriate and consistent with applicable international law, in order to defend our Nation, our allies, our partners, and our interests. In so doing, we will exhaust all options before military force whenever we can; will carefully weigh the costs and risks of action against the costs of inaction; and will act in a way that reflects our values and strengthens our legitimacy, seeking broad international support whenever possible.

By Gabe Starosta
May 16, 2011 at 7:55 PM

Lockheed Martin, the Joint Strike Fighter's prime contractor, has responded positively to an invitation to testify in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday. Tom Burbage, the company's top fighter aircraft official, will appear alongside Vice Adm. David Venlet, the F-35's program executive officer.

Burbage will be part of the hearing's second panel, according to the committee's website. Burbage, a retired naval aviator, held the same position in the company's F-22 Raptor program office before taking over JSF activities. He will join Venlet and Michael Sullivan, the director of acquisition and sourcing management at the Government Accountability Office, in front of the committee late Thursday morning.

The committee will first hear testimony from some of the Defense Department's top officials involved in the JSF program: Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter; Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation Director Christine Fox; Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon's director of operational test and evaluation; and David Van Buren, the Air Force's acting acquisition executive. They make up the first panel of the hearing, which is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m.

The Senate Armed Services Committee hosted a similar hearing to review the status of the F-35 program in March 2010, but Venlet had not yet been put in charge of the program and no Lockheed officials testified that day.

By John Liang
May 16, 2011 at 3:55 PM

With the killing of Osama Bin Laden by Navy SEALs earlier this month, special operations forces have stepped into the limelight like never before. Coincidentally, the Pentagon last month updated its official joint doctrine on special operations. The April 18 Joint Publication 3-05, the first big update since December 2003, incorporates a host of changes, including:

* Subsumes sections of special operations and the principles of war, special operations and the principles of military operations other than war, and the nature of special operations into one discussion of special operations across the range of military operations.

* Discusses the following as part of command and control of special operations forces (SOF): SOF as the lead for a joint task force, integration and interoperability of conventional forces and SOF, interorganizational coordination, and multinational coordination.

* Introduces the concept Special Operations Joint Task Force (SOJTF) through which United States Special Operations Command will present all theater SOF under one special operations commander.

* Incorporates a stand-alone section on geospatial information and services support of SOF into a general discussion of support considerations.

* Adds sections on operational contract support, host-nation support, protection, maritime support, information operations support, and multinational support.

* Deletes an appendix on SOF education and training.

* Implements the change from the term "psychological operations" (PSYOP) to "military information support operations" (MISO).

* Revises and updates numerous definitions in accordance with current directives and practice.

* Deletes discussion of SOF truths.

* Reflects the development of a United States Marine Corps SOF capability.

One big point of emphasis in the document is special operations forces' capability to carry out irregular warfare (IW):

From the United States perspective, IW encompasses a level of conflict that is less than traditional warfare and involves an adversary seeking to disrupt or negate the military capabilities and advantages of a more powerful, conventionally armed military force, often representing the regime of a nation. However, the strategic objectives of IW are no less significant than those of traditional warfare. Unlike the force-on-force orientation of traditional warfare, IW focuses on the strategic purpose of gaining and maintaining control or influence over, and the support of a relevant population through political, psychological, and economic methods. IW requires a different mindset and different capabilities than those focused on the conventional military defeat of an adversary. The SOF mindset and capabilities make them particularly well suited for all forms of IW. Further, SOF capabilities complement those of CF, whom the Department of Defense (DOD) also has tasked with gaining a core competency in IW.

By John Liang
May 13, 2011 at 9:28 PM

Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter recently issued a revised "management plan" to tighten ties with federally funded research and development centers.

In a May 2, 2011, memo, first reported earlier this week by Defense News, Carter announced a revised plan "that provides improved clarity to better assist your oversight and management of the FFRDCs you sponsor." Additionally, the DOD acquisition chief has released so-called "How-to-Guides" that "provide detailed guidance in areas that frequently present procedural questions and challenges."

Inside the Pentagon reported in December that FFRDCs were established to provide the Defense Department "with unique analytical, engineering and research capabilities in many areas where the government cannot attract and retain personnel in sufficient depth and numbers," as Carter wrote in a Dec. 9, 2010, memo.

"They also operate in the public interest free from organizational conflicts of interest and can therefore assist us in ways that industry contractors cannot," his December memo added. FFRDCs maintain core competencies in domains that continue to be of great importance to DOD, the memo noted.

Given the centers' special relationship with the rest of the defense enterprise, "I view them as a vial component of the overall acquisition workforce, along with the government's acquisition workforce and the for-profit contractor expertise," Carter's May 2 memo states. "All three are critical to a strong acquisition process. In using FFRDCs, we must take advantage of their freedom from organizational conflicts of interest and of their long-term capabilities that are not available to us elsewhere.

"I urge you to focus them on the department's most pressing matters, and educate your workforce to the unique capabilities this resource brings to the department," the memo continues.

Carter's memo cites "topics requiring additional work that will be addressed in subsequent How-to-Guides, such as overarching FFRDC Non-Disclosure Agreements, recognition and handling of FFRDC employees deploying overseas, and Post-employment Restrictions for FFRDC employees that return from DOD Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) 'detail' assignments."

"Several changes were made" to the management plan, according to the Carter memo, "to emphasize the long-term, strategic nature of the relationship between the department and the FFRDCs. This plan contains a change in wording on the typical period of performance for FFRDC contracts compared to the May 2003 version of the plan."

Carter emphasizes that the wording change "does not reflect a change in law or policy, rather it connotes that, consistent with current law and regulation, the long-term strategic relationship between the FFRDC and their respective sponsor should be addressed in the sponsoring agreement."

By John Liang
May 13, 2011 at 3:55 PM

In case you missed the mark-up earlier this week of the House Armed Services Committee's version of the fiscal year 2012 defense authorization bill and wanted a taste of the individual panel members' priorities, we now have the amendments that were offered during that debate:

Order of Debate

Seapower and Projection Forces Amendments

Emerging Threats and Capabilities Amendments

Readiness Amendments

Tactical Air and Land Forces Amendments

Stategic Forces Amendments

Military Personnel Amendments

Full Committee Amendments

By Amanda Palleschi
May 12, 2011 at 7:48 PM

The White House today sent Congress a highly anticipated legislative proposal that addresses the federal government's cybersecurity strategy and authorities.

The proposal puts the Department of Homeland Security squarely in the lead in protecting the nation's critical infrastructure and federal computers and networks, leaving a supporting role for the Defense Department and other agencies.

A senior White House official was asked during a conference call with reporters whether the administration's proposal would change U.S. Cyber Command's lack of authority to defend private infrastructure against an attack from abroad.

“DHS has long been the primary organization working with the private sector for a long time, but drawing on the positive resource we have in the rest of government, including DOD, Department of Energy, Department of the Treasury,” the official replied. “Consequently, we think this is the best way forward and also gives us the authority to help the private sector in all various circumstances.”

The proposal had been anticipated by lawmakers as a response to Senate cybersecurity legislation, which calls for President Obama to “assess cyber risks and prevent, detect, and robustly respond to cyber attacks against the government and military”and “incentivize the private sector to quantify, assess and mitigate cyber risks to their communications and information networks.” Those responsibilities fall primarily to DHS in both the White House and Senate proposals.

The Pentagon is due to release a new cybersecurity strategy, known as Cyber 3.0, in the coming weeks. It is expected to coordinate DOD's initiatives across the defense agencies and with international partners.

By Christopher J. Castelli
May 12, 2011 at 5:38 PM

The U.S. military's intervention in Libya has so far cost roughly $750 million, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said this morning.

Noting Congress routinely pays for cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan through the overseas contingency operations account -- which the House Armed Services Committee voted yesterday to fund at a level of $118 billion in fiscal year 2012 -- Gates said the Defense Department is having to pay for operations in Libya out of hide.

"In the case of Libya, unfortunately, we're fundamentally having to eat that one," Gates said at Camp Lejeune, NC. "And so it's probably at this point somewhere in the ballpark of $750 million, and we'll find the money. But in terms of our operations overseas, the budgetary problems that the country is facing and the deficit I think will not have an impact in terms of funding the operations that we're in."

With the exception of some rebel leaders in Libya, U.S. officials do not know who the rebels are, Gates said, adding, "And I think this is one of the reasons why there has been such a reluctance, at least on our part, to provide any kind of lethal assistance to the opposition."

By Cid Standifer
May 12, 2011 at 2:34 PM

Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Marines this morning that he believes units will reach a two-to-one or three-to-one dwell ratio in the next few years, despite the Marine Corps' intent to cut back on end strength, but some low-density high-demand specialties likely will continue to experience low dwell time.

At a town hall meeting in Camp Lejeune, NC, Gates said he expects the decline in the number of troops to balance out with the drawdown in Afghanistan. “The goal is to get to one-to-two, so for every, let's say, every six months deployed, you get at least a year at home,” he told Marines. “I think as we draw down in Afghanistan over the next three years, the dwell will probably increase beyond that.”

However, he said there was “no question in [his] mind” that some specialties would not reach that goal. Specifically, he named military police, intelligence analysts, ordinance disposal personnel and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance experts. "We just don't have enough of those specialties to fill the requirement,” he said, “so we're still having to deal with a fair amount of individual augmentees.”

Gates said he hopes that before he steps down from his position, he can “tee up” some of the difficult budgetary decisions the Defense Department will have to make. He said he fears cuts that would maintain today's force structure without providing the proper manpower and training to sustain it. “Across-the-board cuts, as far as I'm concerned, represent managerial cowardice,” he said.

Instead, he pledged to focus on “third-rail issues” like compensation for working-age retirees and Tricare premiums, as well as forcing commanders to accept some force-structure risk. For example, he questioned the likelihood that the United States could someday simultaneously be at war in two regions against enemies like Iran and North Korea.

“If you want to change the size of the budget in a dramatic way, what risk are you prepared to take in terms of future threats to the country?” he asked.

Gates noted that the budget cuts may not proceed in a logical and sensible manner as politics impacts the process. As an example, he pointed to the continuing resolutions on the fiscal year 2011 budget that Congress renewed multiple times earlier this year before passing an appropriations bill last month. “[They] were incredibly irrational and caused us to do incredibly stupid things,” he said.

By Christopher J. Castelli
May 12, 2011 at 12:58 PM

Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn spoke Wednesday evening in New York about managing the defense enterprise in a drawdown as the Obama administration seeks to cut security spending by $400 billion by fiscal year 2023.

"To undertake this evaluation, we have begun a comprehensive review to frame our choices in terms of strategy, missions, and capabilities rather than budget targets alone," Lynn said. (His speech is here.) "This review will focus on how to ensure that we preserve a superb defense force to meet national security goals, even if fiscal pressure requires reductions in size."

DOD must reject the traditional approach of making unbalanced reductions or applying across the board cuts that preserve overhead and force structure yet hollow out the force and harm the industrial base, Lynn noted.

The review will lay out key "policy choices," he said: "What missions are we doing today that we will not do tomorrow? What are the implications for our force structure and overseas deployments? What capabilities will be essential to meeting future national security threats? How will we balance the threat from near-peer competitors against that posed by low-end actors?"

The Pentagon must avoid embarking on unaffordable programs, but also "pare back" its missions to those deemed "essential," he said. DOD must "balance reductions across force structure, operating, and investment accounts," he noted, adding the department must "not to cut too much, too fast, especially from core mission areas."

DOD is not looking for further consolidation in the top tier of the defense industrial base, though it is not necessarily opposed to consolidation, he said. Also key to the industrial base: international sales.

"For us, the issue is how to slow defense spending responsibly while retaining the most effective fighting force in the world," he said. "For industry, it is how to adjust to a less robust defense market while maintaining their technological prowess."

DOD needs industry partners "interested in sustained performance, not highly leveraged companies who ignore risk in pursuit of profits," he said. "We are in this for the long haul, and need industrial partners and financial backers who think and act likewise. In this respect, our viewpoint is similar to long-term investors, not short-term speculators."

"Think Warren Buffet, not Gordon Gekko," Lynn said.

By John Liang
May 12, 2011 at 12:24 AM

The House Appropriations defense subcommittee will mark up its portion of the fiscal year 2012 spending bill on June 1, with the full committee scheduled to vote on June 14, according to a panel statement released today.

Included in today's statement was a list of 302(b) "notional subcommittee funding limits" which lists defense spending limits at $530 billion, compared to the Obama administration's just-under $539 billion. According to the panel statement:

While the House floor schedule is maintained and directed by the House Leadership, the Chairman's schedule helps pave the way for at least nine of the 12 bills to be considered on the House floor before August 5th, with the consideration of the remaining bills in September before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.

Chairman Rogers said that this schedule will help avoid a perilous budget situation like the one that occurred earlier this year, which caused the final FY 2011 Appropriations to be approved seven months late and prompted arduous negotiations and threats of a government shutdown.

"I promised when I became Chairman that I would complete our Appropriations work on time and on budget, and I will do everything I can to fulfill that promise," Chairman Rogers said. "Congress has a responsibility to the American people to complete this legislation before the end of the fiscal year so that vital programs and services can be funded adequately and sensibly. We must rebuild Americans' confidence in the way the government spends its taxpayer dollars and avoid the uncertainty and expense often caused by past-due Appropriations bills."

In addition, reflecting the critical need for significant budget reductions to help cut back the nation's looming debt, Rogers announced lean funding limits for each of the 12 Appropriations subcommittees. The levels are based on the Budget Resolution the House passed last month and include a reduction of nearly $46 billion from last year's (FY 2011) levels for non-security programs.

"Facing record-high deficits, this year, more than ever, we must make the hard budget decisions to help rein in spending. The Appropriations bills this year will include double-digit reductions for virtually every non-security area of government, while providing additional resources for the nation's critical and urgent needs -- such as our national defense. Many of these cuts will not win any popularity contests, but these types of reductions are imperative to overcoming our unparalleled fiscal crisis so that we can get our economy moving, create jobs and provide future financial security," Chairman Rogers said.

By John Liang
May 11, 2011 at 7:08 PM

Last month's strong tornadoes in Alabama have pushed back the release date for the Missile Defense Agency's medium-range ballistic missile targets draft request for proposals, according to a notice posted today on Federal Business Opportunities.

"Due to the inclement weather during the week of 25 April and associated impacts to MDA operations, the current projection for the release of the Draft RFP is on or about 16 May 2011," the notice states. MDA had originally planned to release the document on May 5.

According to the original synopsis posted April 14:

Under FEDBIZOPPS announcement HQ0147-09-R-0011, released on July 2, 2009, the Government announced intent to award competitive, fixed priced and cost-reimbursement contract(s) to continue support of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) Element and System Flight Tests, to include Short Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM), Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM), Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM), and Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) target systems.

This pre-solicitation notice specifically addresses MDA's MRBM Target Class requirements. MRBM requirements include development and manufacturing of MRBM, integrated logistics support to include inventory storage and maintenance, pre and post mission analysis, ground and air launch preparation and execution, and engineering services to include Ballistic Missile Defense System modeling and simulation support. The requirement is for targets under a contract including cost-reimbursement and fixed priced contract line items.

MDA anticipates issuing a final RFP in August, with contract award in mid-2012, according to the notice.

In February, MDA put a stop to its effort to build a new class of long-range, intercontinental ballistic missile targets. In a Feb. 16 FedBizOpps notice, MDA stated: "Due to reprioritization of the test events planned under the Missile Defense Agency Integrated Master Test Plan, the Government hereby provides notification to industry that the pending release of the ICBM Targets Request for Proposal (RFP) is canceled. The Missile Defense Agency will compete this requirement in the future at a time to be determined."

By John Liang
May 11, 2011 at 3:55 PM

The Defense Department will not undertake any major refinements to its data collection and reporting in tracking fiscal year 2011 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Defense Environment Alert reports this week. However, DOD will attempt some smaller improvements to its record-keeping following the release of its first-time comprehensive GHG inventory late last month. Further:

DOD's GHG emissions from its installations, purchased electricity and other non-combat-related consumption totaled 34 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e) in FY10, according to the inventory, which was released on the heels of White House Office of Management & Budget (OMB) scorecards evaluating federal agency performance in several sustainability areas, including GHG pollution reporting.

The inventory also revealed that DOD's military operations emitted more than 49 MTCO2e in FY 10 - far surpassing, as expected, the level of GHG emissions from its installations and other non-combat-related energy use. DOD's military operations are exempt from GHG reduction targets, but the military is still pursuing energy reduction and alternative fuels for operations that will have the added benefit of reducing GHG emissions.

DOD announced last month in conjunction with the OMB scorecards that it had made small cuts to its non-combat GHG emissions between 2008 and 2010 as it moves toward a target of reducing more than a third of its direct GHG emissions from non-combat related releases over the next decade (Defense Environment Alert, April 26).

Now, DOD and other agencies have released their first-time comprehensive inventories, indicating where they stand on GHG releases overall, and delineating specific types of releases, such as purchased electricity, fuel combustion and employee contributions, as well as the emissions it released from its military operations. The inventories and reduction targets are mandated by Executive Order (E.O.) 13514, signed in 2009.