The Insider

By Christopher J. Castelli
June 12, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The new off-road version of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle designed for Afghanistan has not been developed yet, but the Marines are already gung ho about their effort to develop an alternative.

“There is an effort by the Department of Defense, a very right and helpful effort, to come up with an Afghanistan version of the MRAP,” Marine Commandant Gen. James Conway said yesterday at the National Press Club. “The fact is, we’re not waiting for that.”

Instead of awaiting the MRAP-All Terrain Vehicle (MRAP-ATV), the Marines are putting an MRAP on the suspension of the 7-ton truck known as the Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR). It's a familiar theme from Conway's recent speeches. Here's the general in his own words from yesterday:

We’ve tested the vehicle. It’s tested very well in initial tests. Even as we sit here today, it’s being further tested before we send it to theater. But we’re very optimistic it’s going to work. It’s going to give our Marines the off-road kind of mobility, and, more importantly, the protection they need in a 38,000-pound vehicle. We’re going to get it there faster than waiting for the development of the MRAP series, designated for Afghan use. And we’re going to do it at a fraction of the price. So we’re charging ahead on that program with great expectations. And our Marines are going to be making great use of the vehicle in what we consider to be the very near future.

Conway made similar comments on June 2, as Inside the Navy reported. “We will probably still need some M-ATVs because not every column is going to be strictly MRAPs,” he noted that day. “Where there’s a need for an up-armored Humvee, we may want to have an M-ATV in its place when they come about. But that is on down range from where we are right now.”

And on May 15, we reported Conway said his service was not "divorcing" from the M-ATV program but would decide where to “park” its money as both the M-ATV and the service’s alternative option develop.

By John Liang
June 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

U.S. Southern Command is scheduled for its change of leadership later on this month, according to a SOUTHCOM statement issued this morning:

MIAMI - U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Douglas Fraser is scheduled to assume duties as commander, U.S. Southern Command from Navy Adm. James Stavridis during a formal change-of-command ceremony at the command's headquarters June 25.

Stavridis, who began his tenure as commander of SOUTHCOM on Oct. 19, 2006, was confirmed June 10 by the U.S. Senate to serve as Commander, U.S. European Command in Stuttgart, Germany, and Supreme Allied Commander of Europe for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, headquartered near Mons, Belgium.

Fraser's presidential nomination for appointment to the grade of general and assignment as SOUTHCOM commander was also approved by the U.S. Senate June 10. The general is scheduled to receive his fourth star prior to the June 25 change-of-command ceremony.

Fraser comes to SOUTHCOM from U.S. Pacific Command, headquartered in Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii, where he served as the geographic unified command's deputy commander.

Fraser has also served as commander of Alaskan Command, a component command of U.S. Pacific Command; 11th Air Force, Pacific Air Forces; and Alaskan North American Defense Region, headquartered at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska.

A 1975 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy and 1992 graduate of the National War College, Fraser earned a master's degree in political science from Auburn University in 1987.

His awards and decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, and Meritorious Service Medal.

Fraser is the first Air Force general to head SOUTHCOM, a post to date led only by Army, Marine Corps and Navy officers.

When Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced the nomination in March, he said Fraser's appointment as well as Stavridis' to head EUCOM are "but one more indication of how joint our military leadership has become and how much America's global security arrangements have evolved since the end of the Cold War."

By Christopher J. Castelli
June 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

U.S. Central Command chief Gen. David Petraeus heard an idea he liked this morning -- and promptly decided to run with it.

The moment came as he took a few questions from an audience assembled by the Center for a New American Security, following a speech in the packed ballroom of the Willard Hotel, not far from the White House.

A Pakistani fellow from U.S. Joint Special Operations University asked the general about the possibility of launching a joint lessons-learned effort on counterinsurgency operations with Pakistan’s national defense university.

“First of all, it’s a great idea,” Petraeus said. “I think I will actually pursue it, which is even better."

He also noted U.S. and Pakistani forces have done a fair amount of sharing back and forth.

“We have a lot to learn from our Pakistani partners -- a great deal -- and there’s much that they can teach us,” Petraeus said.

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Two years ago, defense leaders summoned the Defense Science Board to take an independent look at the Pentagon's strategy to combat roadside bombs. The effort has been known as the board's "Phase II" task force on improvised explosive devices, and the group was to act as a "sounding board" to the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, former Pentagon acquisition chief Kenneth Krieg wrote in a March 21, 2007, terms of reference document.

Recently, defense officials began announcing meetings for a "Phase III" DSB effort.

But the new "phase" does not reflect any sort of new tack or research angle in the panel's counter-IED work, officials said. According to Pentagon spokeswoman Cheryl Irwin, Krieg's old "Phase II" terms of reference still apply.

Naturally, the folks at JIEDDO have knowledge of the matter, too. "To clarify, this is not being considered a phase III activity, but simply a continuation of the phase II task force," JIEDDO spokeswoman Irene Smith wrote in an e-mail.

Current research topics include competitive strategies and red teaming; training technology, including "virtual, constructive, and live simulations;" and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance architectures, Smith wrote.

By Marjorie Censer
June 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

As Inside the Army first reported yesterday, the service has a big event going on next Monday. And today, as this new story notes, the service has formally announced that the event in question is intended to “bring together knowledgeable individuals to offer information and opinions on a way ahead for the Army to develop a new ground combat vehicle.”

The service has provided to Inside the Army a list of those who “have indicated they're interested in coming to the panel.”

Here it is, in full:

GEN (Ret) William Hartzog

LTG (Ret) James Dubik

LTG (Ret) David Barno

MG (Ret) David Fastabend

Dr. John Nagl

Mr. Thomas Szayna

CSM Matthew Walker

SFC Paul Marler

Mr. Dave Oskey

GEN (Ret) Scott Wallace

Mr. Tom Donnelly

BGen Michael Brogan, USMC

COL Reginald Allen (3rd ACR)

Dr. David Markowitz

CSM John Troxell

SFC Nathan Tiemeier

Mr. Bob Holcomb

Brig Phil Jones (UK)

Mr. Jeff Martin

Mr. Don Sando

LTG (Ret) Paul Funk

LTG (Ret) Patrick Hughes

COL David Teeples

Mr. Colin Agee

CSM John Sparks

MG (Ret) Waldo Freeman

Mr. David Johnson

SGM Richard Jones

COL Steve Hood

MSG Victor Vincente

Hon Nelson Ford

LTG (Ret) Joseph Yakovac

MG (Ret) Robert Armbruster

Mr. Anthony Melita

CSM Cynthia Pritchett

Mr. Scott Badenoch

Mr. James Quinlivan

Lt Col Mark Sullivan (UK)

Mr. Andrew Hoehn

Mr. Lawrence Keith

GEN (Ret) Gordon Sullivan

GEN (Ret) John Tillelli

MG Bill Troy

Dr. Dan Goure

Mr. Anthony Cordesman

Mr. Matthew Schaffer

Dr. Joe Braddock

SFC Freddie Housey

COL Bill Burleson (1/10 MNT)

SGM Greg Larsen

LTG (Ret) Bill Campbell

LTG (Ret) Robert Donahue

MG James Terry

COL Ricardo Love (4/2 SBCT)

Mr. Jim Arkedis

CSM Russell Reimer

SGM Jeff Brown

CSM Dennis Defreese

SSG Everett Vantonio

MG (Ret) Scales (T)

By Dan Dupont
June 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

President Obama has tapped a former assistant secretary of the Army for civil works to be the service's next under secretary, the White House announced today.

Joseph Westphal, now a professor at the University of Maine, was the civil works assistant secretary in the late 1990s and early 2000s. He was also, very briefly, the acting Army secretary, and he served on the Obama transition team.

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Defense Secretary Robert Gates yesterday told lawmakers he has renewed hope for a cooperation with Russia on a ballistic missile defense system that would protect Europe against Iranian missiles.

The possibility of a BMD system on European soil has been a source of contention between Washington and Moscow ever since the project was proposed by the Bush administration. The Russians' concern is that the envisioned system, with interceptors in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic, could shoot down their missiles, thereby putting the effectiveness of Moscow's strategic deterrent at risk.

In addition, the Russians believed the system is unnecessary because Iran's missile technology has a ways to go.

Amid this all, the geometrics of missile defense comes into play. And that, according to some scientists, would favor a radar site somewhere in southeastern Russia to ensure an optimal distance to suspected launch sites in Iran.

"((W))e've made a number of offers in terms of how to partner, and I think there are still some opportunities -- for example, perhaps putting radars in Russia, having data exchange centers in Russia," Gates said yesterday at a Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee hearing.

Gates then recounted a conversation with former Russian President Vladimir Putin on the subject.

And so I think the administration is very interested in continuing to pursue this prospect with the Russians, and it may be that our chances are somewhat improved for making progress, because I think the Russians -- when I first briefed -- when I first met with President Putin and talked about this, he basically dismissed the idea that the Iranians would have a missile that would have the range to reach much of Western Europe and much of Russia before 2020 or so. And he showed me a map that his intelligence guys had prepared, and I told him he needed a new intelligence service.

And the fact of the matter is, the Russians have come back to us and acknowledged that were right in terms of the nearness of the Iranian missile threat. And so my hope is -- and that they had been wrong. And so my hope is, we can build on that and perhaps -- perhaps at the president's summit meeting with President Medvedev, perhaps begin to make some steps where they will partner with us and Poland and the Czech Republic in going forward with missile defense in the -- this third site.

The summit meeting is scheduled for next month.

By John Liang
June 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The House Appropriations Committee yesterday released a tentative mark-up schedule for its fiscal year 2010 spending bills.

According to the schedule, the defense subcommittee plans to mark up the FY-10 military spending bill Monday, July 13, and the full committee Tuesday, July 21. The legislation would subsequently go to the House floor Thursday, July 30.

"This schedule would allow the House to complete action on all FY2010 Appropriations Bills before the August Recess, provided that consideration of other high priority legislation does not intervene and provided that we have reasonable procedural cooperation from all members," committee Chairman Dave Obey (D-WI) said in a statement. "It is an ambitious schedule, but it is workable if we all work together and if other crucial considerations do not intervene."

Other bills of interest: The FY-10 military construction spending legislation is scheduled for subcommittee mark-up Tuesday, June 16, with full committee mark-up Wednesday, June 24, and would go to the House floor July 13.

The homeland security subcommittee marked up its $42.6 billion FY-10 bill (which includes $9.9 billion for the Coast Guard) this past Monday, June 8; the full committee is scheduled to take it up on Friday, with the full House to consider it Monday, June 23.

By Marjorie Censer
June 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Army will never move away from a “significant reliance” on contractors, despite efforts to in-source more jobs and provide greater contractor oversight, the Army secretary said earlier this week.

Pete Geren told the House Appropriations defense subcommittee on Tuesday that the Army is taking significant strides to reduce the number of contractors on the battlefield.

“When soldiers deploy, now it's roughly one to one. One soldier deployed for one contractor. We are working on building up . . . both the civilian and military side to reverse that trend,” he said.

But, the Army will never “find ourselves in the position where we don't have a significant reliance on contractors,” Geren added. “There are limits, when you consider the stresses on the rest of the force, how much of that we are going to be in-sourcing.”

Consequently, the Army is seeking to provide greater oversight, he said.

By John Liang
June 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Senate Armed Services Committee today released its schedule for marking up the fiscal year 2010 defense authorization bill.

On Tuesday, June 23, the personnel, airland, strategic forces, readiness and seapower subcommittees will mark up their portions of the bill, followed the next day by the emerging threats and capabilities subpanel.

The full committee will then mark up the bill beginning on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 24 and could go all the way to Friday, June 26, according to a committee statement.

The entire mark-up process will be closed to the public.

By Dan Dupont
June 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Just out from the spokesman for Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is an announcement of the Senate's confirmation today of a few key people nominated by the Obama administration:

Adm. James G. Stavridis, USN for reappointment to the grade of admiral and to be Commander, U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander, Europe;

Lt. General Douglas M. Fraser, USAF to be general and Commander, U.S. Southern Command; and

LTG Stanley A. McChrystal, USA to be general and Commander, International Security Assistance Force and Commander, U.S. Forces, Afghanistan, reported out of Committee on June 9, 2009.

By Christopher J. Castelli
June 9, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who is slated to testify this morning before the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee, will meet in the afternoon with President Obama, according to the White House.

Gates is scheduled to meet with Obama and Vice President Biden in the Oval Office at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday. No word what will be discussed; the meeting is closed to the press.

By Christopher J. Castelli
June 9, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Senate appropriators this morning he is close to determining who will be the acquisition authority for the upcoming tanker competition and what structure will be put in place to ensure the competition is fair, open and transparent.

Gates said he expects a decision on acquisition process within the next week to 10 days. The request for proposals is expected to come out this summer, perhaps next month, he said. The Pentagon will share the draft RFP with Congress, Gates added.

By Christopher J. Castelli
June 9, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Deputy Defense Secretary Bill Lynn will provide key oversight of the upcoming tanker competition, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said toward the end of this morning's Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee hearing.

Gates said he plans to put the “best people” on the tanker program and set up a “supervisory role.”

“I’m going to clearly ask the deputy secretary to take a very close interest in this process,” he told lawmakers.

Gates said he remains a strong proponent of a winner-take-all approach for the program.

By John Liang
June 9, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Pentagon today announced a slew of new Senior Executive Service appointments, among them several new faces in the Defense Department's policy shop:

Daniel Chiu, a study team leader in Institute for Defense Analyses' Joint Advanced Warfighting Division, as principal director for strategy;

Janine Davidson, a national and global security assistant professor at George Mason University, as deputy assistant secretary of defense for plans;

Vicki Huddleston, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Africa;

Marcel Lettre, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) senior national security adviser, as principal director for countering weapons of mass destruction;

Celeste Wallander, an associate professor at American University, as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia policy; and

William Wechsler, managing director of Greenwich Associates, as deputy assistant secretary of defense for counternarcotics and global threats.

Additionally, there were a bunch of policy shop reassignments, according to the DOD announcement:

Amanda Dory, a foreign relations and defense policy manager, has been reassigned as deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy;

Kenneth Handelman, another foreign relations and defense policy manager, will become principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for global strategic affairs;

Alisa Stack, a foreign relations and defense policy manager in the office of the assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict, will become principal director for force development in the policy shop's strategy, plans and force development office;

Theresa Whelan, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Africa, will become deputy assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense domains and defense support of civil authorities; and

Thomas Harvey, a foreign relations and defense policy manager in the international security affairs office, will become the policy shop's chief of staff.

Click here to view Inside the Pentagon's story on the policy shop's reorganization of its homeland defense office.