The Insider

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 5, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Defense officials have reported an 11 percent decrease in Defense Department contractors in Iraq between Dec 31, 2008 and March 31. The reduction -- from 148,050 to 132,610 -- is due to "ongoing efforts to reduce the contractor footprint" in that country, states a May 2009 Pentagon information paper.

The numbers in Afghanistan also are down -- from 60,563 in the last quarter of 2008 to 51,776 in the first quarter of this year, according to the document. This includes a reduction of 9,000 local workers and an addition of roughly 3,500 U.S. workers over the reporting period.

So, do those numbers belie DOD's pledge to employ Afghans and buy from local companies whenever possible?

Maybe, maybe not. The numbers should be taken with a grain of salt because they are due to "revised reporting procedures," as the information paper puts it.

"The data system previously used in census collection (Joint Contingency Contracting System -- JCCS) was found to have been duplicating reported numbers on task order contracts," the document states.

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 4, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Defense officials were unwilling yesterday to illustrate the scenarios underlying a U.S. Joint Forces Command wargame under way in McLean, VA, so reporters participating in a teleconference about the drill resorted to prodding wargame leaders about general defense themes to see whether they played some role in the one-week event.

Not surprisingly, the theme of hybrid warfare came up, as did cyberspace and command and control.

But JFCOM Deputy Commander Vice Adm. Robert Harward and the command's concept development and experimentation chief, Rear Adm. Dan Davenport, mentioned a few other ideas of note.

Exhibit A: Information operations. The background is, of course, the experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, where violent extremists use radio, TV and the Internet to mobilize supporters and intimidate locals. In that context, defense officials use the term "narrative" a lot, and so did Davenport.

"The narrative has been a very major discussion topic so far ((in the wargame)) and one of the key areas of focus," he said.

"There is a recognition of how important that overarching blanket of information operations ((is)), both in the receive mode and in the transmit mode," added Harward. "I would not say that's a surprise, but I would say the emphasis on how we get that right is a major topic in most of the . . . discussions so far through the wargame."

Exhibit B: "Surrogates." The admirals' comments appeared to reflect a trend, or at least DOD's fear of a trend, of adversary nation states secretly employing proxies to do their bidding. The concern is particularly grave when it comes to seemingly ragtag groups plotting attacks with weapons of mass destruction at the behest -- and with the support of -- nation states, according to Harward.

Related theme: What means of deterrence can America use to keep non-state actors in check?

Exhibit C: Seabasing. A reporter asked whether wargame participants believe DOD should ramp up its seabasing capabilities. "I can tell you that's been a big part of the discussion," Harward said. "In several of the scenarios that has been a focal point," he added.

While the context of wargamers' seabasing discussions is unclear, the idea of an off-shore force staging capability comes amid two generally accepted assumptions among defense leaders: For one, the U.S. military will embark on lots of missions -- combat, humanitarian or otherwise -- in the foreseeable future. In addition, adversaries will try to find ways of denying U.S. forces access to faraway trouble spots.

The wargame's unclassified final report is expected at the end of July.

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 4, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Officials at the Hawaii-based U.S. Pacific Command have big plans for saving energy and moving away from fossil-based fuels.

At an industry conference in Denver, CO, last month, PACOM officials outlined a list of projects totaling a whopping $4.2 billion. The biggest chunk on the list of "unfunded" projects, as the PACOM briefing slides call them, involves the construction of three Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTCE) "pilot plants," worth $969 million.

Officials also want to apply spray foam insulation to all PACOM buildings -- to the tune of $400 million. According to the briefing, Defense Department tests with the technology in a "desert environment" have shown energy savings of up to 60 percent.

Also on the list are three biofuel electrical power plants ($295 million), a project called "smart grid and islanding circuitry" ($227 million) and upgrades to heating and air conditioning systems ($200 million).

Much more, including a list of completed energy-related projects, is here.

By John Liang
June 3, 2009 at 5:00 AM

For an attorney, it's the gift that keeps on giving.

A U.S. appeals court this week affirmed an earlier decision by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims that had sustained the government's default termination of the A-12 aircraft contract to which General Dynamics and McDonnell Douglas -- now owned by Boeing -- were parties with the Navy.

But this latest decision doesn't mean it's over, according to at least one of the contractors. Not by a long shot.

In a statement, GD says it "disagrees with this most recent ruling and continues to believe that the government's default termination was not justified. The company also believes that the ruling provides significant grounds for appeal, and intends to seek a re-hearing in the Federal Circuit."

The A-12 Avenger II program was intended to be a carrier-based stealth fighter replacement for the A-6 Intruder used by the Navy and Marine Corps, but the program was canceled in 1991 due to high costs and technical problems.

By Marcus Weisgerber
June 3, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Only a handful of members of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee showed up to hear the Air Force leadership lay their plans for fiscal year 2010 during a hearing on Capitol Hill this morning.

Despite the scarce attendance, there certainly was not a lack of questions for Air Force Secretary Michael Donley and Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz, particularly from Rep. Norman Dicks (D-WA) and Todd Tiahrt (R-KS).

As you can imagine, the duo who serve as Boeing's most vocal supporters in the House had many questions about the service's KC-X next-generation tanker competition. Unfortunately, the top two service leaders provided no new insight on a release date for the latest request for proposals or the criteria that will be used to determine a new winner. Who will serve as the source selection authority also is still up in the air.

“We hope to take the work we've developed thus far to the secretary very soon and to have him give us his direction on how to proceed,” Donley said. “We are hopeful that the new request for proposals will be out on the street this summer.”

I At one point toward the end of the hearing, Dicks and Tiahrt went back and fourth in almost rapid fire succession arguing that the industrial base in the United States should be taken into account when selecting a winner.

Dicks served as the acting chairman in the absence of subcommittee Chairman John Murtha (D-PA). Ranking Member C.W. Bill Young (R-FL) -- who also did not attend the hearing -- along with Murtha did pop in literally as Schwartz was walking out the hearing room door with his entourage.

By Jason Sherman
June 2, 2009 at 5:00 AM

President Obama has tapped Rep. John McHugh, a Republican lawmaker from upstate New York and ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, to be Army secretary, according to numerous press reports citing a senior administration official.

McHugh, a nine-term lawmaker, knows the Army well. His district -- New York's 23rd – includes Fort Drum, home to the Army's light infantry 10th Mountain Division. Before becoming the lead Republican on the House defense authorization committee, he was ranking member of the panel's military personnel subcommittee.

Obama is scheduled to make the announcement at 11:55 a.m., an event that will bet met by a collective sigh of relief by many in the Army who were concerned at the early candidacy of a retired Marine Corps general -- Arnold Punaro -- for the SECARMY post.

UPDATE: The White House issued the following statement from the president.

Today, I am proud to announce John McHugh as the next Secretary of the Army. John is a distinguished public servant who will help keep us safe and keep our sacred trust with our soldiers and their families. He is committed to keeping America’s Army the best-trained, the best-equipped, the best-led land force the world has ever seen. As Secretary of the Army, he will ensure that our soldiers are trained and equipped to meet the full spectrum of challenges and threats of our time. And John shares my belief that a sustainable national security strategy must include a bipartisan consensus at home, and he brings patriotism and a pragmatism that has won him respect on both sides of the aisle. I look forward to working with him in the months and years ahead.

By Thomas Duffy
June 2, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Senate Armed Services Committee right now is holding a hearing on the nominations of three general officers who, if confirmed, will take over very important combatant-commander positions. Army Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal would receive a fourth star and assume command of the International Security Assistance Force and commander, U.S. Forces, Afghanistan. Navy Adm. James Stavridis would become head of U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander, Europe. And Air Force Lt. Gen. Douglas Fraser would get his fourth star and become commander, U.S. Southern Command.

McChrystal, who has extensive counterinsurgency experience, just told committee Ranking Member John McCain (R-AZ) that he could not put a "hard date" on how long the allied counterinsurgency campaign will last in Afghanistan. "We do have to make progress in 18 to 24 months," McChrystal said. U.S. casualties will go up as the allied operation increases, he added.

McCain asked McChrystal what lessons learned from Iraq could be applied to Afghanistan. "A classic counterinsurgency campaign, well resourced, is needed," McChrystal replied.

You can read the answers to questions posed by the committee before the hearing that were provided by McChrystal, Stavridis and Fraser here, here and here.

By Marjorie Censer
June 2, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Army announced today the official halt to its plan to add three brigade combat teams in adherence with Defense Secretary Robert Gates' decision to keep the number at 45 BCTs, not the anticipated 48.

Additionally, the Army said in today's announcement, it will soon provide Congress “a detailed, project-by-project list that specifies which facility requirements have changed and which remain valid.”

Three installations -- Ft. Bliss, TX; Ft. Carson, CO; and Ft. Stewart, GA -- will no longer receive additional brigade combat teams, according to the announcement.

Additionally, the service said today that White Sands Missile Range, NM, will no longer receive a BCT from Europe in fiscal year 2013, as originally planned.

The halt to BCT growth “is the least disruptive ((course of action)) to affected communities and facilitates the best use of taxpayer dollars and current and planned fiscal ((year)) 2009 and fiscal ((year)) 2010 military construction projects,” the announcement adds.

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 2, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Adm. James Stavridis, nominated to head U.S. European Command, today told the Senate Armed Services Committee about an interesting development from his current area of responsibility at U.S. Southern Command.

When the discussion during his confirmation hearing before the panel turned to counternarcotics operations in Afghanistan -- which he would help oversee as EUCOM chief -- Stavridis said this:

I could add, Senator, worth noting that we're in conversations at ((SOUTHCOM)) with our Colombian friends about the possibility of Colombian military engagement in Afghanistan. So that, if it comes to fruition, is a very direct and personal venue to have soldiers who have had experience in both counterinsurgency and counternarcotics transferring some of those lessons learned.

By Christopher J. Castelli
June 1, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Quadrennial Defense Review and Nuclear Posture Review will be “messy,” but that will not stop the Pentagon from consulting key allies and partners during the process, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said over the weekend.

In a May 30 speech in Singapore, Gates said new strategic realities will play a central role as the United States undergoes a number of policy reviews this year, including the QDR and NPR.

“These documents will lay out our view of the threats and challenges to our nation, and how that will be reflected in our future defense procurement and spending strategies,” he added.

Gates then predicted messiness and pledged openness.

“While it is at times a messy process, it will be an open and transparent exercise -- so that no one will get the wrong idea about our intentions,” he said. “We will consult with key allies and partners. And we will articulate our strategy clearly. It is our hope that this effort can be an example of the power of openness and its ability to reduce miscommunication and the risk of competitive arms spending.”

The reviews will help America pursue whole-of-government approaches that offer the only solution to the vexing security challenges of the modern era, Gates said.

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 1, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Joint Improved Explosive Device Defeat Organization's recently released annual report includes a line in its "Way Ahead" section that piqued our interest.

"JIEDDO will participate in the Office of the Secretary of Defense Capability Portfolio Management Process to oversee transition of initiatives into programs of record and enduring Service capabilities," it states there.

The CPM initiative, created by former Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, is akin to a second set of eyes on the services' resource allocation plans. Each of the nine CPM teams can submit so-called issue papers to defense leaders if they believe certain service budget plans run counter to DOD-wide interests.

The report offers no reason to believe JIEDDO officials aren't talking extensively to the services when it comes to determining what counter-IED projects should be handed off to which service. But are they going the extra mile to also engage through the CPM process, as the document suggests?

Apparently not. When pressed, a JIEDDO spokeswoman said there are no formal processes set up for routing JIEDDO transition plans through the CPM assessment teams.

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 1, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Defense Department should cooperate more closely with China in the area of science and technology, according to a March 2009 National Defense University paper presented at a conference of DOD international acquisition experts late last month.

"It is in the long-term interest of DOD to proactively seek out opportunities to engage in fundamental scientific collaborations with the top academic institutions in China," wrote William Berry, a researcher at NDU's Center for Technology and National Security Policy. "Through such collaborations we will learn new scientific techniques and strategies, avoid technological surprise, and develop beneficial working relationships that will enhance our economic and national security," the paper states.

According to Berry, China is expected to achieve world-class status in many areas of the life and physical sciences within 15 years, likely surpassing the United States.

Potential areas for cooperation include nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and fuel technologies, Berry wrote.

By Sebastian Sprenger
May 29, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a handy pamphlet yesterday that explains what can be said publicly about the structure of America’s intelligence apparatus.

Over 114 pages, the document describes the big players in the intelligence world, like the Defense Intelligence Agency or the National Reconnaissance Office. It also devotes a few lines to lesser-known organizations like DIA’s Underground Facilities Analysis Center (UFAC) or the National Media Exploitation Center (NMEC).

To be sure the public knows what to expect of the intelligence community, and perhaps in response to the bad press that followed the revelation of harsh interrogation techniques used on terror suspects, the document includes a section about what America’s spies can and cannot do.

In the “can-do” category, there are plenty of buzzwords that have to do with providing “situational awareness” or “long-term strategic assessments.” Here, the document also makes note of the classified Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which serves as the central U.S. repository for information about known or suspected terrorists (KSTs).

What can’t the intelligence community do? Two things, according to the document:

“Predict the future” and “violate U.S. law or the U.S. Constitution”

No surprises there.

By Sebastian Sprenger
May 28, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The issue of cybersecurity pretty much dominates the discussions around information and communications technology (ICT) these days. A new Pentagon instruction shines the spotlight on another longstanding issue in the ICT community: information sharing with civilian organizations during stabilization and reconstruction operations.

The April 30 document, for the first time, clarifies how defense officials should use their IT gear to help civilian organizations plug into unclassified military information networks set up during disaster relief and reconstruction operations.

Here are some core points of the new instruction:

  • “Extension of bandwidth to or sharing of existing available bandwidth with civil-military partners is permitted to enable connection to or provision of Internet service and voice capability.
  • “Where circumstances require temporary cellular network services to be installed for DoD elements, these services may be extended for interim use by non-DoD partners until local services are re-established.
  • “The military departments and defense agencies will ensure that ICT wireless equipment complies with existing domestic, regional, and international frequency spectrum allocations and regulations for interference free operations.”

Many details are covered in the document itself.

By Christopher J. Castelli
May 28, 2009 at 5:00 AM

President Obama signed a memo this week that calls for addressing the government’s tendency to classify too much information. Among the steps being mulled, according to the memo, is “the possible restoration of the presumption against classification, which would preclude classification of information where there is significant doubt about the need for such classification.”

Read the memo.