Richardson: Navy to unveil new FSA in ‘late summer’

By Mallory Shelbourne / April 29, 2019 at 12:16 PM

The Navy expects to release its new force-structure assessment during the “late summer,” according to Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson.

“I think it’s probably late summer is what we’re looking at,” Richardson told reporters today.

The Navy released its last FSA, which evaluates both the number and types of battle-force ships for the service, in December 2016. This plan currently governs Navy shipbuilding and calls for the service to work toward a 355-vessel fleet.

The forthcoming FSA is the first analysis conducted since the release of the new National Defense Strategy, which seeks to prepare for a period of great power competition with nations like China and Russia.

Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Systems Vice Adm. William Merz in March told the House Armed Services seapower subcommittee the updated FSA would feature “a pretty hard look at the mix of ships this year.”

Merz also said unmanned ships, which are not currently included in the number of battle-force vessels, are “very much a part of the calculus now in this upcoming FSA.”