Rood: Navy fielded W76-2 low-yield ballistic missile

By Justin Katz / February 4, 2020 at 9:31 AM

With eyes toward Russia and a directive from the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, the Navy has fielded a low-yield submarine-launched ballistic missile warhead, according to a senior Defense Department official.

"In the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, the [Pentagon] identified the requirement to 'modify a small number of submarine-launched ballistic missile warheads' to address the conclusion that potential adversaries, like Russia, believe that employment of low-yield nuclear weapons will give them an advantage over the United States and its allies and partners," Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood said in a statement today.

The development of a low-yield warhead has been the subject of debate on Capitol Hill. Proponents argue a larger arsenal of nuclear weapons will help the country deter adversaries from employing similar weapons, an argument Rood cited in his statement.

"This supplemental capability strengthens deterrence and provides the United States a prompt, more survivable low-yield strategic weapon; supports our commitment to extended deterrence; and demonstrates to potential adversaries that there is no advantage to limited nuclear employment because the United States can credibly and decisively respond to any threat scenario," according to Rood.

Meanwhile, opponents, who have repeatedly attempted to add limitations to such a weapon's development in the annual defense policy bill, say it is unnecessary.

"[W]hen it comes to nuclear weapons, there is no such thing as a proportional response," House Armed Services Chairman Adam Smith (D-WA) said in a statement last year while his panel was crafting the defense policy bill.

"We all agree that the United States must maintain our military advantage over our near peer adversaries but adding more low-yield ballistic missile warheads to our arsenal will not help us achieve that goal or make our country safer," he said.

Rood first confirmed the weapon's fielding to The Associated Press.