Space RCO awards IDIQs to 20 businesses for ground systems work

By Shelley K. Mesch / June 27, 2024 at 12:37 PM

The Space Rapid Capabilities Office awarded 20 businesses with contracts with a cap of $1 billion as part of its Rapid Resilient Command and Control effort.

The indefinite delivery indefinite quantity contracts for R2C2 will be used to develop, integrate and demonstrate end-to-end satellite operations ground systems capabilities that leverage a commercial cloud architecture, a Space RCO spokesperson said in an email.

“R2C2 will acquire software systems in bite-size pieces -- delivering timely SatOps capabilities to on-orbit mission partners and providing operators automation and a common user experience across satellite missions,” the spokesperson said, adding that the capabilities will be used by operators to “plan, execute and provide feedback on dynamic satellite missions through ground entry points around the world.”

The program aims to build on previous efforts for ground services, including Enterprise Ground Services and Ground Command, Control and Communications, according to the request for information for the program released last year.

The 20 businesses will compete for individual task orders for the program to modernize the satellite ground infrastructure. The Space RCO expects to complete one or more orders within the next few months, the spokesperson said.

The 20 companies awarded IDIQ contracts are:

  • Aalyria Technologies Inc.
  • AI Solutions Inc.
  • Defense Unicorns Inc.
  • FTI - Frontier Technology Inc.
  • Giuseppe Engineering LLC.
  • Infinity Systems Engineering.
  • IS4S - Integrated Solutions for Systems Inc.
  • NewSat North America LLC.
  • Northstrat Incorporated.
  • Omitron Inc.
  • Omni Fed LLC (Omni Federal).
  • PCA - Pacific Crest Alliance.
  • Picogrid Inc.
  • Quantum Research International.
  • Raft LLC.
  • Rogue Space Systems Corp.
  • Sphinx Defense Inc.
  • STR - Systems & Technology Research LLC.
  • TapHere! Technology LLC.
  • True Anomaly Inc.