Supercommittee Preview

By John Liang / September 2, 2011 at 4:54 PM

With Labor Day almost upon us, a congressional "supercommittee" will soon begin the process of cutting billions of dollars in government spending. A sizeable chunk of those cuts will likely impact the defense budget.

In that spirit, five Republican House and Senate lawmakers -- one of whom is on the supercommittee -- will appear at an event next week hosted by the American Enterprise Institute, the Foreign Policy Initiative and The Heritage Foundation to talk about where some of those defense-spending cuts may be made. The GOP lawmakers are:

Rep. Randy Forbes (VA)

Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA)

Rep. Allen West (FL)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC)

Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ)

Kyl's appearance is contingent on the supercommittee's meeting schedule, according to the event announcement.