Term Limits

By John Liang / December 22, 2010 at 4:15 PM

Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA), the incoming head of the House Armed Services Committee, will have six years to enjoy his chairmanship.

That's because House Speaker-to-be John Boehner (R-OH) has re-established term limits for the number of years a lawmaker can serve as a committee chairman, according to an organization that advocates term limits:

U.S. Term Limits President Philip Blumel today praised House Republican Leader John Boehner for restoring House rules limiting the number of years a member of Congress can serve as the chairman of a committee.

"Speaker-elect Boehner is clearly listening to the American people, who don't want congressional committee chairmen to become institutions unto themselves.  Boehner deserves the thanks of all Americans," Blumel said.

"Committee chairmen term limits will allow new blood to take leadership spots, and bring fresh ideas to key committees," Blumel added.

Under the new proposed rules, members will be limited to three two-year terms as committee chairmen.  This rule had existed under the previous Republican majority, but was eliminated when Democrats took control of the majority in 2007.