In case you missed it, the Pentagon's defense research and engineering office earlier this summer released a "Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) Deskbook" document that provides guidance on how to assess "the maturity of critical hardware and software technologies to be used in systems."
As the deskbook states:
The body of this document is a concise description of suggested best practices, responsibilities, roles, and procedures for meeting the TRA requirements. The appendixes are designed to amplify the material in the main body.
ACAT ID and IAM programs are expected to follow these best practices as a condition for certification. The processes outlined should also be used for other MDAPs. This Deskbook is intentionally generic and non-prescriptive. The Services and agencies, given their vast organizational structures, are encouraged to establish their own implementation guidance, approved and endorsed by the Component Science and Technology (S&T) Executive. Procedures should be based upon the principles, guidance, and recommended best practices contained in this Deskbook.