Transition: Special Report

By Dan Dupont / November 5, 2008 at 5:00 AM

Don't miss our new special report on what comes next now that the biggest question -- who's the next president? -- has been answered.

We lead off with this story:

Obama Team Considers New DOD Posts, Budget Challenges

President-elect Barack Obama's national security advisers -- led by former Navy Secretary Richard Danzig -- must assemble a new civilian Pentagon leadership team to take charge of two wars, determine how to reconstitute battle-worn forces while the federal budget and national economy faces severe pressure, and translate national security campaign promises into defense policy.

The Obama transition team, according to a briefing paper prepared for the campaign's national security advisory team, may consider a number of organizational changes to the Defense Department's civilian leadership that signal a break with priorities of the last eight years and point to the ascendancy of new issues that will affect defense strategy.

The incoming administration, according to the paper, may retool the intelligence under secretary office established by Donald Rumsfeld; create a new high-level energy security post; and divide the substantial portfolio of the assistant secretary for special operations/low-intensity conflict and interdependent capabilities.

It will also mull cuts to high-profile weapon systems, the paper states, naming three: national missile defense, the Airborne Laser and the Army's Future Combat Systems program.

Much more therein. A good read for the first day after the election. And we've got a lot more to come.