Megan Scully

Megan Scully was an associate editor with Inside Defense until October 2003.

Archived Articles
Daily News | October 1, 2003

The Army's Training and Doctrine Command today officially established a new organization to oversee joint force integration and much of the development work for the service's Future Force.

Daily News | September 24, 2003

Lt. Gen. George Casey has been nominated for Army vice chief of staff, a position that will be vacated when Gen. John Keane retires next month.

Daily News | September 23, 2003

Maj. Gen. Joseph Bergantz, who heads the Army's aviation program executive office, has announced his plans to retire next July, according to a Sept. 18 e-mail the two-star sent to his staff.

Daily News | September 23, 2003

Maj. Gen. Joseph Yakovac has been nominated for promotion to the military deputy position within the office of the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology.

Daily News | August 28, 2003

The Army's Future Combat System lead system integrator team today added three more companies to its list of industry partners, leaving the smallest class of unmanned aerial vehicles as the only FCS procurement area still up for grabs.

Daily News | August 11, 2003

Efforts to jointly manage the Joint Tactical Radio System have failed to unite the services around the program and could lead to development delays of more than a year, according to a General Accounting Office report released today.

Daily News | August 1, 2003

In one of its final moves before a month-long recess, the Senate last night confirmed the nomination of Peter Schoomaker as Army chief of staff.

Daily News | July 29, 2003

With Army troops stretched thin across the globe and force commitments in Iraq not expected to decrease in the near future, the service must review its active-duty troop levels, according to Peter Schoomaker, the administration's nominee for Army chief of staff.

Daily News | July 22, 2003

The Pentagon is standing up five review panels to support Defense Department decision-makers in analyzing and prioritizing warfighting requirements for the future force.

Daily News | June 12, 2003

The Army today awarded General Dynamics subsidiary Eagle Enterprise Inc. a $100 million contract for the service's Objective Force Warrior program.

Daily News | June 9, 2003

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki will complete his four-year term as the service's top uniformed officer -- as well as his military career -- June 11.

Daily News | June 4, 2003

Army chief scientist Michael Andrews will step down from his post later this month and join L-3 Communications, according to an internal Army e-mail circulated today.

Daily News | May 19, 2003

Pentagon acquisition chief Pete Aldridge yesterday signed the acquisition decision memorandum for the Army's Future Combat Systems program, officially propelling it into the $14.9 billion system development and demonstration phase.

Daily News | May 13, 2003

Dust and scattered Iraqi forces forced the Army's 101st Airborne Division to forgo nighttime deep attack operations using the AH-64 Apache helicopter, and rely instead on the aircraft to conduct deep armed reconnaissance missions during the day, the division's commander, Maj. Gen. David Petraeus, said today.

Daily News | April 23, 2003

The Army Systems Acquisition Review Council last week approved Increment 1 of the Future Combat Systems to enter into system development and demonstration, the service said today.

Daily News | April 16, 2003

Maj. Gen. Steven Boutelle has been nominated to serve as the Army's chief information officer (G-6), according to an April 15 Defense Department announcement.

Daily News | March 10, 2003

The Army announced today that it has awarded General Dynamics Decision Systems a $19.9 million contract for Blocks II and III of the Prophet ground-based signals intelligence program.

Daily News | March 3, 2003

The Defense Department lacks adequate stores of vaccine for the botulinum toxin, a fast-acting and potentially lethal biological agent, top Army officials involved in chemical and biological defense said today.

Daily News | January 31, 2003

The Army has awarded a $59.9 million research and development contract for the Land Warrior Block II program to a team of contractors led by General Dynamics' Decision Systems business unit, according to a service official.

Daily News | January 27, 2003

Sen. Russell Feingold (D-WI) and 15 other senators have sent Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld a letter urging adequate funding in the fiscal year 2004 budget to establish, equip and train an additional 23 full-time Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams.

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