DSCA Announces Possible $909 Million F-16 Aircraft Sale To Brazil

By Keith Costa / April 19, 2002 at 5:00 AM
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency informed Congress yesterday of a possible $909 million foreign military sale of F-16 aircraft and related services to Brazil. Brazil has requested 12 F-16C/D "Block 50 plus" aircraft with either the F100-PW-229 or F110-GE-129 engine, according to a DSCA statement released today. The country also asked for 14 LANTIRN targeting pods, 14 LANTIRN navigation pods with terrain-following radar, 48 AIM-120C Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles, four AMRAAM training missiles, 12 M61 Vulcan cannon, 48 LAU-129...

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