Carter Confirmed

By John Liang / February 12, 2015 at 3:11 PM

The full Senate today confirmed Ashton Carter to be the next defense secretary by a 93-5 vote.

Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Jack Reed (D-RI) said in a statement:

I congratulate and welcome Ash Carter as our new Secretary of Defense. Today, the United States Senate gave Secretary Carter a strong, bipartisan vote of confidence. He is an experienced, effective leader.

Secretary Carter takes the helm of the Pentagon at a time when we face critical national security and budgetary challenges. He should hit the ground running as he is well aware and deeply immersed in many of the significant challenges facing this nation and the Defense Department.

Now that he has been confirmed by the full Senate, I look forward to him having a cooperative and consultative relationship with Congress as we work together to strengthen our Armed Forces and alliances, and better align our resources with the important national security challenges ahead.

I also salute outgoing Secretary of Defense Hagel for his leadership at the Pentagon. Chuck is a great person and a dear friend, and I thank him for his boundless commitment to our service men and women.