CRS On Syria

By John Liang / June 18, 2013 at 4:07 PM

Just as the Obama administration is moving to ramp up military aid to Syrian rebels fighting the Assad regime, the Congressional Research Service has issued a pair of reports on the country:

CRS Report On Syria's Chemical Weapons

The June 14, 2013, Congressional Research Service report states that "U.S. policymakers and Congress may wish to review and discuss authorities, funding, forces, and scenarios in advance" regarding the neutralization of Syria's chemical weapons stockpile.

CRS Report On The Syrian Civil War

The June 14, 2013, Congressional Research Service report states that "the central question for policy makers remains how best to bring the conflict in Syria to a close before the crisis consigns the region to one of several destructive and destabilizing scenarios."

As always, thanks and kudos to Secrecy News for ferreting these reports out.