Inside the Navy highlights

By Lee Hudson / July 18, 2016 at 9:00 AM

Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy:

1. The Navy is investigating the cause behind a series of hull cracks discovered across the majority of the service's Expeditionary Fast Transport fleet in recent months.

Full Story: Navy discovers hull cracks in multiple Expeditionary Fast Transports

2. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson is encouraging lawmakers to give the service chiefs greater latitude to define requirements for weapons systems without interference from the joint staff.

Full Story: CNO pushes for less joint oversight in requirements development process

3. The Navy's top acquisition priority, the next-generation ballistic missile submarine, will only stay on schedule under a continuing resolution as long as the stopgap spending measure lasts no longer than three months.

Full Story: SSBN(X) will stay on schedule under three-month continuing resolution