The INSIDER daily digest

By John Liang / January 15, 2016 at 1:36 PM

We kick off this Friday INSIDER Daily Digest with news on the B-2 bomber and more.

Keep an eye out for an Air Force-Northrop Grumman B-2 agreement coming out soon:

Air Force, Northrop Grumman expect handshake agreement next week on key B-2 upgrade

Palmdale, CA -- The Air Force and Northrop Grumman confirmed this week they are reaching the end of negotiations for a key B-2 defensive management system upgrade and will likely reach a handshake agreement next week.

Industry analysts like a new instruction on DOD services acquisition:

Industry analysts say services instruction could prove helpful

A new instruction on Defense Department services acquisition represents a positive step, several industry analysts tell Inside Defense.

OSD will soon be reviewing a cost estimate on the Navy's future frigate:

Navy sends frigate cost estimate to OSD

The Navy has provided the Office of the Secretary of Defense with a cost estimate on the future frigate being planned for procurement starting in fiscal year 2019, according to a program official.

More SNA conference coverage:

Navy will reverse cruiser modernization decision in FY-17 budget proposal

The Navy will reveal in its fiscal year 2017 budget request that it is reversing the decision to extend the service life of the entire cruiser fleet, according to multiple sources privy to the budget process.

The Air Force will retain one more nuclear bomber:

Air Force tweaks B-52H force structure plan under New START Treaty

The Air Force has tweaked its heavy bomber force structure plan under the New START Treaty, ratcheting up the number of nuclear-capable B-52H bombers it plans to retain from 41 to 42 while also paring back by one the number of non-operational B-52s the service will convert to a conventional-only role.

Don't expect an experimental Air Force satellite to be launched anytime soon:

'Technical challenges' will delay experimental imaging satellite two years

The Air Force will delay the launch of a wide-field-of-view testbed by two years due to "technical challenges," according to the commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center.

The Air Force wants more trainers for its ICBM force:

Air Force intercontinental ballistic missile force seeks updated trainers

The Air Force is requesting a sixth Missile Procedures Trainer for its intercontinental ballistic missile system to assist its training forces at Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA, according to program managers for ICBM trainer sustainment and acquisition.

The Air Force will hold an industry day on armaments in April:

Air Force armament industry day will return with long-term road map

The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center will host its fourth annual armament industry day this April with a focus on the service's long-term planning activity.