The INSIDER daily digest -- June 11, 2024

By John Liang / June 11, 2024 at 2:31 PM

This Tuesday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on a major labor union lobbying for two Virginia-class submarines per year, plus OMB's latest statement of administration policy on the FY-25 defense authorization bill and more.

In a recent letter to the chairmen and ranking members of the House Appropriations Committee and defense subcommittee, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers argues that steady two-per-year Virginia submarine procurement is needed to support the Navy's fleet and industrial base companies and workers:

Defense union calls on House appropriators to fund two Virginia subs ahead of committee mark-up

A large defense labor union is calling on Congress to fund two Virginia-class submarines in its fiscal year 2025 spending legislation in a June 4 letter addressed to the leadership of the House Appropriations Committee, which is set to mark up its version of the bill Thursday.

Document: IAMAW letter to appropriators on Virginia-class funding

In a statement of administration policy sent to Congress today, the Office of Management and Budget opposes certain provisions in the House Armed Services Committee's fiscal year 2024 defense authorization bill but not to the level of threatening a presidential veto:

Biden administration backs House committee's defense policy bill with some objections

The White House "strongly supports" the House Armed Services Committee's version of the fiscal year 2025 defense authorization bill but notes opposition to several provisions related to shipbuilding, missile defense, contractor pricing data and other areas, according to a new statement of administration policy released by the Office of Management and Budget.

Document: OMB statement of administration policy on House's FY-25 defense authorization bill

RTX has received a multimillion-dollar SPY-6 radar contract:

RTX secures $678 million option for seven more SPY-6 radars, bringing total contract up to 38 units

The Navy has awarded RTX a $678 million option for SPY-6 radar production, covering the procurement of seven additional AN/SPY-6(V) units and bringing the total contract value up to 38 of the radars.

The Defense Department's research and engineering chief joined several former Pentagon officials at a recent Center for a New American Security event:

Senior Pentagon official calls on Congress to grant DOD more flexible funding

A senior Pentagon official is calling for more flexibility in the Defense Department's budget so threats can be tackled as they emerge, comments coming a week before the House Armed Services Committee is expected to vote on the fiscal year 2025 defense spending bill.

We have news on the latest tranche of military equipment sent to Ukraine:

DOD announces $225M military package for Ukraine

The Defense Department announced a $225 million weapons package for Ukraine today, including air defense interceptors, artillery systems and munitions, armored vehicles and anti-tank weapons.