The INSIDER daily digest -- June 7, 2018

By John Liang / June 7, 2018 at 2:19 PM

Senate authorizers' FY-19 defense policy legislation dominates this Thursday INSIDER Daily Digest.

Senate authorizers want the Pentagon to undertake a broad overview of defense policy:

Pentagon's top-tier weapon programs could be swept up in massive military review

The Senate has begun debate on legislation that could force a broad review and restructuring of the Pentagon's top acquisition programs as the U.S. military wrestles with plans to prioritize global competitions with China and Russia over counterterrorism missions in the Middle East.

Air Force defense authorization news:

Senate policy mark proposes $100 million add-on for Evolved SBIRS

Senate lawmakers want to boost funding for the Air Force's Evolved Space-Based Infrared System program, proposing an additional $100 million to accelerate development of advanced sensors.

Lawmakers want detailed modernization plans for B-2, B-52

Concerned about potential capability and capacity gaps prior to fielding the Air Force's next-generation B-21 bomber, Senate authorizers want an update on modernization plans for the B-52 and B-2 fleets.

Senate authorizers propose tanker prototyping to test unmanned, survivable capabilities

Senate lawmakers want the Air Force to prototype capabilities to operate a tanker in a contested environment, providing funding in their mark of fiscal year 2019 defense policy legislation to pursue the effort.

Senate mark includes $88 million for F-35 retrofits

As the F-35 Joint Program Office continues to refine its strategy for follow-on development, the Senate Armed Services Committee is concerned about the cost to upgrade older jets to the most modern configuration and is proposing more than $88 million in its mark of fiscal year 2019 defense policy legislation to support fleet retrofits.

Senate panel more than doubles USAF hypersonic prototype project funding in FY-19

Senate lawmakers are moving to more than double Air Force spending in fiscal year 2019 on a new ultra-fast prototype missile -- the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon -- recommending an additional $100 million for the high-priority effort in a move that would lift total allocation for the Lockheed Martin-led project to $178 million.

Senate policymakers want GPS OCX mitigation plan

Senate authorizers are asking the Defense Department for details on what it would take to upgrade the legacy GPS Operational Control Segment to match, or come close to matching, the capabilities being built into the troubled next-generation control segment development effort.

Senate panel directs MDA to proceed with space-based ballistic missile interceptor layer

The Senate Armed Services Committee is proposing legislation that would direct the U.S. military to plan development of a space-based, ballistic missile interceptor fleet -- a project estimated to cost at least tens of billions of dollars -- even if the forthcoming Missile Defense Review does not call for such a capability.

Navy defense authorization news:

Senate authorizers fence HELIOS procurements until Navy provides answers

The Senate Armed Services Committee wants to fence the Navy's procurement of a high-energy laser weapon system until the Navy secretary provides more information on the service's contracting strategy and requirements, according to the report accompanying the committee's version of the fiscal year 2019 defense policy bill.

Marine Corps defense authorization news:

Senate authorizers push Marines to purchase light attack aircraft

Senate lawmakers want the Marine Corps to follow the Air Force's lead in buying a fleet of light attack jets because members believe the Marines are too reliant on the Joint Strike Fighter.

Senate committee directs Marine Corps to purchase interim Group 5 UAS capability

Senate lawmakers are calling for the Marine Corps to purchase a medium-altitude, long-endurance Group 5 unmanned aerial system because the lawmakers believe the RQ-21 Blackjack has repeatedly proved to be ineffective.

Marine Corps MUX news:

Walsh: Marine Corps pegs MUX at roughly $25 million per air vehicle

The Marine Corps would like to purchase a shipboard-capable, unmanned aerial system that can operate from both a large-deck amphibious assault ship and a Navy destroyer for roughly $25 million a copy, according to a senior official.

Walsh: ONR, Aurora autonomous flight technology will go on MUX

The Marine Corps wants to incorporate a $98 million autonomy solution onto its upcoming group 5 unmanned aerial system, according to the service's general in charge of requirements.

The chief of U.S. Southern Command spoke at an industry event this week:

SOUTHCOM chief positions command as artificial intelligence testbed

The chief of U.S. Southern Command is pushing for his forces to help test new technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning and vet them for deployment to higher priority regions of the world.

House appropriators want more information on the Pentagon's cloud computing strategy:

House defense appropriators seek to fence funding for Pentagon's multibillion-dollar cloud programs

The House Appropriations defense subcommittee is moving to prevent the Defense Department from migrating to two planned commercial cloud environments until the Pentagon provides more information on its cloud strategy and spending plans.

Defense business news:

With $100 million in new funding, Lockheed Martin Ventures seeks to accelerate pace

Lockheed Martin Ventures, the venture capital arm of Lockheed Martin that was rebooted two years ago, is set to receive another $100 million in funding following the new tax law, the company said this week.