The INSIDER daily digest -- May 31, 2018

By John Liang / May 31, 2018 at 1:40 PM

Continuing coverage of the Senate Armed Services Committee's unpublished FY-19 defense policy bill leads off this Thursday INSIDER Daily Digest.

The Navy's surge sealift fleet should get more money, according to Senate authorizers:

Senate authorizers include less-restrictive provisions for surge sealift recap

The Senate Armed Services Committee wants to authorize the Navy to recapitalize the surge sealift fleet free from the kinds of restrictive provisions created by House lawmakers, according to a committee aide.

A major Pentagon roles and missions review won't be so simple, according to former defense officials:

Senate policy bill triggers doubt that DOD will wrestle with roles and missions review

Senate lawmakers want to give Defense Secretary Jim Mattis authorization for a major roles and missions review that could result in tectonic shifts at the Pentagon, but former senior defense officials say it's not as simple as it sounds, especially if senior leaders aren't on board.

Senate authorizers want DOD to put more focus on emerging technologies:

Senate legislation pushes DOD on emerging technologies

The Senate Armed Services Committee wants to add $1.2 billion to the Defense Department's planned research and development funding in fiscal year 2019, as the panel's new legislation seeks to shore up DOD efforts in key technology areas like hypersonics and space constellations.

The Air Force's Combat Rescue Helicopter will cost more than the service thinks:

CAPE projects CRH will cost 3 percent more than USAF estimate

The Pentagon's independent cost estimate office projects the Air Force's Combat Rescue Helicopter will cost up to $9.2 billion, 3 percent more than the service's cost position of $8.9 billion, according to a recent Defense Department report on the military's 30-year aviation outlook.

The Missile Defense Agency's Ground-based Midcourse Defense System is way more expensive than MDA thinks, according to the Government Accountability Office:

GAO: True cost of GMD program $67 billion and counting, 63 percent higher than MDA estimate

Congressional investigators have uncovered new costs associated with the Ground-based Midcourse Defense program that would bring the running tab for the acquisition of long-range, guided-missile interceptors to $67 billion, 63 percent higher than the Missile Defense Agency's $41 billion estimate.

Document: GAO report on missile defense

The reduction of a key F-15 electronic warfare capability may not have been the best idea, according to the Pentagon's inspector general:

DOD IG recommends JROC certification of F-15 EPAWSS reduction

The Defense Department inspector general is concerned the Air Force has not determined the full impact of its decision last year to cut 192 units of a key F-15 electronic warfare capability.

Document: DOD IG report on F-15 EPAWWS