The Insider

By John Liang
May 9, 2024 at 3:11 PM

This Thursday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on Army challenges in the Indo-Pacific region, Air Force modernization programs, plus continuing coverage from the AI Expo for National Competitiveness.

A senior Army official spoke this week about challenges in the Indo-Pacific region at the Fires Symposium in Lawton, OK:

Flynn: Army is 'out of position' in the Indo-Pacific

Army units need to be in better position to maintain an advantage against potential adversaries in the Indo-Pacific region, according to the commander of Army forces in the Pacific.

The Senate Armed Services airland subcommittee held a hearing this week on Air Force modernization programs:

Hunter: Air Force 'closing gap' on E-7A Wedgetail cost negotiations with Boeing

Despite an initial proposal that was about twice the anticipated cost, the Air Force is nearing an agreement with Boeing for the E-7A Wedgetail prototypes, according to service acquisition chief Andrew Hunter.

Document: Air Force modernization testimony

Senior defense officials spoke this week at the AI Expo for National Competitiveness in Washington:

Army hashing out a tiered approach to fielding UAS capabilities

The Army is in the process of determining its approach to unmanned systems, which service officials envision to be a combination of UAS systems at echelon, launched effects and more urgent capability needs such as loitering munitions.

Kendall: Autonomy in the air a done deal

There is no question that autonomy will be useful in the air domain, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said today, and it will be implemented through the Collaborative Combat Aircraft program and others.

Russian aircraft patrols will typically fly around the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone, especially if the U.S. is conducting an exercise in the Arctic. But about a month ago, two or three flights "in a short period of time" approached the continent off the Northeast of Maine, near Iceland and Greenland, according to a DOD official:

Senior defense official: Russian aircraft flew near Northeast ADIZ

In the last month, several Russian aircraft have attempted to enter North American airspace from the East for the first time in two or three years, a senior defense official told a group of reporters at the Pentagon this week.

A new congressional maritime strategy calls for several actionable steps to deter China’s advances in the Pacific Ocean, including the establishment of a presidentially appointed position to "synchronize all national maritime affairs and policy," as well as a national maritime council:

Bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers calls for national maritime strategy

The creation of a national maritime strategy is necessary amid "great power competition, aging infrastructure and the threat of high-intensity war," according to a bipartisan, bicameral document released by lawmakers this week.

Some follow-up news from last week's Modern Day Marine conference:

Marine Corps will award I-CsUAS contract before year's end, advancing effort to defend bases from drones

The Marine Corps is evaluating counter-drone technology proposals and plans to select a vendor in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024 to produce a system to defend buildings, bases and other assets from small, unmanned aircraft systems.

(Full Modern Day Marine 2024 coverage)

By Nick Wilson
May 9, 2024 at 1:10 PM

The Marine Corps tallied its first overseas use of Amphibious Combat Vehicles during a May 4 training exercise that saw the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit’s ACV platoon complete waterborne, live-fire training off the coast of the Philippines during Exercise Balikatan.

During the exercise, ACVs launched from the well deck of amphibious warship Harpers Ferry (LSD-49) and formed into assault sections before firing 40mm training rounds at shore-based targets using their Mk 19 grenade machine guns, according to a service release.

Harpers Ferry and the embarked ACV platoon departed from Southern California on March 19, marking the first ACV operational deployment.

“During this first deployment, 15th MEU will continue to provide insights for ACV employment, embarkation, maintenance requirements, logistics trains, and integration with our allies and partners,” the service announcement states. “These insights are vital for the service to ensure we continue to provide our Marines with the most operationally ready and capable platforms.”

The ACV is an important platform for Marine Corps force design and Indo-Pacific operating concepts, providing ship-to-shore mobility and a variety of other capabilities. Though nearly 200 of the vehicles have been delivered to the Marine Corps to date, readiness kinks have slowed down fielding and operational use.

A series of training accidents, in which ACVs rolled over during waterborne exercises, prompted the Marine Corps to temporarily pause some vehicle operations and later launch initiatives to improve operator proficiency.

Now, with efforts to retrain ACV drivers and procure training simulators underway, the service is advancing fielding efforts, program manager Col. Tim Hough said last week. In June, the service plans to send 12 ACVs to the 4th Marine Regiment in Okinawa, Japan and will begin fielding to the 2nd Assault Amphibian Battalion at Camp Lejeune, NC, in the second quarter of FY-25.

By Dan Schere
May 8, 2024 at 7:16 PM

Gen. Charles Flynn, the commanding general of U.S. Army Pacific, said today that he expects the recent deployment of the service’s new Mid-Range Capability (MRC) missile system will ultimately provide valuable information about the system’s performance under hot, humid conditions.

The MRC, part of the Army’s modernization portfolio, is a ground-launched, long-range, precision-fires system that can shoot the Standard Missile 6 and Tomahawk Land Attack Missile.

The 1st Multidomain Task Force deployed the MRC to Northern Luzon, Philippines April 11 as part of Exercise Salaknib -- a bilateral exercise with the Filipino and U.S. armies. The system was transported to the Philippines on a C-17 Globemaster III airframe with help from the Air Force’s 62nd Airlift Wing.

The deployment of the MRC to the Philippines was the first for the new capability, according to the Army.

Flynn, speaking to reporters by phone Wednesday, said it is important that the MRC be deployed in weather conditions that can feature 95-degree heat and 100% humidity.

“You have the effect of heat, you have the effect of humidity, you have the effect of saltwater corrosion," he said. "And so, all of these things are really helpful for us when we put that capability out there to learn, really in a very granular way, from the maintainers, to the commanders to the noncommissioned officers and warrant officers about the effects of those conditions on the equipment.”

Flynn declined to elaborate on the details of the lessons learned from the deployment so far.

In fiscal year 2025, the Army plans to spend $233 million to procure five MRC batteries and equipment for institutional soldier training, according to service budget documents.

By Nickolai Sukharev
May 8, 2024 at 5:24 PM

The Army is seeking a manufacturer to build the M10 Booker combat vehicle at full-rate production, according to a public notice.

“This solicitation is for a requirement contract for M10 Booker Full Rate Production (FRP) to procure an estimated 266 M10 Booker vehicles,” the May 8 announcement reads.

Issued as a solicitation, the announcement stipulates that the manufacturer will build the M10 according to a product configuration specification and each vehicle will include all basic issue items, component of end items, under vehicle armor and a radio kit.

Production will also include an estimated 31 M10 “refurbishment vehicles” and ancillary services supporting production, the announcement adds.

Weighing approximately 42 tons, the Booker is designed to provide firepower for dismounted units with a 105mm gun and is intended to slot between the Abrams main battle tank and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

General Dynamics Land Systems, which also builds the Abrams, won a low-rate production contract in 2022 after competing with BAE Systems in the rapid prototyping phase when the program was known as the Mobile Protected Firepower.

The Booker is the Army’s third program to field an infantry support vehicle with a 105mm gun. During the 1990s, the Army developed but canceled plans to field the M8 Armored Gun System, according to Infantry Magazine. In the 2000s, the Army acquired the Stryker M1128 Mobile Gun System but divested from the platform following performance and engineering issues.

The Army expects to spend between $460 million and $500 million to procure between 32-34 vehicles each fiscal year from FY-25 to FY-29, according to service budget documents.

By John Liang
May 8, 2024 at 2:45 PM

This Wednesday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on lawmakers inching toward breaking the spending cap mandated by the Fiscal Responsibility Act, plus coverage from the AI Expo for National Competitiveness and more.

Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee Chairman Jon Tester (D-MT) said during a hearing this week that he and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) agree that the 1% increase in spending the Defense Department would see under the Fiscal Responsibility Act -- which is $10 billion less than the Pentagon planned for -- is far too small to meet global threats:

Senate appropriators say they are ready to break defense spending cap

Senior Senate appropriators voiced bipartisan support today for increasing the fiscal year 2025 defense budget above the spending cap mandated by the Fiscal Responsibility Act.

Senior defense officials spoke this week at the AI Expo for National Competitiveness in Washington:

CENTCOM technology chief watching Chinese AI and cyber activity

U.S. Central Command's chief technology officer says she is keeping an eye on China's activities, particularly the negative cybersecurity implications and artificial intelligence advances that do not adhere to responsible innovation policies.

DOD working with industry on bio manufacturing program

The Pentagon's technology chief said the Defense Department is working on a "bio industrial manufacturing" program, highlighting recent awards that small businesses have received to provide the U.S. military with new technologies in that area.

Allvin: Innovative technology is changing the way the Air Force deals with industry

As the military moves to maximize interoperability to prepare for a potential fight with a near-peer adversary, the services and industry need to "adapt together," Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin said Tuesday.

The American Enterprise Institute in Washington, which recently released a report asserting that China’s annual military budget for fiscal year 2022 was $711 billion, or triple the amount Beijing claimed:

Top House Dem says U.S. intel community should disclose more info on China's defense spending

Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, said today that he would favor the U.S. intelligence community being more "aggressive" when it comes to disclosing information about the actual size of China's military budget, which U.S. officials and analysts have long said is not accurately reported by Beijing.

The Replicator initiative has two focuses: fielding attritable autonomous weapon systems by August 2025 to counter the challenge posed by China and creating a repeatable process that the Defense Department can use again multiple times in the future, according to Defense Innovation Unit chief Doug Beck:

DIU head focuses on repeatability of Replicator weapons tranches

The head of the Defense Innovation Unit spoke today about the importance of consistently repeating the Replicator initiative as planning work has begun on the second tranche of weapon systems.

By Tony Bertuca
May 8, 2024 at 1:59 PM

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin today said the United States has "paused" a shipment of powerful bombs to Israel, citing concerns about civilian "collateral damage" in Gaza.

Austin, confirming media reports about the paused munitions shipments, told the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee the Defense Department has paused “one shipment of high-payload munitions.”

“We have not made a final determination on how to proceed with that shipment,” he said, noting the weapons could be sent to Israel eventually.

Austin said the decision to hold the shipment, which includes 2,000-pound bombs, was made out of concern that Israel is not properly considering safeguarding civilians amid a new offensive against Hamas in Rafa.

“I think we’ve been very clear about the steps we’d like to see Israel take to account for and take care of those civilians before major combat takes place,” he said. “We certainly would like to see no major combat take place in Rafah, but certainly our focus is on making sure we protect the civilians.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), the committee’s ranking Republican, said DOD should not “micromanage Israel’s right to defend itself” and should keep in mind that Hamas uses civilians in Gaza as “human shields” and bears responsibility for the start of the conflict because of its Oct. 7, 2023, attacks on Israelis.

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), the ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, released a statement criticizing the Biden administration’s decision to pause the bomb shipment.

“If Hamas laid down its weapons, the war would be over. But if Israel lays down its weapons, it would be the end of Israel,” he said. “This delay has sent a dangerous message to Hamas that if they hold out against the [Israeli Defense Forces] for long enough, they can still win.”

At the hearing, Austin said the paused shipment does not include “precision weapons” but covers 2,000-pound bombs that “could create a lot of collateral damage.”

“It's about having the right kinds of weapons for the tasks at hand,” he said. “We think it’s imperative to do more to protect civilians in the battlespace.”

By John Liang
May 7, 2024 at 1:25 PM

This Tuesday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on the Air Force's effort to transition Air National Guard space missions into the Space Force, the Army delaying a full-rate production contract for anti-armor missile launch units and more.

A new Air Force report to Congress lays out the three options for space missions within the Air National Guard -- maintaining them within the Air National Guard, transferring them to the Space Force or creating a Space National Guard:

Air Force report explains space mission transition proposal; Guard, governors remain opposed

The Defense Department sent a report to Congress and U.S. governors detailing why it wants to transition Air National Guard space missions into the Space Force, while governors and the National Guard Association of the United States continue to push against the proposal.

Document: Air Force report on consolidation/transfer of National Guard space functions to USSF

A new agreement between Lockheed Martin and Maxar Intelligence will "streamline the procurement and delivery of Maxar's geospatial products for the F-35 Full Mission Simulator flight simulation and training system," according to Maxar:

Lockheed, Maxar enter contract to expand F-35 simulator

Lockheed Martin and Maxar Intelligence on Monday entered a contract to better integrate several of Maxar's 2D and 3D products into a digital cockpit intended to replicate the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, according to a company announcement.

According to the 2023 Director of Operational Test and Evaluation report, the Army intended to award a full-rate production contract for the lighter variant of the Javelin's launch unit in the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 after getting results from an unreleased Follow-on Operational Test & Evaluation report:

Army delays full-rate production contract for Javelin launch units

The Army is delaying a full-rate production contract for anti-armor missile launch units by at least three months, according to a service spokesperson.

A new Government Accountability Office report provides eight recommendations drawn from commercial shipbuilders' best practices, including that the Navy "ensure that shipbuilding programs complete functional design for new ships before awarding detail design and construction contracts":

Navy agrees to adopt some commercial ship design best practices but stops short of full GAO recommendation

The Navy has resolved to complete more functional design work on new shipbuilding programs prior to milestone B, but the commitment falls short of a new recommendation from government auditors, which encourages the sea service to complete a ship's functional design before awarding a detail design and construction contract.

Last week, the White House released a statement marking notable actions taken in the 180 days following Biden’s executive order focusing on the safe and responsible use and development of artificial intelligence:

DOD launched pilot program to spot AI vulnerabilities after Biden's E.O.

The Defense Department is moving to comply with President Biden's recent executive order on artificial intelligence, establishing a pilot program to spot malicious cyber activity in IT systems.

By Dan Schere
May 7, 2024 at 1:01 PM

Army Futures Command Commanding Gen. James Rainey envisions warfare being more data-centric in the future and told attendees today at the Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security in Washington that he sees a "re-ascendance of fires over maneuver."

“It’s gone back and forth in history. But for the Army, maneuvering to position fires in support of the joint force would drive some major changes in both how we build our formations, and the balance between say, fire brigades, air defense brigades and maneuver brigades,” he said.

Rainey has previously said the force must merge offensive and defensive fires beyond 2030 and noted at the AUSA Global Force Symposium in Huntsville, AL earlier this year that he wants this to be done for systems such as Patriot, High Mobility Artillery Rocket System and Army Tactical Missile System.

Rainey said Tuesday that the decade from 2030 to 2040 will be “really disruptive” when it comes to technology on the battlefield, but it’s also a time when the service will be able to make some “really dramatic transitions or transformations.”

“Everything going on right now is great, and I applaud things like [Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control]. But the real opportunity to move to data-centric warfare, software over hardware, where you don’t have to go out looking for the data. It’s in a place where it’s usable and accessible. Then you can really bring the power of things like AI and machine learning to bear,” he said.

Rainey also reiterated Tuesday the need for the Army to move to “capability-based” requirements documents, which he thinks will be helpful to industry.

“The less words, the better response we get out of industry,” he said.

By Tony Bertuca
May 6, 2024 at 4:32 PM

Janice Muskopf, the Defense Department's director of price, cost and finance, has retired and will be temporarily succeeded by an acting official, according to a recent Pentagon memo.

Muskopf retired on May 1 after 34 years of government service that culminated in her role as PCF director, according to the memo by Principal Director of Defense Pricing and Contracting John Tenaglia.

During her tenure as PCF director, Muskopf helped complete the department’s first contract financing study in decades.

Meanwhile, procurement analyst Leslie Overturf has been designated as acting PCF director.

By John Liang
May 6, 2024 at 1:51 PM

This Monday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on the Pentagon's Replicator initiative, the Navy seeking solutions to resolve a sealift capacity shortage and more.

The Pentagon today announced it is beginning to invest in the first tranche of Replicator capabilities, which centers around UAS, USVs and C-UAS of multiple sizes and different payloads:

DOD announces Replicator tranche 1 focus areas and first official selected capability

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks announced today that the first tranche of Replicator capabilities includes uncrewed aerial systems like AeroVironment's Switchblade-600 loitering munition, uncrewed surface vehicles and counter-uncrewed aerial systems.

The Navy is seeking solutions to resolve a shortage in sealift capacity:

Legislative proposal may allow Navy to buy foreign, used ships to support sealift

A legislative proposal brought forward by the Navy will potentially allow the service to acquire foreign, used vessels to bolster sealift capacity.

On May 2, Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles, Japanese Minister of Defense Kihara Minoru and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin held a Trilateral Defense Ministerial Meeting in Hawaii:

Japan, Australia, U.S. announce plans for 'inaugural' regional missile defense event

Japan, Australia and the United States announced plans for a trilateral air and missile defense live-fire exercise -- an "inaugural" event -- that will be folded into the 2027 Talisman Sabre exercise that simulates a highly contested combat scenario in the Indo-Pacific region.

The Marine Corps Amphibious Combat Vehicle program office began soliciting industry for a training system to improve driver proficiency in the spring of 2023 following multiple accidents in which ACVs rolled over in the water -- incidents the service attributed largely to inadequate operator training:

Marine Corps fielding ACV driver simulators, preparing for wider vehicle deployment

The Marine Corps has fielded the first unit of a new mixed-reality training system intended to improve the performance of Amphibious Combat Vehicle operators. It expects to receive 80 more of these driver simulators by the end of fiscal year 2024.

Army acquisition chief Doug Bush spoke during a roundtable with reporters at the Pentagon last week:

Army to hold howitzer demonstrations this summer to replace some Paladins

The Army will use approximately $55 million in leftover funds to host howitzer demonstrations in August before setting capability requirements for replacing its Paladin artillery system, according to the service's acquisition executive.

By Tony Bertuca
May 6, 2024 at 5:00 AM

Senior defense officials are scheduled to speak at several events around Washington and elsewhere this week.


The annual SOF Week conference begins in Tampa, FL. The event runs through Friday.


The American Enterprise Institute hosts a discussion with House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-WA).

The Special Competitive Studies Project hosts its AI Expo for National Competitiveness conference. The event runs through Wednesday.


The Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee holds a hearing with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. C.Q. Brown on the defense budget.

The Senate Armed Services personnel subcommittee holds a budget hearing.

The Senate Armed Services airland subcommittee holds a hearing on Air Force modernization.

The Senate Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee holds a hearing on missile defense.

The House Financial Services national security, illicit finance and international financial institutions subcommittee holds a hearing on the Defense Production Act.

The Naval Postgraduate School hosts its annual Acquisition Research Symposium in Monterey, CA. The event runs through Thursday.


The Foundation for Defense of Democracies hosts a discussion on NATO with the deputy chief of U.S. European Command.

By John Liang
May 3, 2024 at 1:59 PM

This Friday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on the Navy needing to replenish its Standard Missile stocks in the wake of defending shipping in the Red Sea from Houthi missile attacks, plus coverage of a new Defense Innovation Unit report and more.

Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro revealed this week that the Defense Department's decision to terminate SM-3 Block IB production -- and save $1.9 billion -- was baked into the FY-25 budget request before recent real-world events provided a showcase for the advanced guided-missile interceptor to defeat ballistic missile threats:

SECNAV: DOD needs to 'relook' SM-3 Block IB termination after Iran strike, Pacific forecast

The Navy secretary says Pentagon leaders need to reconsider plans to terminate Standard Missile-3 Block IB production in light of recent Red Sea missile defense missions, Iran's missile attack last month against Israel and the likelihood of similar engagements in a potential conflict in the Pacific.

A new Defense Innovation Unit report is out:

DIU says 10 technologies made successful transitions in FY-23

The Defense Innovation Unit released its fiscal year 2023 annual report today which noted that 10 technologies successfully transitioned from prototypes to fielded capabilities.

DIU pushes partnerships with U.S. allies

The Defense Innovation Unit's fiscal year 2023 annual report highlighted successful partnerships with U.S. allies like India, the U.K., Australia, Japan and Ukraine.

Document: DIU's FY-23 annual report

The Navy's top civilian this week acknowledged that the Navy and Marine Corps are jointly developing a memorandum of understanding pertaining to amphib readiness:

Navy, Marine Corps narrowing in on amphib readiness requirements

The Navy and Marine Corps are advancing a joint effort to clarify requirements and metrics for amphibious warship readiness, according to Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro, who today said the services believe they need at least nine of the ships ready for action around the clock.

The Command, Control, Communications and Battle Management (C3BM) Aerial Networking line for the Air Force would grow to $147.1 million in the fiscal year 2025 budget request from $76.8 million asked for FY-24:

Air Force amps up ABMS work with Phalanx Griffon program in FY-25

The Air Force wants to nearly double its budget for the airborne networking segment of the Advanced Battle Management System as it ramps up a newer effort called Phalanx Griffon, according to budget documents released with the fiscal year 2025 budget request.

The CEO of HII discussed his company's quarterly earnings this week:

HII CEO: Manufacturing and shipbuilding labor major factor in delays

There is no "one-size-fits-all" solution to shipbuilding delays, but labor is the most contributing factor, shipbuilder HII Chief Executive Officer Chris Kastner told investors in a first-quarter earnings call Thursday.

The National Counterintelligence and Security Center found that semiconductors are one of the technology sectors where the opportunity for disruption of U.S. economic and national security is highest:

DOD, GSA and NASA working to implement semiconductor product ban

The Defense Department, General Services Administration and NASA are considering the implementation of a rule that would ban executive agencies from obtaining certain semiconductor products.

By Jason Sherman
May 3, 2024 at 12:17 PM

The United States, Japan and Australia have inked a "landmark" agreement to explore trilateral cooperation on efforts to develop collaborative combat aircraft, autonomous systems and composite aerospace materials, the latest development in a growing three-way compact between Washington, Tokyo and Canberra.

On May 2, Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles, Japanese Minister of Defense Kihara Minoru, and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin signed a three-way Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Projects Arrangement during a Trilateral Defense Ministerial Meeting in Hawaii.

“Science and technology cooperation is vital to maintain their collective edge and deepen their defense cooperation,” according to a May 3 joint statement. “This landmark arrangement allows the respective defense organizations to pursue areas of interest for operationally relevant advanced collaboration.”

A Pentagon spokesman said the full text of the agreement will not be made public.

The statement notes the agreement provides a new channel for defense officials from the three nations to “further discuss cooperative opportunities in the areas of collaborative combat aircraft and autonomous systems and composite aerospace materials.”

By John Liang
May 3, 2024 at 10:05 AM

Lockheed Martin announced this week that Thomas Falk had been elected as independent lead director of the board.

Falk succeeds Daniel Akerson who, along with James Ellis, retired from the board following the company's annual stockholders meeting.

Falk has served on Lockheed's board of directors since 2010 and as Audit Committee chair since 2015. As independent lead director, he "will assume all duties and responsibilities of that position, including presiding over executive sessions of independent directors, approving agendas for board meetings and providing feedback to management," according to a company statement.

He will also chair the board's Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and serve as ex officio member of each of the other committees. As part of Falk's election as independent lead director, Patricia Yarrington has been appointed chair of the board's Audit Committee, the company said.

By Tony Bertuca
May 2, 2024 at 4:18 PM

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said today that China and Russia have begun closer military ties that could possibly threaten Taiwan.

“We see China and Russia, for the first time, exercising together in relation to Taiwan and recognizing that this is a place where China definitely wants Russia to be working with them, and we see no reason why they wouldn’t,” Haines told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Haines said the “no-limits” partnership between China and Russia means the U.S. military and intelligence community are becoming increasingly concerned about a potential conflict scenario involving both countries.

“Certainly it’s a possibility,” she said. “The question of just how likely it is, I think differs depending on the scenario.”

Haines said China and Russia are cooperating “across really every sector of society.”

Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Kruse, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said the United States has “become even more concerned about our joint force requirements in an environment where” China and Russia are cooperating.

Kruse said the military needs to take into account “whether or not we actually believe there would be two full-up” battlefronts against China and Russia.

“And we would need to take that into account, in force structure and planning,” he said.