The State Department this morning released a fact sheet listing the United States' and Russia's aggregate number of nuclear weapons as well as intercontinental and submarine-launched ballistic missiles, as required under the follow-on Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
Those numbers are:
Category of Data USA Russia
Deployed ICBMs, Deployed SLBMs, 882 521
and Deployed Heavy Bombers
Warheads on Deployed ICBMs, 1800 1537
on Deployed SLBMs,
and Nuclear Warheads Counted for
Deployed Heavy Bombers
Deployed and Non-deployed Launchers 1124 865
of ICBMs, Deployed and Non-deployed
Launchers of SLBMs, and Deployed and
Non-deployed Heavy Bombers
The department also notes:
Data in this Fact Sheet comes from the initial exchange of data required by the Treaty no later than 45 days after entry into force of the Treaty, or March 22, 2011. It contains data declared current as of the February 5, 2011, date of entry into force of the Treaty. Data will be updated each six month period after entry into force of the Treaty.