P-8 depot maintenance draft RFP released

By Lee Hudson / February 11, 2016 at 3:07 PM

The Navy recently released a draft request for proposals to compete the P-8 Poseidon aircraft's depot maintenance for the airframe and engine separately, according to a Federal Business Opportunities notice.

The service will host an industry day Feb. 16-18 in Lexington, MD, that includes one-on-one meetings for interested vendors, according to a Feb. 8 sources sought notice.

Inside Defense reported in January that Naval Air Systems Command will break the draft RFP into two sections: Part A and Part B. Part A is for airframe depot maintenance and Part B is for engine depot maintenance.

The competition is a cooperative program between the United States and Australia. Project information developed by the contractor will be accessible by the Australian government, the notice reads.

The P-8A Poseidon is a heavily militarized derivative of Boeing's 737 airframe. The acquisition objective is to integrate the latest in technical support innovations and existing commercial operations and continual product and process improvements. The planned maintenance will leverage the commercial industrial base for the P-8A airframe and engine depot maintenance, the notice reads.