The Insider

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 22, 2011 at 4:34 PM

U.S. military forces operating in the war zone in and around Afghanistan generate an estimated 750 metric tons of hazardous trash every year, and the Pentagon is considering a new approach to getting rid of it, according to notice posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website last month.

The amount of hazardous trash is just one little nugget of news buried in the May 18 request for information issued by the Defense Logistics Agency. Another is exactly where the prospective trash collectors would have to pick up the DOD waste: Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and, yes, Pakistan.

Of course, there aren't officially any bases in Pakistan. But the FBO notice says quite explicitly that the place of performance for any contract would be “U.S. military installations” located in the four countries.

American bases in the countries north of Afghanistan are somewhat well-documented. The Pentagon relies on the governments there, many of them oppressive, to allow for the shipment of war supplies through their countries. But the FBO notices mention of Pakistan led us to ask DLA for more information.

“The wording of the FedBizOpps notice incorrectly infers that Pakistan may be a location where wastes are generated,” spokeswoman Michelle McCaskill wrote in an emailed response. “The notice itself is not an acquisition action but is part of an effort to gain a broad understanding of regional commercial disposal or recycling opportunities. The mention of Pakistan was because it is one of the nations in the region which potentially might be a site for compliant disposal of wastes if a contract was let and if the contractor obtained the necessary clearances and permits and met customs requirements.”

DLA officials are pretty clear about the unique circumstances of their new disposal idea. The RFI simply served to identify the feasibility of an actual contract, “given the potential concerns and difficulties expected to be encountered by contractors when performing such a project in this area of operations,” the document reads.
By John Liang
June 21, 2011 at 9:00 PM

The full Senate just unanimously approved President Obama's nomination of CIA Director Leon Panetta to succeed Robert Gates as defense secretary.

Click here to view Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin's floor statement on Panetta's nomination.

By Sebastian Sprenger
June 21, 2011 at 6:15 PM

Senate Armed Service Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) is open to examining deeper defense cuts as the fiscal year 2012 defense policy bill makes its way through Congress, his spokeswoman tells us.

Levin used a telephone press conference with reporters last week to air frustration about the Obama administration, lamenting what he said was a lack of fiscal guidance for implementing the $400-billion savings target announced by the president in April.

In the end, the Senate Armed Services Committee's bill authorizes an FY-12 defense budget $6 billion below what the Obama administration requested in February.

Left unasked in the telephonic frenzy among reporters was the question whether Levin's bill would have advocated deeper cuts had the White House issued guidance to that effect.

Levin spokeswoman Tara Andringa sent us this response when we asked the question: “He is prepared to look for more cuts if they are required.”

By Tony Bertuca
June 21, 2011 at 4:58 PM

The commanding general of U.S. forces in Iraq is being discussed as a possible nominee to become the next vice chief of staff of the Army, according to a service source.

Gen. Lloyd James Austin III replaced Gen. Raymond Odierno in Iraq last June. Odierno has been nominated to replace Army Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, who has been nominated to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“That is the only name that has come across right now,” the source said.

News of discussions surrounding Austin's possible nomination were first reported today in a Lexington Institute blog.

If confirmed, Dempsey will begin as JCS in the fall when Adm. Michael Mullen steps down. Some in the Army are reportedly worried about the chaos associated with the change in that Dempsey has been chief only since April.

If Austin becomes the nominee, he would be in line to replace Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Chiarelli, who the source said might stay on past his tour of duty to ensure a smoother transition.

“They want to avoid turbulence during the changeover of chiefs and [Chiarelli] made a passing reference to it in a meeting,” the source said. “They really don't want to switch out both within 30 days of each other. That's not particularly useful.”

Austin's previous jobs include director of the joint staff and commanding general of 18th Airborne Corps at Ft. Bragg, NC.

By Christopher J. Castelli
June 20, 2011 at 9:49 PM

On June 21, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will host Japanese Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto and Japanese Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa for a Security Consultative Committee (SCC) meeting, at the State Department, said Pentagon spokesman Col. David Lapan.

"As part of the SCC meeting, informally known as the 2+2 Ministerial, the ministers will release a comprehensive joint statement articulating common strategic objectives and efforts to enhance the U.S.-Japan alliance. Demonstrating the breadth and depth of the alliance, the officials will discuss a wide range of bilateral, regional, and global issues, including the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, Afghanistan, missile defense technology transfer, and realignment of our forces in Okinawa," Lapan said. "This is the first such meeting in four years, and builds upon the progress that the U.S.-Japan alliance has made over the past half-century."

By Gabe Starosta
June 20, 2011 at 3:27 PM

Lockheed Martin today announced the launch of a snazzy new website for the Joint Strike Fighter, The website features a musical intro, a description of the aircraft's history and production facilities, and a handful of book-jacket-style quotes from military and civilian leaders praising the F-35.

The site also includes a section titled “Public Support,” where visitors can sign a Statement of Support for the JSF program. The statement reads:

"I agree:

• The F-35 will provide the U.S. military and allied forces with the next generation capabilities they must have in today’s complex global security environment, including cutting-edge stealth, unparalleled awareness, and superior technology to support the men and women keeping us safe.

• The F-35 provides well-paying, skilled jobs for workers across nine nations, and safety for citizens of friendly nations across the world.

• We should support all efforts to improve our military’s abilities to meet today’s and tomorrow’s challenges."

The website then asks for some limited personal information, and signees and their state of residence are listed on a scrolling ticker on the right side of the page. As of this morning, most supporters come from Texas, Georgia and Alabama -- three states in which Lockheed Martin has a major presence.

By John Liang
June 17, 2011 at 8:06 PM

During a teleconference call today on the Senate Armed Services Committee's mark-up of the fiscal year 2012 defense authorization bill, panel Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) was asked whether the conclusions of an as-yet-unpublished Defense Science Board report critical of the phased adaptive approach to European missile defense was reflected in the legislation.

His answer, in a word: "No."

Levin added that "there was nothing that -- as far as I know -- was explicitly reflective of it."

As reported on June 15:

The Pentagon's two-year-old plan to establish by 2020 the ability to shoot down Iranian ballistic missiles flying toward Europe or the U.S. eastern seaboard is "not credible," a lawmaker said today, citing the conclusion of an unpublished report from an influential Pentagon advisory board.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) told the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee today that findings of a Defense Science Board task force on the feasibility of early intercept ballistic missile defense raise question about a key element of the Obama administration's plan to defend Europe against medium- and short-range ballistic missiles.

"The report's unclassified conclusion is that the Missile Defense Agency's plans to achieve an early intercept capability as part of the Phased Adaptive Approach are simply not credible," Shelby said during a hearing on the Pentagon's fiscal year 2012 budget request. "Now it looks like the nation may be left with an inadequate defense in Europe and no boost-phase intercept capability."

During today's conference call, though, Levin said:

NATO made a decision. I think most people think it was the right decision -- it gives us much greater capability against the Iranian threat, which is really maybe the main purpose of it. We view that as the main threat. That's what that phased adaptive approach gives us much greater capability against, and there was no . . . indication that I've heard of any move away from that.

By Jordana Mishory
June 17, 2011 at 5:29 PM

Senate defense authorizers have not received any details on the executive branch's plan to cut security spending by $400 billion over the next decade despite two requests for information from the administration, according to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI).

During a conference call with reporters today, Levin said the administration is “losing an opportunity” to provide lawmakers information that could help guide the formation of the fiscal year 2012 defense authorization bill. The committee unanimously approved the bill Thursday.

The Pentagon submitted its FY-12 budget to lawmakers in February. But in April, President Obama announced his plans to reduce security spending by $400 billion through FY-23, with the bulk of those reductions expected to be borne by the Pentagon.

Defense authorizers would have found the administration's plans on the proposed cuts “useful and helpful,” although not binding, Levin said.

Levin noted that the committee found $6 billion in savings for FY-12.

By John Liang
June 16, 2011 at 6:04 PM

In what is likely his last press conference, outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates just announced that he would nominate Navy Adm. Jonathan Greenert to succeed the retiring Adm. Gary Roughead as the next chief of naval operations. According to Greenert's bio:

Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert is a native of Butler, Pa. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1975 and completed studies in nuclear power for service as a submarine officer.

His career as a submariner includes assignments aboard USS Flying Fish (SSN 673), USS Tautog (SSN 639), Submarine NR-1 and USS Michigan (SSBN 727 - Gold Crew), culminating in command of USS Honolulu (SSN 718) from March 1991 to July 1993.

Subsequent fleet command assignments include Commander, Submarine Squadron 11, Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Marianas, Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet (August 2004 to September 2006) and Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (September 2007 to July 2009).

Greenert has served in various fleet support and financial management positions, including deputy chief of naval operations for integration of capabilities and resources (N8); deputy commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet; chief of staff, U.S. 7th Fleet; head, Navy Programming Branch and director, Operations Division Navy Comptroller.

He is a recipient of various personal, and campaign awards including the Distinguished Service Medal (5 awards), Defense Superior Service Medal and Legion of Merit (4 awards). In 1992 he was awarded the Vice Admiral Stockdale Award for inspirational leadership. He considers those awards earned throughout his career associated with unit performance to be most satisfying and representative of naval service.

By John Liang
June 16, 2011 at 5:59 PM

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today said the White House's legal justification for continuing military operations in Libya under the War Powers Act -- sent to Congress yesterday -- is not enough. According to a statement highlighting remarks the congressman made earlier today at a press conference:


"Well, the administration gave its opinion on the war powers resolution, but it didn't answer the question in my letter as whether the Office of Legal Counsel agrees with them. So I'm looking forward to an answer on this by tomorrow."


"The White House says there are no hostilities taking place, yet we have got drone attacks under way, we're spending $10 million a day. We're part of an effort to drop bombs on Qadhafi's compounds. It doesn't pass the straight face test, in my view, that we're not in the midst of hostilities. It's been four weeks since the President has talked to the American people about this mission, and I think it's time for the President to outline to the American people why we are there, what the mission is, and what our goals are, and how do we exit this."


"The House has options. We're looking at those options, and my guess is that next week we may be prepared to move on those options based on the answers to the questions that we get."

By John Liang
June 15, 2011 at 9:01 PM

Lest anyone worry that the Czech Republic is no longer interested in cooperating with the United States on missile defense, Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan minutes ago tweeted:

Czech Republic not pulling out of the U.S. European missile shield plan. CR embraced [European Phased Adaptive Approach] at the 2010 Lisbon NATO Summit & reaffirmed 2day.

That reaffirmation, as Lapan calls it, came in a joint briefing in Prague earlier today with Deputy Defense Secretary Bill Lynn and his Czech counterpart Alexandr Vondra:

VONDRA: Regarding missile defense, we welcome the new developments.  We agreed in Lisbon that MD will be created under NATO, which, in fact, shifts the situation in the direction which we have always requested.  We really appreciate the U.S. involvement in the form of the Phased Adaptive Approach as a U.S. contribution to a complex European missile defense.  In this context we, of course, thanked them for the previous, pre-Lisbon U.S. offer and we stated that in the light of Lisbon and further developments the previous offer of our participation in the Shared Early Warning System will no longer be necessary and that we would seek other possibilities of the Czech Republic’s future involvement in the Allied System. . . .

LYNN: In terms of the Shared Early Warning there is no offer that was cancelled, I think that the offer that we made, as the minister described, was overtaken by events.  The Lisbon Summit has, I think, changed the nature of the missile defense framework in which we are operating and that the offer, while it was an interesting one and a good one, no longer fits either the missile defense framework or the Czech needs.

VONDRA: [Speaking Czech] I wouldn't say that the offer has been cancelled, because the offer was made in a certain historical context.  After the U.S. changed the original MD concept where the Czech Republic had its share, there came this well-meant offer.  We evaluated it and presented our opinion several times.  But in the meantime, there has been some development.  There came the Lisbon summit decision and there has been further progress on the NATO joint system -- I mean we got to a certain stage where it was superseded and where we have a whole spectrum of other fields where we can work hard to find a kind of cooperation between the U.S. and CR which will make practical sense.

By Dan Dupont
June 15, 2011 at 6:52 PM

Robert Gates took to Capitol Hill today for the last time as defense secretary, dropping a bit of news on war costs in response to a question about Afghanistan:

[T]his is not a war without end. The Lisbon summit has made clear that the transfer to Afghan security responsibility and leadership will be complete not later than the end of 2014. Troops will be coming down during that period. The costs of these wars is coming down dramatically. The costs of these wars will drop between '11 -- FY '11 and '12 by $40 billion and between '12 and '13 probably by several tens of billions of dollars more.

Gates got around to the discussion of war costs in a roundabout way, responding to a question from Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) about Pakistan and its willingness, or lack thereof, to help the United States combat terrorists. Leahy noted the news today that "our putative ally" -- Pakistan -- "arrested five people under the suspicion that they helped the United States to get Osama bin Laden, after publicly saying, of course, they wanted us to get Osama bin Laden." He added that "we could overlook the problem in Pakistan if the Afghan government were any better," then asked Gates, "how long do we support governments that lie to us? When do we say enough is enough?"

Gates' response began with this quip:

Well, first of all, I would say based on 27 years in CIA and four-and-a-half years in this job, most governments lie to each other. That's the way business gets done.

By Christopher J. Castelli
June 15, 2011 at 1:04 PM

Deputy Defense Secretary Bill Lynn and Brett Lambert, the Pentagon's manufacturing and industrial policy chief, will attend the 49th Paris Air Show later this month, but defense acquisition chief Ashton Carter and his deputy, Frank Kendall, will not be attending, Defense Department spokesman Col. David Lapan said.

Maj. Gen. Clyde Moore, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter deputy program executive officer, will attend the event but no JSF aircraft will be there, Lapan said. The show is scheduled for June 20 to 26.

By Jason Sherman
June 14, 2011 at 7:30 PM

The House Appropriations Committee, in a report accompanying its fiscal year 2012 defense spending bill, appears exasperated at DOD for not providing lawmakers a list of recently eliminated reporting requirements, which the Pentagon estimates will save $250 million in FY-12. The report, published on June 13, states:

The Committee has repeatedly requested a list of these reports which will be eliminated, as well as an explanation of the derivation of the savings estimate, but the Department has yet to supply the list or explain the derivation of the estimate.

Yet, on March 31, Defense Secretary Robert Gates directed the cancellation of 386 reports generated in accordance with internal Defense Department directives, publications, instructions as well as other processes such as strategic guidance and the Quadrennial Defense Review.

The main page of the DOD Issuances Web site features a prominent section called “2011 Internal Report Cancellation” that links to specific details on each of the eliminated reporting requirements.

By Dan Dupont
June 14, 2011 at 6:22 PM

The Pentagon today announced two key personnel moves:

Richard T. Ginman has been assigned as director, defense procurement and acquisition policy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics), Washington, D.C. Ginman previously served as deputy director, program acquisition and contingency contracting, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics), Washington, D.C.

Edward R. Greer has been assigned as deputy assistant secretary of defense (developmental test and evaluation)/director, test resource and management center, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics), Washington, D.C. Greer previously served as director, developmental test and evaluation, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics), Washington, D.C.