Strategic Direction

By John Liang / February 6, 2012 at 7:24 PM

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey today released his "Strategic Direction To The Joint Force," a pamphlet outlining his thoughts on where he plans to focus his efforts as chairman. According to his introductory cover letter:

First, we must achieve our national objectives in our current conflicts. For as long as we have America's sons and daughters in harm's way we, will not be distracted. Al-Qa'ida remains in our sights, and our forces in Afghanistan remain in a tough fight.

At the same time, we are creating the military of our future. We must develop a Joint Force for 2020 that remains ready to answer the Nation’s call -- anytime, anywhere. We need to offset fewer resources with more innovation.

We also must confront what being in the Profession of Arms means in the aftermath of war. Each of us must be a leader of consequence beyond our battalion, our squadron, our ship, and our unit.

Above all, we have to keep faith with our Military Family -- Active, Guard, Reserve, and Veteran. They have endured much and need support now more than ever. They are our heart and must remain our priority despite pressure to do otherwise.