The Insider

By Jason Sherman
September 13, 2010 at 5:08 PM

Tomorrow morning, the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee will mark up its version of the Pentagon's fiscal year 2011 spending bill, the panel announced today. If you're planning to attend, the meeting is at 10:30 in room 192 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. The full committee will consider the bill on Thursday, Sept. 16, at 2 p.m. in Dirksen 106.

The House Appropriations defense subcommittee marked up its version of the DOD's spending package on July 27, behind closed doors. No date is set yet for the full committee to consider the panel's FY-11 proposal.

By Carlo Muñoz
September 13, 2010 at 4:47 PM

As the Air Force continues to develop requirements for its long-range strike family of systems, its work will be focused on fielding a conventional weapon, Air Force Secretary Michael Donley said today.

Speaking at the Air Force Association's annual conference, Donley said the air service is approaching its LRS development from conventional capabilities perspective.

In March, a senior-level DOD working group explored options for long-range strike capabilities in the hopes of having the review complete in time to influence the fiscal year 2012 budget. As part of that review, group members drilled down into possible long-range strike scenarios involving force mix options of nuclear and conventional weapons.

While service officials working LRS development are also focusing on "complimentary capabilities" that could be included in the eventual platform, a nuclear LRS option will be shelved for the time being.

Donley noted the focus on conventional capabilities would prevent the burgeoning program from suffering the same fate as the Air Force's previous attempts to field a new bomber.

Service officials put the kibosh on the next-generation bomber effort after the program became weighed down, and ultimately delayed, by excessive requirements not integral to the long-range strike mission.

By John Liang
September 13, 2010 at 2:54 PM

The Senate Republican Policy Committee has some choice words for Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry's (D-MA) proposed draft resolution of ratification for the follow-on Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. In a Sept. 9 blog post, the committee called the draft resolution a "non-starter," adding:

The draft is mostly a series of precatory declarations that essentially amount to nothing more than hortatory statements expressing the sense of the Senate on a variety of issues touched on by the treaty.  Most importantly, the draft text's proclamations on missile defense for some reason are not in the Understandings section assured to be legally binding and included in the instrument of ratification, but rather appear in the Declarations section of the draft text.  Chairman Kerry was clearly capable of requiring that such positions be included in the instrument of ratification, as the Understandings section of his draft specifically states that the Understanding "shall be included in the instrument of ratification," while the Declarations section contains no such statement.  A charitable explanation of this would be that it is just an oversight; a just as likely one would be that the Chairman's draft reflects the Administration's over-bearing concern not to annoy Russia in any way.  At a minimum, any proposed resolution of ratification of New START must include a legally binding Understanding that there are no constraints in the treaty (other than Article V) on the development or deployment of U.S. missile defenses to be included in the exchange of instruments of ratification with Russia so there is no doubt on this point.

By John Liang
September 10, 2010 at 2:43 PM

The Missile Defense Agency this morning released a statement giving more details on this month's failed Airborne Laser Test Bed intercept attempt. In a nutshell, it didn't aim where it was supposed to:

On Sept 1, 2010, the Missile Defense Agency executed the Flight Experiment Laser (FEL-01b) mission at the Point Mugu flight test range off the Southern California coast. The objective of this mission was for the Agency's Airborne Laser Test Bed (ALTB) to destroy a liquid-fuel, short-range ballistic missile during its boost phase. During the mission the Boeing 747 flying laser laboratory detected and tracked the target. However, the experiment terminated early when corrupted beam control software steered the high energy laser slightly off center.

While we continue analyzing the failure, preliminary indications are that a communication software error within the system that controls the laser beam caused misalignment of the beam. The ALTB safety system detected this shift and immediately shut down the high energy laser.

The Agency plans to resume flight experiments beginning with tests of the software repair on September 13 leading to a lethal shootdown experiment involving a solid-fuel target missile by the end of this month. A mid-October experiment is in the planning stages that will involve lasing a solid-fuel missile at three times the range of last February’s successful destruction of a liquid-fuel missile.

The test was the fourth attempt in recent weeks, with each try being delayed due to software or hardware issues with either the ALTB system or its target missile. As Inside the Pentagon reported yesterday:

The fourth intercept attempt was pushed back because of problems with the system's tracking laser, according to an Aug. 24 agency statement. In February, the ALTB program intercepted a missile at a distance greater than 50 miles.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has recommended keeping the program in a research and development status because of its high cost and questionable operational concept. When the Obama administration's fiscal year 2011 defense budget was unveiled in February, Pentagon officials announced that the former Airborne Laser program was being transferred to the office of the director of defense research and engineering (DDR&E) and being renamed the ALTB.

During an Aug. 19 breakfast with reporters, Zachary Lemnios, the DDR&E, said his office views the Airborne Laser Test Bed as just that -- a test bed.

"We're looking at using that platform to validate other high-powered laser concepts," Lemnios said. "We have a number of projects underway at the energy labs and also funded through DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] and funded through the Air Force to look at high-powered solid state lasers that would offer similar performance as the enormous coil laser" that's on the Airborne Laser Test Bed.

By Dan Dupont
September 9, 2010 at 8:09 PM

Worth noting: The announcement today of the administration's pick of a new vice chief of staff was presaged a few weeks ago right here, in a story written by Inside the Air Force editor Marcus Weisgerber:

Air Force and defense officials are bracing for a cascade of senior service leadership moves that could open the door for Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz to become the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to active and retired Air Force general officers.

Time magazine reported Aug. 12 that National Security Adviser retired Gen. James Jones may step down soon after the Nov. 2 midterm elections, and that Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. James Cartwright is a candidate to replace him. That could open up a spot for Schwartz.

Senior Pentagon officials have been eying Schwartz for about a month to fill the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff position, current and retired Air Force general officers with knowledge of the discussions tell Inside the Air Force. Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Chiarelli -- who in his last assignment served as Defense Secretary Robert Gates' senior military assistant -- is also on the short list for the vice chairman position, according to these sources.

If Schwartz were to become the vice chairman, a series of senior leadership positions could turn over.

Air Combat Command chief Gen. William Fraser is the favorite to become the next Air Force chief of staff, according to the current and retired senior service officials who spoke with ITAF. U.S. Strategic Command boss Gen. Kevin Chilton is also on the short list to become chief, these sources say.

If Fraser is promoted to the chief's job, a handful of moves could ensue involving the shuffling of generals serving on the Air Staff and leading the Air Force's major commands.

One scenario under discussion has Lt. Gen. Philip Breedlove, the deputy chief of staff for operations, plans and requirements (A3/5), becoming the vice chief of staff. Lt. Gen. Herbert Carlisle -- commander of 13th Air Force and a former head of the service's legislative liaison division -- could fill Breedlove's slot on the Air Staff. Current Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Howie Chandler is expected to retire.

Another scenario has Breedlove becoming the ACC boss, with Gen. Raymond Johns, the head of Air Mobility Command, shifting back to the Pentagon to become the vice chief of staff. Before taking the reins at AMC, Johns served as the deputy chief of staff for strategic plans and programs (A8). Lt. Gen. Paul Selva, the assistant to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, could then become the head of AMC.

Before becoming STRATCOM commander, Chilton -- an astronaut who has commanded and flown the Space Shuttle -- led Air Force Space Command.

More to come.

By John Liang
September 9, 2010 at 6:23 PM

The Pentagon's latest report on stability and security in Iraq paints a fairly bleak picture of the Iraqi government's internal security apparatus.

The June 2010 report, released yesterday, does state that Iraq's security forces overall "are functioning well as a counterinsurgency (COIN) force. They are striving to reach a Minimum Essential Capability (MEC) by the time U.S. Forces redeploy at the end of December 2011. MEC means that the Iraqi Security ministries, institutions, and forces can provide internal security and possess foundational capabilities to defend against external threats."

However, Iraq's nascent Interior Ministry (MoI) is having some growing pains, according to the report:

In order to achieve MEC, the MoI must develop a self-reliant ministry by the end of 2011; a ministry with sustainable and enduring systems, staffed with professional and capable leadership that enables the manning, training, and equipping of interior forces. The MoI continues to make slow, uneven progress in developing the ministerial capacity to provide oversight, training, professional development, facilities, and resourcing for Iraqi internal security forces. The MoI is progressing toward MEC by December 31, 2011, but the ministry is currently experiencing challenges in the areas of C2, interoperability, resource and acquisition management, and operational sustainment.

The report paints a more positive outlook for Iraq's Defense Ministry (MoD), however:

With the exception of logistics and sustainment, the MoD is currently on track to achieve its MEC objectives to provide oversight of the Iraqi armed forces prior to U.S. Forces withdrawal in December 2011. In addition to logistics and sustainment, the current MoD challenges are in the areas of planning and budgeting, procurement, and information technology. As the ground force nears completion, lack of a sustainment funding plan and the presence of a highly centralized decision-making process inhibit MoD force improvements.

By Jason Sherman
September 9, 2010 at 6:04 PM

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell today reiterated the Defense Department's plans to select a winner in the Air Force's aerial refueling tanker program this fall.  During a press briefing, Morrell was asked about a Sept. 4 Reuters story that said the target date for awarding the Air Force aerial refueling tanker “just got murkier.”

“No longer is mid-November necessarily the moment of truth in the rematch pitting Chicago-based Boeing Co. against Airbus parent EAD, its European rival,” the wire service reported in a story touted as an “exclusive,” noting the announcement on who will build the fleet of 179 aircraft could come as late as Dec. 20, technically the last day of fall on the calendar.

Morrell said the story “was a little overblown.”

“We've been consistent on this from the get go. We anticipate awarding of this contract this fall. . . . We have never offered more clarity than than that. And yet, that is a pretty precise period of time,” he said, noting that the fall season begins Sept. 21 and ends Dec. 21.

By John Liang
September 8, 2010 at 3:55 PM

The Missile Defense Agency has identified $1.4 billion in the Pentagon's six-year budget plan for the Next Generation Aegis Missile (NGAM) program.

In answers to questions submitted to MDA after a July 29 industry day with agency Director Lt. Gen. Patrick O'Reilly, which were recently posted on Federal Business Opportunities, MDA writes:

The $1.4B figure that LTG O'Reilly mentioned was referring to the funding within MDA's POM12 budget for the Product Development Phase (covering years FY12-16.) The number is a requested amount. No funds for FY-12 have been appropriated yet.

MDA anticipates contract awards for the NGAM program "in the second quarter of FY-11," the document states. When asked about the "technology maturation contact awards time line vs. the concept definition time line," MDA responds: "We intend to award additional technology maturation contracts in FY-11."

As to a question about the "funding stream," the agency answers: "The planning profile for this effort includes approximately $130 million between the years of FY11-13. The profile is notional and may change. It is roughly linear." However, the next question asks whether there is $45 million available "per year or total" for the concept definition and technology development phase, to which MDA responds: "The planning profile for this effort includes $135 million between the years of FY11-13. The profile is notional and may change."

In response to a question about the agency's focus on countering intercontinental ballistic missile threats and whether "longer-range" short-range ballistic missiles and medium-range ballistic missiles "should be in the trade space," MDA writes: "The priority is to maximize performance against ICBMs. But, the Government is also interested in the performance gain and loss trades between threat classes."

As to whether industry should "consider the inventory and consider the fact that other interceptors can handle the shorter-range threats," MDA states: "The allocation and use of a mixed missile inventory will not be part of this contract."

When asked whether the agency is looking for a "new or modified" kill vehicle, MDA responds: "The Kill vehicle configuration is part of the trade space."

MDA expects all the missile components to have "at least" a Technology Readiness Level 5 "at the start of product development," according to the document.

By Pat Host
September 7, 2010 at 7:30 PM

Boeing today announced a major realignment of its military aircraft sector, shrinking it from six divisions to four.

The defense giant is consolidating its Boeing Military Aircraft (BMA) business and appointing new leadership. The four new divisions are Global Strike, based in St. Louis and led by Shelley Lavender; Mobility, based in Ridley Park, PA, led by Jean Chamberlin; Surveillance and Engagement, based in Seattle and led by Bob Feldmann; and Missiles and Unmanned Airborne Systems, based in St. Charles, MO, and headed by Debbie Rub.

The realignment will take effect Oct. 1, according to a company statement released this afternoon.

Boeing Military Aircraft President Chris Chadwick said the new alignment will allow BMA to meet national and global requirements for the next decade and beyond.

"This new structure supports BMA's progression from a product-based business to a capabilities-based business, focusing on supporting our customers in the United States and increasingly important international markets," Chadwick said. "It is consistent with initiatives under way throughout the entire Boeing defense business that will allow us to remain competitive and grow."

Perhaps the most notable name in the leadership shuffles is Chamberlin's; she currently is the vice president and general manager for Boeing NewGen tanker program, which is the company's candidate for the Air Force's $35 billion next-generation aerial refueling tanker contract. Before that appointment, Chamberlin was vice president and general manager for BMA's global mobility systems division, leading programs including the C-17 Globemaster III airlifter.

Chadwick also announced a new BMA leadership team position -- operating executive -- which will be filled by Phil Dunford. Dunford will be responsible for managing BMA's Engineering, Supplier Management and Production Operations functions.

By John Liang
September 7, 2010 at 3:51 PM

Northrop Grumman recently demonstrated a sensor for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that could be used to detect boosting ballistic missiles, according to a company statement released today.

The AN/AAQ-37 Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System (DAS) "successfully detected and tracked a two-stage rocket launch at a distance exceeding 800 miles during a routine flight test conducted aboard the company's BAC 1-11 test bed aircraft," the statement reads. Further:

"The DAS could fill critical capability gaps in the area of ballistic missile defense (BMD)," said Dave Bouchard, program director for F-35 sensors at Northrop Grumman. "We have only scratched the surface on the number of functions the F-35's DAS is capable of providing. With DAS, we've combined instantaneous 360-degree spherical coverage, high frame refresh rates, high resolution, high sensitivity powerful processors and advanced algorithms into a single system. The number of possibilities is endless."

An operational DAS system is comprised of multiple DAS sensors whose images are fused together to create one seamless picture. DAS successfully detected and tracked the rocket during a nine minute, two-stage, flight period from horizon break until final burnout through multiple sensor fields of regard. Unlike other sensors, DAS picks up targets without assistance from an external cue. Because DAS is passive, an operator does not have to point the sensor in the direction of a target to gain a track.

"The DAS software architecture already includes missile detection and tracking algorithms that can be applied to the BMD mission," Bouchard added. "The results of the flight test were extraordinary. We found that the data gathered during this flight validated our performance predictions. In fact, we knew we could have seen the rocket at a longer distance."

The AN/AAQ-37 DAS is a high resolution omni-directional infrared sensor system that provides advanced spherical situational awareness capability, including missile and aircraft detection, track and warning capabilities for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. DAS also gives a pilot 360 degree spherical day/night vision, with the capability of seeing through the floor of the aircraft. Northrop Grumman is now exploring how the existing DAS technology could assist in several additional mission areas, including Ballistic Missile Defense and irregular warfare operations.

Using fighter aircraft as missile defense platforms is a concept that has been gaining traction in recent years.

Last year, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz called for his service to partner with the Missile Defense Agency to study the possibility of using fighter jets, bombers and drones to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles. As Inside Missile Defense reported in July:

If eventually adopted, the concept could give the service a more prominent seat at the table in the missile defense world, which is dominated by Army and Navy interceptors. The Air Force currently tracks and provides targeting data for those systems through Defense Support Program satellites.

Right now, the Air Force does not have a "shooter" in the missile defense fight. It plans to use the Airborne Laser Boeing 747 for this mission; however, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has recommended keeping the effort in a research-and-development status due to its extremely high price tag and what Gates calls a questionable operational concept.

To that end, the Air Force explored the Air-Launched Hit-to-Kill concept in Unified Engagement 2008. The wargame concluded that "several approaches may be operationally suitable for employment from Air Force fighters or other aircraft," Schwartz wrote in a June 2 memo to MDA Director Lt. Gen. Patrick O'Reilly.

The concept proposes using modified Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) missiles or Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) weapons to shoot down different types of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The THAAD-based system would be "shorter than a 600 gallon external fuel tank and weigh approximately 1,600 pounds," according to an April 24 white paper included with the memo. The document is marked "for official use only." The system could be carried externally on F-15 and F-16 fighters. Follow-on development of this "upper-tier capability" would include an F-22A and F-35 internally carried interceptor system.

The AMRAAM-based Net Centric Airborne Defense Element (NCADE) "would provide lower tier or endo-atmospheric intercept capability," according to the document.

The use of fighter aircraft "increases the range of equivalent surface-based missiles 3 to 6 times," the document states.

By John Liang
September 3, 2010 at 7:15 PM

U.S. Joint Forces Command is seeking to soothe the concerns of contractors who work for the command in the wake of Defense Secretary Robert Gates' recent recommendation to dissolve JFCOM. According to a command statement issued today:

Navy Capt. Frank J. Hruska, USJFCOM’s business manager, said that decisions  regarding the command’s transition have yet to be made, so he has asked the command’s business partners to hold steady for now.

“The recent recommendation to disestablish U.S. Joint Forces Command has raised significant questions and concerns among the command’s support contractors and valued industry partners,” he said.  “During this period of transition and uncertainty, it is important that we continue to focus on the mission.”

Hruska said in the current climate, it is most efficient to maintain current ordering vehicles and to plan for their possible transfers if they are determined to be necessary for future DoD mission support.

“USJFCOM will maintain existing contract vehicles and continue to develop   their potential successors and any new ones in synchronization with ongoing Department of Defense and USJFCOM transition planning,” he said.

USJFCOM will continue to provide releasable information to its industry partners to enable them to make sound business decisions, Hruska said.  He encouraged partners to continue following the command website,, for updates and announcements of industry outreach sessions.

By John Liang
September 3, 2010 at 5:12 PM

During a press briefing in Afghanistan earlier today, Defense Secretary Robert Gates was asked how the U.S. military will measure success in that country at the end of this calendar year. His response:

Well, one of the things -- I mean, this is one of the things that we've been asking of -- in the assignment basically given to General Petraeus and the Afghans and General Rodriguez and so on, is, okay, what are the benchmarks, what are the criteria by which we will judge we are making progress?

Some of those are fairly evident.  Others they're still developing.  One that obviously is important is, is the ANA meeting its goals in terms of recruitment and retention?  How about the quality of the ANA as well as the quantity?  The same thing with the Afghan National Police.

So those are some -- two of the measures that are obviously important.  But they are in the process of developing the criteria or the -- the criteria by which we will be able to assess whether or not we're making progress.

By Marcus Weisgerber
September 3, 2010 at 2:56 PM

The Pentagon yesterday awarded Lockheed Martin a $315.6 million contract for five C-130J-based aircraft using wartime supplemental funding from 2008 and this year, according to a Defense Department announcement.

Three baseline C-130J aircraft and one Marine Corps KC-130J were funded using fiscal year 2008 overseas contingency operations money, and one Air Force HC-130J aircraft was funded using FY-10 OCO dollars At this time, $250.7 million has been obligated.

Last month, the Defense Department provided Congress an initial report on its cost, schedule and performance projections for an $8 billion Air Force effort to recapitalize the service's fleet of HC/MC-130 aircraft.

The HC/MC-130 program, which was launched in 2008 with initial acquisitions to meet urgent war needs, has evolved into a formal major defense acquisition program. As of June, Lockheed had received orders for 288 C-130J aircraft, 196 of which have been delivered to the Pentagon and allies.

By John Liang
September 2, 2010 at 8:03 PM

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has rescheduled a workshop aimed at getting industry ideas for mining data obtained through social networks without infringing on the privacy of individuals from this month to next month, according to an amended notice posted this week on Federal Business Opportunities:

In recent years, interest in social networks has dramatically increased. Massive amounts of social network data are being collected for military, government and commercial purposes. In all three sectors, there is an ever growing need for the exchange or publication of this data for analysis and scientific research activities. However, this data is rich in private details about individuals whose privacy must be protected and great care must be taken to do so. A major technical challenge for social network data exchange and publication is the simultaneous preservation of data privacy and security on the one hand and information utility on the other. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) is requesting information on areas of research related to the technology required to meet this challenge.

Responses to DARPA's request for information are now due by noon on Sept. 10, and an agency-sponsored workshop has been pushed back from Sept. 27-28 to Oct. 4-5, according to the FedBizOpps notice, "in Arlington, VA, for the purpose of reviewing and discussing current and future research relevant to this RFI. Information discussed at this workshop may assist in the formulation of possible future areas of DARPA research with the objective of creating tools and techniques for the anonymization of social network data."

By John Liang
September 2, 2010 at 4:08 PM

The Government Accountability Office came out with a report this week on increasing competition in federal contracting, and uses the Defense Department as an example of where congressional action might help in bringing that about:

Some degree of noncompetitive contracting is unavoidable, such as when only one responsible source can perform the work; and in some cases competition is impractical due to the government's reliance on contractors stemming from decisions that were made long ago. Recent congressional actions to strengthen competition opportunities in major defense programs may take some time to demonstrate results. Further, OMB's efforts to reduce agencies' use of high risk contract types may help agencies refocus and reenergize efforts to improve competition. Despite these actions, other targets of opportunity still exist, but to take full advantage of them, it will be necessary to challenge conventional thinking to some extent. Key among these are establishing an effective, adequately trained team of contracting and program staff working together, starting early in the acquisition process. Competition opportunities should be considered when requirements are initially developed, and as complex programs mature and the government gains more knowledge about what it needs. Because program officials have an essential role in the acquisition process, as do contracting officers, it is just as important for them to advance competition whenever possible. Given the nation’s fiscal constraints, it is not acceptable to keep an incumbent contractor in place without competition simply because the contractor is doing a good job, or to resist legitimate suggestions that competition be imposed even though it may take longer. As discussed in this report, some agencies have implemented the leadership and accountability to make progress in this area, such as breaking out requirements to facilitate competition. However, there is no requirement to assess the circumstances under which competitive solicitations receive only one offer to potentially bring about a greater response from the market place. The competition advocates, in their unique role and in the context of OFPP’s call to reinvigorate their role, have the potential to implement changes to practice and to culture. However, to do so they need to be situated in the right organizational position and able to bring to bear the acquisition knowledge and leadership to engender change.

Consequently, GAO recommends that the administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy do the following:

* Determine whether the (Federal Acquisition Regulations) should be amended to require agencies to regularly review and critically evaluate the circumstances leading to only one offer being received for recurring or other requirements and to identify additional steps that can be taken to increase the likelihood that multiple offers will be submitted, with the results of the evaluation documented in the contract file.

* As part of efforts to reinvigorate the role of the competition advocate, issue guidance to federal agencies regarding appropriate considerations when appointing competition advocates, such as placement within the organization, skill set, and potential methods to effectively carry out their duties.

* Direct agencies to require their competition advocates to actively involve program offices in highlighting opportunities to increase competition.

Some of the people who oversee those acquisition programs within DOD, at least, will have to be military and not civilian, Inside the Pentagon reports this morning:

The Pentagon's procurement shop has officially designated numerous acquisition posts to be "key leadership positions" that must be filled by military officials of a certain rank.

In an Aug. 25 memo to the military services and defense agencies, Frank Kendall, the Pentagon's No. 2 acquisition official, lays out guidance for the department's critical acquisition functions.

The "key leadership positions" (KLPs) listed in the memo require "a significant level of responsibility and authority and are key to the success of a program or effort," writes Kendall, the principal deputy under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics. He signed the memo in an acting capacity for Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter.

The services and defense agencies can designate any job a KLP so long as it meets the criteria, but the memo declares certain types of positions are required to have that status. These include program executive officers; deputy program executive officers; program managers for acquisition categories I, IA and II efforts; deputy program mangers for acquisition category I efforts; and senior contracting officials.