The Insider

By John Liang
November 3, 2010 at 3:07 PM

House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-CA), the presumptive next chairman of the panel, isn't waiting for the transfer of power in January to put forth his priorities. In a statement issued this morning, McKeon outlined what he termed "a broad vision for national defense policy that emphasizes winning the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while also investing in the capabilities and force structure necessary to protect the United States from threats of tomorrow." Further:

America remains a nation at war.  More than 150,000 of our sons and daughters are deployed around the globe in the fight against al-Qaeda and its terrorist allies. The top priority of the Armed Services Committee, as outlined in the House Republicans' Pledge to America, will be to work in a bipartisan manner to provide those brave warfighters the resources and support they need to succeed in their missions and return home safely. . . .

In carrying out our constitutional mandate, we must place a renewed emphasis on oversight.  Our efforts will be relevant and directly tied to the front-line war fighter in Iraq and Afghanistan and the protection of the U.S. homeland. Our oversight will be focused and aggressive, while upholding the integrity of the military and its personnel.

Our citizens have spoken, and they want a defense budget that is sufficient to address the challenges of today and the threats of tomorrow. One percent real growth in the base defense budget over the next five years is a net reduction for modernization efforts which are critical to protecting our nation's homeland.

According to the statement, McKeon's priorities for the 112th Congress include:

* Ensuring our troops deployed in Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world have the equipment, resources, authorities, training, and time they need to successfully complete their missions and return home;

* Building on the Armed Services Committee’s strong bipartisan tradition of providing our warfighters and their families with the resources and support they need; and

* Investing in the capabilities and force structure needed to protect the United States from tomorrow’s threats, while mandating fiscal responsibility, accountability, and transparency from the Department of Defense.

McKeon said congressional Republicans "are committed to passing a National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 that is not weighed down by the current majority's social agenda items."

By Thomas Duffy
November 3, 2010 at 2:47 PM

The House Republicans' policy agenda that was rolled out in September, called the "Pledge to America," states that the GOP will "fully fund missile defense" to protect the homeland and support U.S. allies. No specifics are given, but Republican members of the House Armed Services Committee were very upset when the Obama administration cut $1.2 billion from missile defense funding in the fiscal year 2010 defense budget.

As part of that move, the administration eliminated the Kinetic Energy Interceptor program and the Multiple Kill Vehicle program, reduced the scope of the Airborne Laser program (renaming it the Airborne Laser Testbed and shifting it from the Missile Defense Agency to the office of the director of defense research and engineering) and committed to fielding 30 ground-based interceptors in Alaska and California. The previous Bush administration wanted 44 interceptors.

Riding a wave of Tea Party anger over government spending, among other issues, the newly elected House GOP majority may have to explain to its base why missile defense should be given any more money if you consider the argument laid out by Defense Secretary Robert Gates. During a May 13, 2009 appearance before the House Armed Services Committee, Gates defended the administration's moves this way:

In terms of your larger point, I would say that the security of the American people and the efficacy of missile defense are not enhanced by continuing to put money into programs that, in terms of their operational concept, are fatally flawed or research programs that are essentially sinkholes for taxpayer dollars.

Gates walked the committee through each program and gave his reasons for why each should be cut. The KEI effort was, at the time of Gates' testimony, in its 14th year of development even though the program plan called for five years. Gates said KEI was "a program that wasn't going anywhere." In its justification material sent to Congress with the FY-10 budget, MDA laid out several technical problems affecting the KEI program. "Even if such technical problems could be solved without excessive cost and schedule implications, we have become concerned about the cost-effectiveness of the KEI interceptor, which is currently estimated at $75 million per unit," the agency said.

Gates said the Multiple Kill Vehicle was aimed at a stronger missile threat, such as from China or Russia, and not the threat posed by rogue states like Korea and Iran. MKV was "incompatible" with the policies of both the Obama and Bush administrations in that sense, Gates said.

The operational concept behind the ABL does not hold up, Gates pointed out. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, testifying with Gates, told the committee he felt the ABL "has been a flawed concept for years." Gates pointed out that if the target were Iran, the concept calls for ABL to "orbit almost entirely within the borders of Iran. This is probably a little problematic."

Eight days after Gates and Mullen spoke to the committee, MDA Director Lt. Gen. Patrick O'Reilly explained why 30 ground-based interceptors provided the protection needed against a possible North Korean missile attack. O'Reilly explained that there was never any analysis done to justify the 44-interceptor limit and the threat projections done in 2002 that supported the 44 number "were off by a factor of 10 to 20 in that regard."

Through the Freedom of Information Act, Inside Missile Defense obtained a May 2010 report, marked "for official use only," that contains the following threat assessment:

While both Iran and North Korea have demonstrated technologies that are directly applicable to the development of ICBMs, neither has yet to show any evidence of developing an ICBM-class warhead.

By Dan Dupont
November 3, 2010 at 2:10 PM

As expected, the Democratic leadership of the House Armed Services Committee took a beating last night, leaving way up in the air the question of what comes next. As Danger Room reports:

Take a last look at the membership list of the House committee. Longtime Democratic leader and outgoing chairman Ike Skelton of Missouri lost his seat. So did next-up John Spratt of South Carolina. So did next-up-next-up Solomon Ortiz of Texas (though a recount is possible). So did naval-subcommittee chairman Gene Taylor of Mississippi. So did Georgia's Jim Marshall, New Hampshire's Carol Shea-Porter, Virginia's Glenn Nye, Maryland's Frank Kratovil, Alabama's Bobby Bright and New York’s Scott Murphy. Three other Democrats retired from the committee -- one of them, Pennsylvania's Joe Sestak, lost a Senate race last night -- and things look tough for Washington's Rick Larsen as well.

So say hello to likely incoming chairman Buck McKeon of California. As we reported last month, McKeon's a big proponent of missile defense, a skeptic of the Obama administration's plan to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan next July, and no great fan of closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. One of his key allies, Virginia Republican Randy Forbes, has blasted the administration for neglect of the Navy and Air Force and general "lack of concern . . . for the men and women in uniform." Defense Secretary Robert Gates' plans to cut $100 billion in defense overhead in five years is going to get the fine-tooth-comb treatment from the committee. Expect hearings on all of these issues practically as soon as Speaker-in-Waiting John Boehner gavels the next Congress into session in January.

That's hardly the only upcoming fight. Next month, the Pentagon will complete a military study on repealing the ban on open gay service. Unless the Senate can pass a stalled defense bill during the lame-duck session before January, the ban will remain in place until Congress chucks it. Only now it faces much steeper chances in a GOP-run House: repeal of the ban only passed the House this year after Patrick Murphy of Pennsylvania -- who, by the way, just lost his seat -- added it as an amendment to the House version of the defense bill, to much GOP criticism. Forbes, the incoming chairman of the readiness subcommittee, wants to get the results of the military study before considering an end to the ban. But even if the study finds no problems with repealing it, wide GOP House majorities make it unlikely to get through the chamber. (And the Senate isn't so hot on it either.)

More to come.

By Jason Sherman
November 2, 2010 at 7:11 PM

The Joint Strike Fighter alternate engine program is not on the ballot, but its future may hang in the balance of today's midterm election results. If predictions of a Republican surge and takeover of the House come to pass, the political exigencies of the moment -- in particular, pressure to reduce federal spending -- could make it difficult for lawmakers who for the last five years have added money to the budget for the F136 program in the name of sound public policy to continue to do so.

Should control of the House flip, it will likely be many weeks before Congress sorts out how it will proceed with stalled fiscal year 2011 appropriations and authorization bills. Meantime, under a stopgap funding measure the Pentagon is permitting the F136 program to continue development by utilizing carryover fiscal year 2010 funds, a sum that will keep the effort going until early December.

In the event Congress enacts another continuing resolution to fund government operations beyond Dec. 3, the F136 program is in trouble. Under rules issued by Jeffrey Zients, acting director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Defense Secretary Robert Gates -- who is leading the effort to kill the F136 program -- can unilaterally turn off funding for the F136 because it did not receive support in all four proposals of the FY-11 defense bill proposed by congressional panels that oversee military spending. In a Sept. 30 bulletin to federal department heads, OMB explains:

If either the House or Senate has reported or passed a bill that provides no funding for an account at the time the CR is enacted, the CR automatic apportionment does not apply to the account. Instead, you must submit a written apportionment request to OMB if you want to request funds for the account during the period of the CR. OMB will apportion funds in such a manner as not to impinge on the final funding prerogatives of Congress.

By Thomas Duffy
November 2, 2010 at 2:38 PM

The Defense Department has announced the dates for Empire Challenge 2011, the Pentagon's top intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance demonstration that is held each year. Ft. Huachuca, AZ will host the event starting June 20, 2011, according to a recent notice posted on Federal Business Opportunities. The ISR demonstration will wrap up on July 1, 2011.

According to the notice, EC11 will:

. . . consist of ISR interoperability events using a combination of live, laboratory, and modeling and simulation activities, to demonstrate and assess potential solutions to identified warfighter ISR requirements, including multinational requirements from Afghanistan. EC11 will conduct operations simulating elements of a multinational force, with an emphasis at the Joint Task Force (JTF)-level and below, in an operationally representative, live environment.

This will not be a U.S.-only event. DOD expects participation by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and NATO as well as those nations that are a part of the International Security Assistance Force now operating in Afghanistan.

By Thomas Duffy
November 1, 2010 at 6:57 PM

With election day 2010 less than 24 hours away and a Republican takeover of the House predicted by virtually every political pundit, the top four Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee may not have to worry about minority status. All four may be gone from the House, period.

Notably, committee Chairman Rep. Ike Skelton (MO) is in the political fight of his life. Skelton won reelection two years ago with 66 percent of the votes cast. This year, however, his race against Republican Vicky Hartzler, who served in the state House, is considered a "toss-up" by the political website, which bases its judgments on national and in-state polls.

John Spratt (SC) is right behind Skelton in terms of seniority among Democrats on the committee. And like Skelton, he won reelection in 2008 by a comfortable margin of 62 percent. But 2010 is a bad year for Spratt's party, and he faces a long day tomorrow against challenger Mick Mulvaney. Mulvaney, like so many Republicans running this year, is criticizing his opponent for supporting the Obama-Pelosi agenda. says the Spratt-Mulvaney race "leans GOP."

Reps. Solomon Ortiz (TX) and Gene Taylor (MS) -- the third and fourth-ranking Democrats, respectively -- hold subcommittee chairmanships. Taylor has taken a very high profile over the last number of months because of the Gulf oil spill. He has also consistently argued for a larger surface fleet for the Navy. Northrop Grumman's Ingalls Shipyard is in Mississippi. RealClearPolitics. com puts both races in the "toss-up" category.

Maybe their wealth of political skill can get them reelected one more time. But in a year when the word incumbent is being spelled with four letters, each man carries a heavy burden -- their length of service in the House. Skelton was first elected in 1977, Spratt and Ortiz were members of the House freshman class of 1982, and Taylor was sworn in in 1989.

By John Liang
November 1, 2010 at 2:58 PM

A new independent report predicts that the military avionics market through 2020 will total around $12.9 billion.

The report, promulgated by independent research company, "examines leading users of military aircraft avionics systems, and explores the operational requirements which are driving global growth in this sector," according to a company statement. "We assess the commercial prospects and outlook for companies offering military aircraft avionics systems. Based on our research, global government spending in 2010 on military aircraft avionics systems, across all platforms, will total $12.9 billion." Further:

This analytical report defines the current state of the military aircraft avionics market and discusses its potential for growth from 2010 to 2020, with market forecasting at the global, national and submarket levels. We analyse, quantify and forecast the global military aircraft avionics markets by sub-sector for fighter jets/training craft, large transporters/airlift, helicopters, manned airborne ISR systems and UAVs. We also analyse, quantify and forecast the global forward-fit and global retro-fit military aircraft avionics markets separately.

Globally there are a multitude of factors which are driving increased research, development, procurement and deployment of military aircraft avionics systems. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and emerging terrorist threats around the world have demonstrated the growing importance of aircraft in military operations. Governments are increasingly aware that increasingly integrated coalition missions of this type require up to date avionics systems in support of these missions. During the next decade, the military aircraft avionics industry is therefore expected to exhibit corresponding growth, driven by the escalating airlift operations and special mission fleets operating worldwide.

We examine the combination of factors that are driving the increased retro-fitting of avionics systems by air forces around the world. The upgrading of military aircraft avionics systems is expected to increase steadily over the next decade, despite general economic uncertainty and pressure on defence budgets. Military decision-makers are developing operational strategies to benefit from the latest avionics technology to maximise the potential of the modern network centric warfare environment.

The increasing investment in military aircraft avionics systems, particularly in emerging nations, has resulted in the global military aircraft avionics market becoming one of the few recession-resistant sub-sectors of the defence industry. We expect the global military aircraft avionics market to flourish from 2010 onwards, with significant rewards for successful companies.

How much are individual countries planning to spend on military aircraft avionics systems between 2010 and 2020? How are new technologies changing the nature of military aircraft avionics systems? Who are the leading companies providing military aircraft avionics systems? Where are the growth opportunities over the next decade - in which geographical region and with which technology? These critical questions and many more are definitively answered in this comprehensive report.

Evidently information like this doesn't come cheap. Click here to shell out the $2,224 you'll need to buy the full report.

By John Liang
October 29, 2010 at 9:55 PM

Most of the data analysis of a successful Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system intercept conducted this week has already concluded, according to a Raytheon official.

An SM-3 Block 1A missile launched from the Japanese destroyer Kirishima successfully shot down a medium-range, ballistic missile target yesterday off the coast of Hawaii, MDA announced early this morning. Kirishima is the fourth of four ships that Japan has retrofitted to carry Aegis BMD missiles.

Frank White, vice president of the company's air and missile defense business unit, said in a brief telephone interview today that "we've gotten pretty good at doing this, and so even within an hour of the mission, we'd done a lot of the data analysis. Essentially within a week, we will have completely run through all of the data there is to run through, but a significant amount of data analysis has already been done in the last 12 hours, and is done real-time."

The next intercept test of the Aegis BMD system -- off a U.S. combat ship -- is scheduled for the spring of next year and will feature an SM-3 Block 1A missile and Aegis Combat System version 3.6.1, according to White.

By Marcus Weisgerber
October 29, 2010 at 9:27 PM

Former Lockheed Martin F-35 boss Dan Crowley has been named president of Raytheon Network Centric Systems effective Nov. 1, according to a Raytheon statement released late this afternoon.

The move comes barely six months after Crowley was appointed as chief operating officer of Lockheed's aeronautics business.

Crowley served as Lockheed's Joint Strike Fighter general manager from 2005 to 2010, and was appointed as COO of the company's aeronautics business in May. At the time, Larry Lawson, who previously led the company's F-22A fighter program, was put in charge of the F-35 program. Crowley had maintained a low profile since his promotion. In late September, he attended a Lockheed ceremony in Marietta, GA, in honor of the company delivering the first production C-5M Super Galaxy cargo aircraft.

Crowley will replace Colin Schottlaender, the Raytheon division's president since August 2002, who is retiring on Dec. 31. "As Crowley transitions into his new role, Schottlaender will work with him during the interim period prior to Schottlaender's retirement date," the announcement reads. The McKinney, TX -based division of Raytheon has more than 13,000 employees.

From the statement:

Crowley brings significant experience in the aerospace and defense industry to NCS' top leadership role, including 27 years with Lockheed Martin Corporation.

"Dan's extensive industry background and deep expertise in operations, engineering, strategic business development and global customer engagement are ideally suited to his new role with Raytheon and I'm pleased to welcome him to the team," said William H. Swanson, Chairman and CEO of Raytheon Company.

"I want to sincerely thank Colin for his outstanding service to our company and customers, and congratulate him on his distinguished 33-plus-year career," Swanson continued. "While our company will clearly miss Colin's leadership skills, customer focus and extensive management talents, all of us wish him the very best in his pending retirement."

Earlier this year, Lockheed stood behind Crowley as Defense Secretary Robert Gates fired then-JSF Program Manager Marine Corps Maj. Gen. David Heinz and launched a massive overhaul of the multibillion dollar program, which is significantly over budget and behind schedule.

Lockheed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Bob Stevens told reporters on March 4 in a conference call that he had "absolute confidence in him in this role, and I'm going to continue to strengthen Dan and his team." He added: "I have no desire or expectation of removing Dan from the program management responsibilities on the F-35."

By Jason Sherman
October 29, 2010 at 8:42 PM

The managers of some of the Pentagon's largest weapon programs -- including the Joint Strike Fighter, Stryker, CVN-68, C-5 RERP, and P-8A -- did not avail themselves of acquisition rules established by Congress to ensure prime contractors are not thwarting competition when determining whether to may a part in house or subcontract to another firm, according to federal auditors.

The Government Accountability Office, in a new report, concludes that additional Pentagon guidance is required to "improve visibility into the structure and management of major weapon system contracts" in according with the 2009 Weapon System Acquisition Reform Act (WSARA). The GAO report, prepared at the direction of the FY-10 National Defense Authorization Act, concludes:

[P]rogram officials seemed reluctant to use available acquisition provisions, such as the make-or-buy plan, that enable the government to gain visibility into the prime contractor's subcontracting effort, largely because of fears regarding government liability. Further, government officials often questioned the overall purpose of these provisions. Nevertheless, Congress directed DOD in WSARA to ensure that prime contractors’ make-or-buy decisions are fair and reasonable. Provisions such as the make-or-buy plan represent important tools that the government can use to gain insight into the prime contractor’s methods for awarding subcontracts.

Shay Assad, director of defense procurement and acquisition policy, said in an Oct. 22 memo accompanying the GAO finding that the Pentagon will update acquisition guidance for contracting officers by June 30, 2011.

The 2009 Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act directed DOD "to improve competition throughout the life cycle of major defense programs, to ensure that contractors' make-or-buy decisions are fair and objective," GAO notes. "Specifically, the Secretary of Defense was directed to require prime contractors to give full and fair consideration to qualified sources other than the prime contractor for the development or construction of major subsystems and components of major weapon systems."

By John Liang
October 29, 2010 at 3:11 PM

The Pentagon inspector general's office recently audited the Marine Corps Systems Command's undefinitized contract actions (UCAs), which "allow a contractor to begin work and incur costs before the government and the contractor have reached a final agreement on contract terms, specifications, or price."

The IG reviewed 88 UCAs worth about $2.75 billion awarded by MARCORSYSCOM from fiscal years 2004 through 2009, according to the Oct. 27 report, and found that command contracting officials "did not consistently comply with statutory requirements for managing 80 of the 88 UCAs." Further:

Contracting officials did not prepare adequate requests for authorization to issue 34 UCAs, justify the issuance of 34 UCAs, definitize 57 UCAs within time frames, support whether the contactor's reduced risk during the undefinitized period was reflected in profit for 45 UCAs, obligate funds within limits for 54 UCAs, or document that the government received a fair and reasonable price on 15 UCAs.

MCSC contracting officials did not consistently comply with UCA restrictions because they did not follow statutory and DOD regulations for requesting to issue a UCA; they issued UCAs unnecessarily because of poor acquisition planning, and customers changed requirements after the UCA issuance; the contractor submitted inadequate proposals; they did not adequately document the profit determination; they were unaware of funding limits; and they did not adequately document that the Marine Corps received a fair and reasonable price.

As a result, the Marine Corps assumed increased cost risk in the award and negotiation process and may have paid excess profit.

Consequently, the IG recommends:

Marine Corps officials should develop a guide to assist with UCA justification, obligation, and definitization compliance; develop procedures to ensure that all UCAs are approved by the head of the agency or delegate; develop procedures to ensure that UCA requests include the impact on agency requirements if contracting officials do not issue a UCA; develop track methods for definitization of UCAs; better coordinate with customers to identify changes in Government requirements; and require contracting officials to adequately document the profit determination for UCAs.

By Jason Sherman
October 28, 2010 at 9:20 PM

The Pentagon's acquisition executive has set Nov. 22 as a day of reckoning for the Joint Strike Fighter program, according to a Defense Department official. On that day the Defense Acquisition Board will meet and hear from F-35 Program Executive Officer Vice Adm. David Venlet who will present the results of a wide number of initiatives directed by DOD acquisition executive Ashton Carter in June.

At this milestone review, Carter is expected to consider results of a technical baseline review, affordability initiatives -- for a program that in June the Pentagon estimated will cost $382 billion -- as well as an independent manufacturing review, reorganization and manning of the F-35 Joint Program Office, a revised risk management process, intelligence community support to the F-35 program, status of F-35 funding in DOD's FY-12 to FY-16 investment plan, and status of the flight test plan.

By John Liang
October 28, 2010 at 3:40 PM

The total amount of money appropriated by Congress for non-defense intelligence programs in fiscal year 2010 was $53.1 billion, according to a statement released this morning by the office of the director of national intelligence. That figure is $3.3 billion higher than what was appropriated in FY-09.

Don't even think about asking DNI for any additional information on the intel budget, though:

Any and all subsidiary information concerning the NIP budget, whether the information concerns particular intelligence agencies or particular intelligence programs, will not be disclosed. Beyond the disclosure of the NIP top-line figure, there will be no other disclosures of currently classified NIP budget information because such disclosures could harm national security. The only exceptions to the foregoing are for unclassified appropriations, primarily for the Community Management Account.

UPDATE: The Pentagon's FY-10 intel spending was $27 billion, according to a DOD statement.

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) vowed in a statement released today that she would cut waste and duplication from the intelligence budget in the next session of Congress.

"The intelligence budget has doubled since 2001, with huge growth in personnel, facilities, and operations costs," Feinstein said. "Given the nation's financial situation, it is my view that the intelligence budget needs to be carefully reviewed and that cuts will be necessary.

"As chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I intend to identify and remove any waste and unnecessary duplication in the intelligence budget and to reduce funding for lower-priority activities. It is clear that the overall spending on intelligence has blossomed to an unacceptable level in the past decade," she continued.

In related news, Inside the Pentagon reports this morning that the Defense Department is requiring defense agencies, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the combatant commands to file yearly reports on their efforts to mine information from foreign newspapers and other media, according to new guidance signed by the acting under secretary of defense for intelligence:

DOD instruction No. 3115.12, which went into effect Aug. 24, lays out a series of individual status reports to be filed by the National Security Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the COCOMs and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The instruction also establishes the Defense Open Source Council as the "primary governance mechanism" for DOD's open-source intelligence. The council, which is chaired by a senior executive picked by the Defense Intelligence Agency, must also submit a status report to the under secretary of defense for intelligence, or USD(I), by Feb. 28 of each year.

This council's report will assess DOD's open-source intelligence programs and activities, and lay out issues that are hindering the programs' effectiveness and integration into DOD-wide or national programs. These annual reports will also prioritize recommendations concerning policy changes and other initiatives needed for improvement.

By John Liang
October 28, 2010 at 2:29 PM

Questions surrounding the viability of the Medium Extended Air Defense System don't really worry Raytheon CEO William Swanson.

"That's something for the government to sort out," Swanson told Wall Street analysts during a conference call this morning on the company's third-quarter earnings.

Inside the Army reported earlier this month that with the Army's air and missile defense portfolio review in full swing, service acquisition chief Malcolm O'Neill and Missile Defense Agency Director Lt. Gen. Patrick O'Reilly had met recently to discuss how they might work together on MEADS:

The gathering comes ahead of a meeting of defense acquisition chiefs later this month on the sidelines of a NATO Conference of National Armaments Directors. "I think there will be a frank discussion between us, the Germans and the Italians," O'Neill told sister publication Inside the Army, calling the Oct. 28 meeting on MEADS, set for NATO headquarters in Brussels, an "important milestone."

Topics of discussion, according to O'Neill, include the program's progress, cost, and "options to continue as a team" or otherwise. As for the meeting with O'Reilly, no decisions regarding MEADS have been made, O'Neill stressed.

The Army, which pays for the U.S. contribution to MEADS, has long viewed the program with trepidation and has made several attempts to bow out of it. But MEADS has traditionally enjoyed support from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, raising the question of how much power the Army has to influence its fate.

Swanson said the company's Patriot missile business would likely not be hurt by MEADS, regardless of what decision is made on the latter program, adding that Patriot has 12 customers around the world, compared to three for MEADS. "We expect Patriot to be around for a long time," he said.

Raytheon this morning announced third-quarter 2010 adjusted earnings per share of $1.36 per diluted share, up 9 percent compared to $1.25 per diluted share in the third quarter of last year, according to a company statement.

"The increase was primarily driven by operational improvements," the statement reads.

"Strong program performance and cost reduction activities drove operating margins and earnings for the quarter," Swanson said in the statement. "Our consistent focus on providing our customers with innovative and affordable solutions positions us well to address the future challenges and opportunities in our industry."

Raytheon's net third-quarter sales were $6.3 billion compared to $6.2 billion in the same quarter last year. The company's operating cash flow from continuing operations was $413 million during the quarter, down from $749 million in the same quarter last year, according to the statement. "Operating cash flow from continuing operations in the third quarter 2009 was favorably impacted by the timing of collections on several production programs."

As for the company's individual business segments:

Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) had third quarter 2010 net sales of $1,319 million compared to $1,387 million in the third quarter 2009. The change in net sales was primarily due to lower volume on various U.S. Navy programs and on two joint battlefield sensor programs, partially offset by higher volume on international Patriot programs. IDS recorded $208 million of operating income compared to $217 million in the third quarter 2009.

During the quarter, IDS booked $190 million for a U.S. Army/Navy Transportable Radar Surveillance (AN/TPY-2) radar for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA). IDS also booked $104 million on the Zumwalt-class destroyer program and $103 million on the Aegis weapon system for the U.S. Navy.

. . . Intelligence and Information Systems (IIS) had third quarter 2010 net sales of $735 million compared to $805 million in the third quarter 2009. The change in net sales was primarily due to lower volume on various classified programs, on a U.S. Air Force program and on the UK Border Agency program. IIS recorded $60 million of operating income in the third quarter 2010 compared to $68 million in the third quarter 2009.

During the quarter, IIS booked $447 million on a number of classified contracts.

. . . Missile Systems (MS) had third quarter 2010 net sales of $1,391 million compared to $1,396 million in the third quarter 2009. MS recorded $162 million of operating income compared to $145 million in the third quarter 2009. The increase in operating income was primarily due to operational improvements.

During the quarter, MS booked $2,179 million, including $545 million for the production of Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) for the U.S. Air Force and international customers, $451 million for engineering and manufacturing development on the competitively awarded Small Diameter Bomb II (SDB II) contract for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy, $237 million for Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) and an international customer, $204 million for the production of Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM) for the U.S. Navy and an international customer, $119 million for the Javelin program for the U.S. Army and international customers, $112 million for the production of AIM-9X Sidewinder short range air-to-air missiles for the U.S. Navy and international customers, and $106 million for development work on the Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) for the MDA.

. . . Network Centric Systems (NCS) had third quarter 2010 net sales of $1,227 million compared to $1,212 million in the third quarter 2009. NCS recorded $172 million of operating income in both the third quarter 2010 and the third quarter 2009.

During the quarter, NCS booked $84 million for airborne tactical communications systems for multiple customers.

. . . Space and Airborne Systems (SAS) had third quarter 2010 net sales of $1,238 million compared to $1,134 million in the third quarter 2009, primarily due to growth on classified business and on an international tactical radar program. SAS recorded $191 million of operating income compared to $159 million in the third quarter 2009. The increase in operating income was primarily due to operational improvements.

During the quarter, SAS booked $87 million for the production of Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars for the U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard. SAS also booked $265 million on a number of classified contracts.

. . . Technical Services (TS) had third quarter 2010 net sales of $873 million compared to $797 million in the third quarter 2009, primarily due to continued growth in domestic and foreign training programs supporting the U.S. Army’s Warfighter Field Operations Customer Support (FOCUS) activities. TS recorded operating income of $77 million compared to $60 million in the third quarter 2009. The increase in operating income was primarily due to operational improvements.

During the quarter, TS booked $306 million on domestic training programs and $121 million on foreign training programs in support of the Warfighter FOCUS activities.

By Cid Standifer
October 27, 2010 at 8:14 PM

The Navy's energy strategy, which came out this month and was obtained by Inside the Pentagon, takes a closer look at improving fuel efficiency for aircraft.

At the Navy Energy Forum earlier this month, Vice Adm. William Burke, head of N4, talked about expanding initiatives to encourage operators to be more energy-conscious to the service's air platforms, and Rear Adm. Randy Mahr of Naval Air Systems Command talked about future efforts to test biofuels on planes and helicopters.

According to the Navy Energy Vision, the service might also start trying out smaller efforts similar to ones initiated on ships to seek incremental savings.

"Naval Aviation is evaluating proven technology solutions to improve the energy efficiency of currently fielded systems," the document states. "Improved compressor and turbine designs, performance-seeking controls, and advanced materials are under development to reduce the specific fuel consumption of legacy propulsion systems up to 8 percent. Ongoing mission planning database updates and onboard flight performance modules offer an additional 1 to 3 percent reduction in sortie fuel consumption. Drag-resistant aircraft coatings are being evaluated for military applications after demonstrating up to 6 percent fuel savings in commercial aviation."

The report speculates that small and heavy fuel technology could garner 20 percent energy savings for unmanned aerial vehicles, while variable-cycle engines could save airplanes up to 25 percent of their fuel. It also touts simulated training as a way to save millions of gallons of fuel. And according to the document, the Navy's F/A-18s are already saving $250,000 annually by adjusting their flight altitude so that they cruise at heights normally reserved for commercial airliners.

Much of the rest of the report has long been part of the service's well-publicized push toward biofuels and energy savings.