Inside the Air Force highlights

By John Liang / January 4, 2016 at 10:25 AM

The top stories from the last 2015 issue of Inside the Air Force.

1. The Air Force expects to release a request for proposals in early January for future next-generation Global Positioning System production, according to a Dec. 22 notice.

Full story: Air Force plans to issue RFP for future GPS III satellites in early January

2. The Air Force next month plans to conduct in-depth technical discussions with industry on the requirement to modernize the silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile fleet, a meeting that comes in anticipation of an early 2016 decision to acquire the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent program, a projected $62 billion project.

Full story: Air Force to brief industry on draft solicitation for new ICBM program

3. The Afghan Air Force may be cobbling together parts for its Russian-made helicopters from Eastern European allies, but the service's greater struggle lies in cultivating a sustainable workforce.

Full story: Lagging aircrew development and sustainment plagues Afghan Air Force