Inside the Navy highlights

By Lee Hudson / January 22, 2018 at 9:15 AM

Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy:

1. The Trump administration could be opening the door to a larger fleet of Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines than the Defense Department has planned, according to a leaked draft of the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, which characterizes the current goal of building 12 new subs as a "minimum" fleet objective.

Full Story: Draft NPR calls Navy plan for 12 Columbia-class subs ‘minimum’ fleet size

2. The Navy is using surface action groups in various scenarios to train junior surface warfare officers, who are just finishing their first division tour, in advanced tactics similar to the aviation community's Top Gun schoolhouse.

Full Story: Navy uses surface action groups to train junior officers in advanced tactics

3. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer is seeking $800 million from Congress to train sailors using artificial intelligence.

Full Story: SECNAV wants $800 million for artificial intelligence-based training