Inside the Navy highlights

By Lee Hudson / August 1, 2016 at 9:05 AM

Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy:

1. The Marine Corps is pushing for the helicopter replacements being pursued under the Future Vertical Lift program to include "optionally manned" aircraft that can be flown by humans or operated remotely, depending on the mission.

Full Story: Marines want 'optionally manned' Future Vertical Lift aircraft

2. After a pair of unrelated but high-profile propulsion system casualties sidelined two Littoral Combat Ships months ago, the Navy appears to have found fixes to both issues.

Full Story: Navy overcoming propulsion systems problems with Littoral Combat Ships

3. Five Navy suppliers improved their position -- and three made a new appearance -- in the service's annual "superior" rankings, a Defense Department program the service pioneered to identify exceptional cost, schedule, performance, quality and business relations by defense contractors.

Full Story: Eight Navy suppliers notch improved 'superior' ranking as overall list culled