The INSIDER daily digest -- May 12, 2022

By John Liang / May 12, 2022 at 1:31 PM

This Thursday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on Army data centricity, military leaders testifying before House and Senate appropriators and more.

During a two-day meeting with industry this week, Army officials emphasized the importance of being transport-agnostic in its use of data:

Army network leaders delve into data centricity as next step

PHILADELPHIA -- The Army is seeking to achieve data-centric operations in the coming years as it continues to develop and modernize its network capabilities, service leaders told industry early this week.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin testified this week before the House Appropriations defense subcommittee on his department's fiscal year 2023 budget request:

House appropriators debate quantity vs. quality; chair teases upcoming BRAC discussions

Pentagon leaders on Capitol Hill today again tried to sell skeptical lawmakers on their proposed divest-to-invest strategy that would cut ships, aircraft and military end strength as part of an overall fiscal year 2023 budget proposal that does not keep pace with historic inflation.

Document: Austin's testimony on the FY-23 budget

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth testified before Senate appropriators this week:

Army could divest Strykers under Alaska reorganization

The Army might divest the Stryker combat vehicles that its forces in Alaska currently use and raid them for spare parts, if the Stryker brigade in the state becomes an infantry brigade, service Secretary Christine Wormuth said May 10.

Document: Army's testimony on FY-23 budget request

More news from the Modern Day Marine 2022 conference:

Marine Corps to bring organic sensing capabilities to tactical edge soon

The Marine Corps will leverage organic intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities "in the near term," according to a service official.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency will begin reviewing industry proposals in July for Glide Breaker Phase 2, a project that aims to mature a new divert-and-attitude-control-system-propelled kill vehicle technology for integration on a future hypersonic defense weapon system:

Northrop, Aerojet square off in contest for next-generation, hypersonic-slaying kill vehicle

An expected two-way contest to build a next-generation kill vehicle -- one optimized to counter hypersonic glide vehicles -- is coming to a head, pitting Northrop Grumman and Aerojet Rocketdyne for the chance to progress to the second and final phase of the Glide Breaker program.