The Insider

By John Liang
January 8, 2024 at 2:37 PM

This Monday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on the Army retrofitting humvees to make them safer, Black Hawk helicopter fleet modernization and more.

The Army is retrofitting humvees with anti-lock brakes and electronic stability control systems made by Ricardo Defense that are designed to prevent rollovers, thus protecting the occupants from injury or death:

Army needs more funds to speed up humvee safety retrofits, says acquisition chief

More cash from Congress would allow the Army to accelerate by six years an effort to retrofit humvees with safety kits that prevent rollovers, the service's acquisition chief told Inside Defense.

The Army is seeking to modernize its remaining Black Hawk fleet:

Modernization the goal as Army aims to downsize Black Hawk fleet

As the Army lays out a plan to downsize its Black Hawk helicopter fleet by 157 of the oldest aircraft, the service says it is with the end goal of balancing modernization and readiness.

In December 2022, DOD announced its intent to establish a new Industrial Base Policy Consortium that would work to quickly award projects to match the speed of innovation:

DOD selects new Defense Industrial Base Consortium management organization

The Defense Department awarded Advanced Technology International a contract on Dec. 31 to act as the Defense Industrial Base Consortium Management Organization, which will help the DIBC expand its member base.

In case you missed it, more coverage of the Pentagon's recently released Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program rule:

DOD issues memorandum detailing FedRAMP equivalency requirements for CMMC program

The Defense Department has issued a memorandum on equivalency for cloud service offerings between the General Services Administration’s Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program and the Pentagon's cyber certification program.

Pentagon lays out policies for Cyber AB in proposed rule with details on assessor requirements, ethics policies

The Pentagon's proposed rule to implement the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program details the role, expectations and tasks for the accreditation body responsible for building out on the major Defense Department initiative's assessment ecosystem.

By John Liang
January 8, 2024 at 5:00 AM

Lawmakers return to Washington without a final spending bill for fiscal year 2024 in place, and a major Navy industry symposium takes place this week.


The Surface Navy Association holds its annual symposium through Thursday.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies holds a live-streamed discussion on "The State of DOD AI and Autonomy Policy."


AFCEA's Northern Virginia chapter holds its 2024 "Army IT Day."

The House Foreign Affairs Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia subcommittee holds a hearing on the Biden administration's Afghanistan policy since the U.S. withdrawal from that country.

By John Liang
January 5, 2024 at 2:20 PM

This Friday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on the Defense Industrial Base Consortium, missile defense on Guam and more.

In December 2022, DOD announced its intent to establish a new Industrial Base Policy Consortium that would work to quickly award projects to match the speed of innovation:

DOD selects new Defense Industrial Base Consortium management organization

The Defense Department awarded Advanced Technology International a contract on Dec. 31 to act as the Defense Industrial Base Consortium Management Organization, which will help the DIBC expand its member base.

House and Senate lawmakers stripped from final legislation that is now the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act a provision that would have limited the Missile Defense Agency’s ability to use the radar purchased in 2018 for Hawaii on Guam -- forcing a four-year delay as well as adding $148 million in cost to the project:

MDA cleared to re-purpose Hawaii Homeland Defense Radar on Guam, dodging four-year delay

The Defense Department can now re-purpose a homeland defense radar for Guam after the Senate dropped its opposition to the move, lending speed to the project to improve air- and missile defenses of the Western Pacific U.S. territory. The radar was originally purchased for Hawaii but never emplaced due to local opposition over the size and impact of the large sensor.

More coverage of the Pentagon's recent release of its new Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program rule:

Pentagon lays out policies for Cyber AB in proposed rule with details on assessor requirements, ethics policies

The Pentagon’s proposed rule to implement the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program details the role, expectations and tasks for the accreditation body responsible for building out on the major Defense Department initiative's assessment ecosystem.

DOD issues memorandum detailing FedRAMP equivalency requirements for CMMC program

The Defense Department has issued a memorandum on equivalency for cloud service offerings between the General Services Administration’s Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program and the Pentagon's cyber certification program.

The southern Red Sea continues to be a flashpoint:

Houthis launch USV with explosives in Red Sea, U.S. military says

An unmanned surface vessel detonated in international shipping lanes in the Red Sea this morning, according to the U.S. military -- the latest in a series of attacks from Houthi rebels based in Yemen on U.S. warships and multinational commercial vessels.

By Nickolai Sukharev
January 5, 2024 at 8:00 AM

The Army is seeking technologies to conduct recurring experiments that explore new intelligence and electromagnetic warfare capabilities for the "complex battlefield," according to a service announcement.

“As seen in past and current conflicts, forces adapt tactics, techniques and procedures at a rate that will challenge the ability to forecast and confirm enemy courses of action,” the Jan. 3 announcement reads.

Known as Vanguard 2024, the effort aims to develop intelligence and electromagnetic warfare capabilities that can address learning demands and integrate into new warfighting concepts that “increase the Army’s capabilities, survivability, and lethality,” according to the announcement.

“To survive a complex, contested, congested and transparent battlefield, friendly and enemy forces will continuously reorganize as self-composable edge organizations,” the announcement adds.

Desired technologies include threat simulators, high-altitude electromagnetic warfare systems and robotics.

Threat simulators should be designed to replicate a realistic electromagnetic environment while being able to withstand transport rigors, connect to a common radio network and emulate signals from several types of radars.

The high-altitude electromagnetic warfare systems should be able to operate above 65,000 feet, weigh less than 110 pounds and be able to connect with ground stations.

Robotics should have modular payloads, anti-tamper capabilities, integrate with existing networks and operate independently or with human involvement.

“These systems will offload the human risks of ground collection operations by allowing soldiers to remain in sanctuary out of range of enemy kinetic effects, thereby offering a means to gather critical information in non-permissive environments,” the announcement adds.

Phases for technology selection include technology selection followed by technical integration, execution and evaluation and reporting.

The Army Intelligence Center will partner with Army Futures Command through the Intelligence Capability Development Integration Directorate and its Intelligence Battle Lab to conduct the experiments.

The Army will run Vanguard 2024 experiments on Sept. 8-24, 2024.

In July, then-Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George told lawmakers that electronic warfare was a priority pending his confirmation to lead the service.

By John Liang
January 4, 2024 at 2:32 PM

This Thursday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on a recent series of orbital warfare exercises, the viability of U.S. military testing ranges and more.

RED SKIES is a series of orbital warfare exercises developed by the Space Training and Readiness Command to prepare Guardians to defend against an aggressor’s potential attack on U.S. satellites:

Space Force achieves RED SKIES goals during 'inaugural execution'

The Space Force yesterday announced it has successfully achieved the goals of the RED SKIES 24 exercise during the event's "inaugural execution" from Dec. 11 to Dec. 15.

A report, released in August alongside a director of operational test and evaluation office-led AI workshop, said there is a need for additional testing and evaluation range capabilities to properly test certain systems that none of the national ranges have:

Testing office moving toward portable testing kits for AI and autonomous systems

A Defense Department report from the department's independent testing office found that no test ranges are ready to realistically test full autonomous or artificial intelligence systems, leading testing and evaluation to implement portable testing kits.

Document: DOT&E report on AI, autonomy

In case you missed it, here's the latest coverage of the Pentagon's new rule on the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program:

DOD addresses changes related to small business needs in latest CMMC rulemaking

The Defense Department provides a rundown of how its proposed rule addresses small business concerns over the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program, as part of a detailed breakdown of comments received on the 2020 interim final rule.

Pentagon's CMMC guidance documents provide insight into assessment requirements, level three needs

The Defense Department has revealed its plans to revamp the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program in guidance documents offering an official preview on changes to the model, assessment and scoping requirements as well as the process for submitting results to the Pentagon.

A new RAND Corp. report looks at how the U.S. military deals with cyber risks:

RAND report evaluates cyber-specific needs in addressing supply chain risk management

A recent report commissioned by the Air Force Research Laboratory dives into how addressing cyber risks differs from other supply chain risk management issues and provides recommendations on how to take a "comprehensive approach" in addressing their needs together.

By John Liang
January 4, 2024 at 10:13 AM

SAIC announced today it has hired Kara Gerhardt Ross to serve as the company's chief public relations executive.

Ross joins the company from UPS, where she was president of international, executive and policy communications.

On the government side, Ross has also worked at the White House as a spokesperson for the president, at the Transportation Department as well as the General Services Administration, where she handled media relations and crisis communication in the aftermath of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

By John Liang
January 3, 2024 at 2:04 PM

This Wednesday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on a Pentagon report that discusses test ranges for autonomous or artificial intelligence systems, plus more coverage of the Pentagon's proposed rule for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program.

A report, released in August alongside a director of operational test and evaluation office-led AI workshop, said there is a need for additional testing and evaluation range capabilities to properly test certain systems that none of the national ranges have:

Testing office moving toward portable testing kits for AI and autonomous systems

A Defense Department report from the department's independent testing office found that no test ranges are ready to realistically test full autonomous or artificial intelligence systems, leading testing and evaluation to implement portable testing kits.

Document: DOT&E report on AI, autonomy

Our colleagues at Inside Cybersecurity have continuing coverage of the Pentagon's recently released proposed rule for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program and more cyber news:

DOD addresses changes related to small business needs in latest CMMC rulemaking

The Defense Department provides a rundown of how its proposed rule addresses small business concerns over the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program, as part of a detailed breakdown of comments received on the 2020 interim final rule.

Pentagon's CMMC guidance documents provide insight into assessment requirements, level three needs

The Defense Department has revealed its plans to revamp the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program in guidance documents offering an official preview on changes to the model, assessment and scoping requirements as well as the process for submitting results to the Pentagon.

RAND report evaluates cyber-specific needs in addressing supply chain risk management

A recent report commissioned by the Air Force Research Laboratory dives into how addressing cyber risks differs from other supply chain risk management issues and provides recommendations on how to take a "comprehensive approach" in addressing their needs together.

Inside Defense recently spoke with a senior Pratt & Whitney executive about the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter engine:

Pratt & Whitney is aiming for NGAP on top of F-35 ECU

Pratt & Whitney doesn't plan on giving up on its next-generation propulsion efforts after winning the Engine Core Upgrade contract to re-engine the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter fleet, Jill Albertelli, president of military engines, told Inside Defense.

By Abby Shepherd
January 3, 2024 at 1:19 PM

The Navy is seeking industry input regarding a small vertical-takeoff-and-landing-capable unmanned aircraft system, according to a request for information posted Wednesday.

“The solution should support operations including, but not limited to, Mission Planning, Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition, Patrolling, Security/Force Protection Operations, Convoy Operations and Military Operations in Urban Terrain under all environmental conditions, both day and night,” according to the Naval Air Systems Command notice.

The system should also be usable with minimal training required, the notice states, and capable of autonomous or manual launch and recovery. It should have a technology readiness level of seven or greater.

“The system should provide real-time full motion video via electro-optical and/or infrared (EO/IR) sensors,” the notice adds. “The Air Vehicles (AV) should be capable of autonomous or a safe manual launch with a minimum of support equipment from a small, confined area and should be capable of either autonomous or manual recovery within a designated area.”

Additional requirements for the system include a gross takeoff weight of five pounds or less, an endurance of over 30 minutes, a range of zero to five kilometers and operability over water while performing VTOL operations.

NAVAIR is asking interested parties to submit white papers detailing technical attributes of the proposed system by Feb. 16.

By Dan Schere
January 3, 2024 at 12:25 PM

The Army last month awarded a firm fixed-price contract to Bombardier Defense for the High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (HADES), the service announced Wednesday.

The contract, awarded Dec. 12, is for one Global 6500 jet with options to buy two additional aircraft over three years, according to the announcement. The Army plans to use the business jets for aerial intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to provide deep sensing capabilities against “peer and near-peer adversaries.” The first aircraft is scheduled to be delivered Oct. 1.

The Army included $191 million in its fiscal year 2024 budget for HADES -- one of several “operational imperatives” for the service set by Secretary Christine Wormuth that will allow soldiers to see and sense farther.

The Army began purchasing aerial ISR from industry vendors in 2020 in preparation for HADES, according to the service. These aerial technology demonstrators provide data about platform performance, sensor integration, sensor performance and data distribution to the joint force.

Col. Joe S. Minor, the project manager for Army fixed-wing aircraft, said in a statement Wednesday that HADES will operate at higher altitudes than “legacy turboprop platforms.”

“Higher altitudes equate to an ability to sense farther and more persistently into areas of interest. Deep sensing is the Army’s number-one operational imperative for the Army of 2030,” he said.

By Nickolai Sukharev
January 2, 2024 at 5:24 PM

Navistar Defense will refurbish and upgrade Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles for the United Arab Emirates for $60.9 million, the Defense Department announced Friday.

The Mississippi-based company will refurbish and upgrade MaxxPro MRAPs for the United Arab Emirates with a completion date of July 1, 2025, with the work being performed in West Point, MS, the announcement reads.

First fielded in 2007, the MaxxPro MRAP is a 4-by-4-wheel drive vehicle designed to provide troops with “protected mobility” from mines, improvised explosive devices and rocket-propelled grenades, according to the Army’s Acquisition Center.

With a crew of three and seating seven passengers, the vehicle can also function as a weapons carrier, convoy protection vehicle, leader vehicle, command post and armored ambulance.

It can also be armed with various weapons, with the most common being a .50 caliber machine gun.

The Army and Marine Corps ordered the MaxxPro from Navistar through an urgent operational need procurement during the Iraq War.

Since its initial fielding in 2007, the vehicle went through numerous mechanical and armor upgrades.

Along with the U.S., 23 other nations operate the vehicle.

By Dan Schere
January 2, 2024 at 2:23 PM

The Army will host an industry event later this month in Huntsville, AL as it seeks solutions for an initial capability that will meet the requirements of Short Range Launched Effects.

The service is seeking ground- and air-launch solutions for a Short Range LE system, according to a Dec. 21 government notice. Payload configurations may include electro-optical/infrared, lethal/kinetic, communication relay, radio frequency decoy and radio frequency detect, identify, locate and report.

Navigation systems are to be based on “supervised autonomous solutions” and “include a path to “Assured-Position, Navigation and Timing solutions,” the notice states.

The industry event, scheduled for Jan. 17-19, will include a meeting with multiple Army program offices, the Future Vertical Lift Cross Functional Team and Maneuver, Aviation, Intelligence and Cyber Centers of Excellence, with the focus on acquisition strategy and requirements. It will include question-and-answer sessions for vendors as well as meetings with leadership.

Launched Effects will give the Army the ability to team between crewed and uncrewed systems to “detect, identify, locate and report pacing threats in contested environments.”

On Dec. 3, the service’s Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Project Management Office and U.S. Special Operations Command successfully tested the first launch of the Air-Launched, Tube-Integrated Unmanned System at Ft. Campbell, KY using a Black Hawk as the launch platform. The first test flight of the fully integrated LE prototype is scheduled to take place early this year, with additional testing to follow. A final operational demonstration is set for the end of fiscal year 2024.

The Army has said the Launched Effects program of record is being defined by the Program Executive Office for Aviation, with the first iteration to support user evaluations before fielding with the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft and Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft. That is not expected to occur prior to FY-30. In November, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin were awarded other transaction agreements for payloads as part of the first phase of the program.

Vendors interested in attending the industry event are asked to reply by Jan. 11, according to the notice.

By John Liang
January 2, 2024 at 12:17 PM

This first INSIDER Daily Digest of 2024 has all the news we published during the last week of 2023.

We start off with our colleagues at Inside Cybersecurity reporting about the Defense Department issuing its long-awaited Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program regulation:

Pentagon issues proposed rule outlining parameters for CMMC program

The Defense Department has released a highly anticipated proposed rule to implement its Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program with details on the assessment ecosystem, key elements and the use of a plan of action and milestones.

CMMC proposed rule outlines Pentagon process for assessments, ecosystem roles and flow-down requirements

Details on the assessment process, ecosystem roles, scoping requirements and more can be found in the Defense Department proposed rule published this week for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program.

Industry groups emphasize potential regulatory burden in response to Pentagon CMMC proposed rule

Two trade associations representing companies in the defense industrial base are raising concerns over the potential for burdensome regulation following the introduction of a massive Defense Department proposed rule to implement the major revamp of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program.

More cyber defense news:

RAND report evaluates cyber-specific needs in addressing supply chain risk management

A recent report commissioned by the Air Force Research Laboratory dives into how addressing cyber risks differs from other supply chain risk management issues and provides recommendations on how to take a "comprehensive approach" in addressing their needs together.

Inside Defense recently spoke with a senior Pratt & Whitney executive about the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter engine:

Pratt & Whitney is aiming for NGAP on top of F-35 ECU

Pratt & Whitney doesn't plan on giving up on its next-generation propulsion efforts after winning the Engine Core Upgrade contract to re-engine the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter fleet, Jill Albertelli, president of military engines, told Inside Defense.

The Army's proposed heavy Maneuver Support Vessel is a larger version of the light MSV, the latter of which will replace the Landing Craft Mechanized-8 (LCM-8) -- initially used during the Vietnam War:

Army seeking digital engineering solutions for heavy Maneuver Support Vessel

The Army is asking industry for digital engineering solutions that will support its planned heavy version of the Maneuver Support Vessel, also known as MSV(H) in a request for information released at the end of November.

A provision in the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act signed into law by the president late last month directs the defense secretary "to modernize the Department of Defense's requirements processes in order to improve alignment between modern warfare concepts, technologies and system development and reduce the time to delivery of needed capabilities to department users":

New defense policy bill targets DOD's requirements process

The new defense authorization bill passed by Congress mandates the Defense Department "modernize" its lengthy requirements process, with an interim report due to lawmakers by Oct. 1, 2024 that could include seismic reforms to the Pentagon's labyrinthine acquisition system.

According to a recent government solicitation, a proposed industry partner will be tasked with three primary objectives: enlarging the submarine industrial workforce by creating and growing regional workforce development initiatives and eliminating skill gaps; increasing manufacturing capacity and technology adoption by submarine industrial base suppliers; and modernizing the shipbuilding component supply chain:

Government seeks industry partner to bolster submarine industrial base

The U.S. government is looking to outsource major submarine industrial base and workforce development efforts to an industry partner that will be tasked with expanding the shipbuilding workforce and leading a broad set of initiatives to improve submarine production to a sustained rate of one Columbia- and two Virginia-class vessels each year.

Inside Defense recently spoke with Army Col. Chris Anderson, the project manager for intelligence systems and analytics within the Program Executive Office for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) at the Technical Exchange Meeting 11 in Savannah, GA:

Army begins to build out infrastructure for future AI/ML pipeline

The Army is taking steps to build out the infrastructure that will support Project Linchpin -- the service's first pipeline for artificial intelligence and machine learning.

By John Liang
December 27, 2023 at 9:40 PM

The Biden administration today announced a $250 million security assistance package for Ukraine -- the final one for 2023 -- including additional air defense capabilities, artillery ammunition, anti-tank weapons and other equipment, valued at $250 million.

The capabilities in the package, funded via presidential drawdown authority, include:

  • Additional munitions for National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS);
  • Stinger anti-aircraft missiles;
  • Air defense system components;
  • Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS);
  • 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds;
  • Tube-Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
  • Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor systems;
  • More than 15 million rounds of small arms ammunition;
  • Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing;
  • Spare parts, medical equipment, maintenance, and other ancillary equipment.

A $106 billion national security supplemental spending package remains stalled as Congress has adjourned until January.

"Security assistance for Ukraine is a smart investment in our national security," the Defense Department said in a statement issued today. "It deters potential aggression elsewhere in the world, while strengthening our defense industrial base and creating highly skilled jobs for the American people. It remains critical that Congress takes action as soon as possible in the new year on the president's national security supplemental request to ensure that our support for Ukraine can continue, and Ukraine is able to defend itself against Russia's ongoing attacks and consolidate and extend its battlefield gains."

By Apurva Minchekar
December 22, 2023 at 12:53 PM

The Space Development Agency on Dec. 20 issued a draft request for proposals to inform government requirements for a ground integration program and is seeking industry inputs on program acquisition.

According to the draft RFP, the acquisition activities include the “development program, program management, system engineering, integration, operations and maintenance of [the ground integration program].”

“The overall goal of the PGI acquisition is to provide a common, enduring ground infrastructure and resources to minimize cost and complexity for [Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture Futures Programs] space vehicle demonstration and experimentation programs,” SDA said in the draft RFP.

The agency noted that the initial PGI is needed to support a launch in June 2026.

SDA explained that PGI contractors will be responsible for delivering a ground segment to help manage shared ground systems; managing the Demonstration Operations Center, a contractor-operated facility and owned by the government; and assisting with a structured environment for cloud-based system integration and data processing.

By Tony Bertuca
December 22, 2023 at 10:49 AM

The White House today welcomed Japan's decision to transfer Patriot interceptor missiles to the United States to replenish U.S. inventories, some of which have been sent to Ukraine.

“The decision will contribute to the security of Japan and to peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region by ensuring that U.S. forces, in close cooperation with the Japan Self-Defense Forces, will continue to maintain a credible deterrence and response capability,” White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement.

The Defense Department didn't immediately respond to a request for additional information.

News of the impending weapons transfer was first reported by The Washington Post earlier this week in a story that said the move would allow the United States to “backfill” weapons that have been sent to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, The New York Times is reporting today that Japan and the United States have entered into a new export agreement by which Japan can sell American-designed Patriot missiles made in Japan to the U.S. military, saying the change could strengthen U.S. weapons stockpiles as Washington looks to continue its aid to Ukraine.

In Japan, the Patriot system is manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, licensed by RTX and Lockheed Martin.