Naval air warfare rapid capabilities program office proposed

By Linda Hersey / June 13, 2023 at 8:49 AM

A naval air warfare rapid capabilities program office to guide the development of nontraditional "rapid-reaction" weapons is proposed in draft legislation that House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL) submitted in his chairman's mark of the fiscal year 2024 defense authorization bill.

Located in the headquarters of the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, the program office would “contribute” to the development, testing and fielding of “low-cost rapid reaction targeting and weapon systems,” according to the legislation.

Weapon systems would span electronic warfare and other “non-kinetic” capabilities that meet naval and joint military operational requirements. Non-kinetic refers to digital capabilities and tools that are not part of a traditional weapons portfolio.

The head of the new office would be chosen by the Navy secretary and report to the chief of naval operations. They would have the authority to “use available alternative or rapid acquisition pathways for procurement,” according to the legislation.

A board of directors would be established, and members would include the Navy secretary, chief of naval operations, commander of Naval Air Systems Command and the Naval Air Forces chief.

An annual report on activities and program funding would be submitted by the program office head to the board of directors and the House and Senate Armed Services committees.