The Insider

By Dan Dupont
March 12, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), the chairman of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee, told a conference crowd this morning he and others in Congress hope to get a split-buy tanker competition going with money in the emergency supplemental bill for fiscal year 2009.

Murtha, who has made news this week calling for a split tanker buy between Boeing and a Northrop Grumman-EADS team, also said he still wants to ensure competition in the controversial program -- namely, by promising that the bidder with the better proposal will be awarded more work than the other.

Funding tankers through the war costs supplemental is OK, Murtha added, because tankers -- unlike, say, F-22A fighters -- directly benefit ongoing war efforts. No F-22 money will be in the supplemental, he said.

Finally, Murtha said Congress is likely to add about $20 billion to the FY-09 supplemental.

For more on a possible split tanker program, see our story from yesterday:

Abercrombie: House Members Approaching Consensus in Favor of Split KC-X Buy

March 11, 2009 -- After years of false starts and delays, a consensus is forming on Capitol Hill that a split purchase is the only feasible option for the embattled KC-135 tanker replacement competition, the chairman of the House Armed Services air land subcommittee said today.

“I've spoken to all the principals involved, at least legislatively speaking in the House and Senate, and it seems that both companies had acted in good faith and put forth a proposal that was in line with what the Air Force was requesting and they both believed that they had fulfilled that,” said Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) today during a conference sponsored by Aviation Week. “My view is very simple: We're gonna split the buy. Each of the tankers from each of the consortiums does different things . . . buy them and use them where it's appropriate.”

By Christopher J. Castelli
March 12, 2009 at 5:00 AM

President Obama met today in the Oval Office with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi to smooth relations following Sunday's testy encounter in the South China Sea between the U.S. Navy's surveillance ship Impeccable and Chinese naval forces.

Chinese sailors reportedly sought to prevent the U.S. vessel from looking for Chinese submarines by maneuvering their ships in the way, dropping objects in the water, trying to snag a sonar device and sailing within 25 feet of the American vessel while -- for reasons that are unclear -- stripping down to their underwear.

Obama and Yang "discussed the overall state of the U.S.-China bilateral relationship, emphasizing the desire of both sides to strengthen cooperation and build a positive and constructive U.S.-China relationship," the White House said in a statement.

Obama "stressed the importance of raising the level and frequency of the U.S.-China military-to-military dialogue in order to avoid future incidents," the White House said. Before the Oval Office meeting, Yang met with National Security Adviser retired Gen. James Jones, who also brought up the naval incident. Yang also met yesterday with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

In addition, the White House said Obama and Yang discussed the international financial crisis, North Korea, Afghanistan and Pakistan, the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Sudan and the president's interest in seeing progress in talks between the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama’s representatives.

On North Korea, Obama "expressed appreciation" for the key role China has played as the chair of the Six-Party Talks, noting America will continue to work with China and other partners in the Six-Party process to verifiably eliminate North Korea’s nuclear program, according to the White House. Obama also "highlighted the risks posed by North Korea’s missile program," the White House said.

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 12, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) is looking for new gear that might come in handy during counterterrorism operations, according to an announcement released by the organization this week.

Officials have grouped the solutions they are looking for into the following areas:

Blast Effects and Mitigation (BX); Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Countermeasures (CBRNC); Explosives Detection (ED); Improvised Device Defeat (IDD); Investigative Support and Forensics (ISF); Irregular Warfare Support Program (IWS); Physical Security (PS); Surveillance, Collection, and Operations Support (SCOS); Tactical Operations Support (TOS); Training Technology Development (TTD); and Personnel/VIP Protection (VIP)

In the BX category, for example, officials are seeking some sort of lightweight, deployable shelter strong enough to protect forward-deployed forces against "personnel borne improvised explosive devices" -- aka suicide bombers -- or vehicle-mounted bombs.

In a separate project, officials are looking for a "Non-lethal Suicide Bomber Immobilization Device" capable of doing this:

The non-lethal capability device to immobilize a suicide bomber shall work from a standoff distance of 50 (threshold) to 75 (optimal) yards and incapacitate the potential suicide bomber for 60 (threshold) to 90 (optimal) seconds. The desired end-state allows no and/or minimal reaction time for the potential suicide bomber to initiate the explosive charge without causing long-term harmful side effects or permanent damage to the subject. . . . Devices employing an electrical charge (shock) to immobilize the suicide bomber will not be considered.

Not all projects are technology-focused. Officials also are looking for a contractor to study the dynamics of certain populations in the U.S. Central Command and U.S. Africa Command areas of responsibility. The idea is to get an understanding of the "actual versus perceived stakeholders and centers of gravity and power" in these areas, the announcement reads.

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Michèle Flournoy is scheduled to make her first public appearance as the under secretary of defense for policy at a March 27 event at the Brookings Institution in Washington, we're told. As envisioned, she will be part of a panel discussion that includes Brookings vice president and foreign policy program director Carlos Pascual.

Sources said Flournoy's speech is sure to yield a glimpse of what the Quadrennial Defense Review has in store, particularly in the field of stability operations and related mission areas.

Flournoy recently wrote a new foreword for the Army's Stability Operations Field Manual, along with confidants Shawn Brimley and Janine Davidson. The manual has been re-released by University of Michigan Press.

A Brookings spokeswoman said the event is not yet listed on the organization's Web site because the logistics, like the sending out of invitations, are still being coordinated.

By John Liang
March 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The office of the Director of National Intelligence today announced the appointment of the organization's No. 3 official.

Lt. Gen. John "Jeff" Kimmons is the new director of the intelligence staff, according to a DNI press release. He arrived Feb. 28 from the Pentagon, where he served as the Army's deputy chief of staff, G-2 -- the service's top intelligence officer.

"Jeff Kimmons has a wealth of experience and a keen appreciation of the need for insightful intelligence to support the national security decision-making process. I look to him to help strengthen the ODNI and our Intelligence Community as we face new challenges," Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair said in the statement.

Kimmons will be responsible for "oversee((ing)) the staff to ensure the effective integration and coordination of policy and procedures across the Intelligence Community," the statement reads.

Kimmons has served as commanding general of the Army's Intelligence and Security Command at Ft. Belvoir, VA, and commander of the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion at Ft. Bragg, NC. He has also done stints at U.S. Central Command, the National Military Command Center, Joint Special Operations Command as well as serving as an intelligence officer with Delta Force.

Kimmons succeeds Lt. Gen. Ronald Burgess, who was recently appointed as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, according to the DNI statement.

DNI also announced the appointments of Wendy Morigi as the organization's new public affairs director and Arthur House as communications director. Morigi was communications director for Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and House was the managing director for public affairs at Connecticut-based Webster Bank.

By John Liang
March 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

David Ahern, the director for portfolio systems in the Pentagon's acquisition office, was asked today how the new acquisition-reform bill introduced last month by Sens. Carl Levin (D-MI) and John McCain (R-VA) would affect the Defense Department's most recent changes to DOD procurement processes.

"We're going to work on it," he told after delivering a speech at an Aviation Week-sponsored conference in Washington. "Some of that has already been incorporated ((in recent DOD acquisition memoranda)) when I look at it, some of it is additional ideas."

In December, the Pentagon released a policy instruction that updated the "operation of the defense acquisition system," as the document is called. Among other things, the Dec. 8, 2008, instruction:

Establishes a simplified and flexible management framework for translating capability needs and technology opportunities, based on approved capability needs, into stable, affordable, and well-managed acquisition programs that include weapon systems, services, and automated information systems (AISs).

Last month, Levin and McCain introduced legislation designed to address "major flaws" in the Pentagon's weapon system acquisition process, including provisions that would strengthen enforcement of existing laws that require termination of programs with runaway costs.

In a Levin, McCain Propose Bill to Address 'Major Flaws' in Weapons Acquisition System (Updated)
Key Senators Pledge Support for Acquisition Chief Nominee
DOD Officials Hurry to Assess Effects of Levin-McCain Acquisition Bill
Obama Takes Aim at Pentagon Procurement System, Defense Industry (Updated)
Senate Hearing on Major Weapon Systems Acquisition

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

In a speech at the National Defense University yesterday, CSIS scholar Anthony Cordesman had this to say about the Quadrennial Defense Review: (Consider yourself warned.)

If God really hates you, you may end up working on a Quadrennial Defense Review: The most pointless and destructive planning effort imaginable. You will waste two years on a document decoupled from a real world force plan, from an honest set of decisions about manpower or procurement, with no clear budget or ((future years defense plan)), and with no metrics to measure or determine its success.

If God merely dislikes you, you may end up helping your service chief or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs draft one of those vague, anodyne strategy documents that is all concepts and no plans or execution.

If God is totally indifferent, you will end up working on our national strategy and simply be irrelevant.

Quite seriously, I have no idea where we lost sight of the fact that policy planning, concepts, and good intentions are not a strategy. The secretary used to issue an annual posture statement that justified the budget request in terms of detailed force plans, procurement plans, and at least some tangible measures of progress. The chairman issued his own statement and views-sometimes explaining and sometimes dissenting. For a while, there were even crude attempts at an annual net assessment.

By John Liang
March 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The fourth annual Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense (JIAMD) Summit is scheduled to be held next month in Huntsville, AL.

The Pentagon's acquisition office, the Joint Staff's force protection office, U.S. Strategic Command, U.S. Joint Forces Command, U.S. Northern Command, the Joint Functional Component Commander for Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC-IMD) and the Missile Defense Agency are supporting the April 6-9 confab, according to the conference Web site.

The annual JIAMD Summits provide a forum to aid in achieving improved Government and industry communication by obtaining innovative industrial inputs necessary to attain a more joint and integrated Air and Missile Defense Family of Systems (FoS). At each of the Summits, experts from Government, industry, military, and academia will work together to resolve key issues and improve overall participation in the present and proposed JIAMD architecture and FoS implementation plan. In reflection of this spirit of cooperation, the motto of the Annual JIAMD Summits is "One System …One Team …One Fight …One Future."

The subject matter to be discussed during JIAMD Summit 2009 will include issues relating to gaps in our present JIAMD system capabilities that threaten the security of our Homeland and our deployed forces overseas.

Feel like attending? That might be a problem unless you have an invitation. Not to mention the fact that it's classified as "Secret." But hey, the keynote dinner on April 8 will be open to the public, according to the Web site announcement.

Here's some more -- unclassified -- info on the conference:

The theme for the Fourth Annual JIAMD Summit is "Process to Product." This year's work will build on the progress that has been made during the previous three Summits. Resolutions for JIAMD issues that have been identified in previous Summits will be the focus of discussions that will lead to executable project plans that can obtain measurable results in a reasonable timeframe.

By Dan Dupont
March 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Kevin Scheid, the Pentagon's deputy comptroller , said today he expects the fiscal year 2010 defense budget request to be released on April 20 or April 21.

But: He stressed that no date is certain. So keep that in mind.

UPDATE: Scheid also said that what's released for FY-10 in April will include "placeholders" for outyear spending, no doubt because the new administration wants more time to figure out what it wants to do.

And: A source writes in to say that by March 31, all defense budget numbers are to be "locked."

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Officials in the Joint Staff's Military Education Coordination Council last month recommended three new focus areas where officials believe increased attention is needed in military schoolhouse curricula this year, we're told.

The new areas blessed by the panel are titled "space as a contested environment," "psychological health awareness" and "operational contract support education for non-acquisition DOD Personnel," according to a Joint Staff briefing from last month.

The list of "special areas of emphasis," as the Joint Staff calls them, also includes a handful of topics carried over from last year. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen has yet to approve the council's recommendations.

The recommendation to boost awareness of the relatively new field of operational contract support, or OCS, is rooted in the experiences with contracting and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In short, DOD officials were utterly unprepared for the vast number of contractors with whom military commanders ended up sharing the battlefields, as a recent briefing from a Pentagon logistician describes it in two photos.

"Current ((joint professional military education)) does not adequately prepare officers/enlisted to operate/interface effectively with OCS in the contingency environment," the briefing states.

By Marjorie Censer
March 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Pentagon must return to the three key principles: Focusing on actions rather than intent; decisive leadership; and meaningful strategy based on detailed plans and budgets, according to Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

In a speech delivered today at a National Defense University conference, Cordesman calls the Pentagon the “worst-run department in our history," citing “critical problems” in manpower numbers, the balance of active and reserve forces and deployment cycles. According to a transcript of the speech, he calls jointness a farce and says the current wars were undertaken without a clear plan for ending the conflicts and bringing stability.

Though Cordesman blames DOD's national security team, he also says “the problems we face are part of a defense culture that has been building for a long, long time.”

He calls for a return to a time in which only actions mattered. “It does not matter a damn what Secretary Gates or Admiral Mullen tried to do. It does not matter a damn how difficult the circumstances were, are, and will be,” Cordesman said. “There is only one test: What did you do that served the broader national interest of the U.S. successfully during your tour of duty?”

The Pentagon also requires decisive leadership, even above improvements in process, according to Cordesman's speech. He argues that top military and civilian decisionmakers let “the underbudgeting of procurement, force plans, and manpower grow,” and did not make difficult but necessary choices and trade-offs.

Finally, Cordesman calls for “meaningful strategy” based on accurate plans.

“Now, strategy seems to at best be the conceptual underpinning of our defense posture and at worst a series of phrases and buzzwords that often seem to contribute nothing,” the transcript reads.

"We can't afford to go on the way we have been operating,” Cordesman concludes. “We can't afford to waste the world's best military on the world's most mediocre leadership and try to keep solving our problems by throwing money at them.”

By Thomas Duffy
March 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair announced this afternoon that Amb. Charles Freeman asked that his selection to be chairman of the National Intelligence Council be withdrawn. Blair accepted Freeman's request. The choice of Freeman, a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, has sparked controversy because of his views on Israel and his connections with Saudi and Chinese interests.

Yesterday, all seven Republican members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence sent a letter to Blair expressing concerns over Freeman's qualifications for the position, as well as his objectivity.

The NIC is responsible for producing national intelligence estimates and other assessments on specific issues.

Earlier today, Blair defended Freeman during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) brought up Freeman's past business associations and his views on Israel.

Blair responded by stating, in part:

Those of us who know him find him to be a person of strong views, of an inventive mind -- on the analytical point of view -- I'm not talking about policy. And that when we go back and forth with him a better understanding comes out of those interactions, and that's primarily the value that I think he will bring.

Despite that view, Blair today accepted Freeman's request to have his name withdrawn.

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Pentagon isn't the only federal agency basing a good portion of its strategy on doomsday-like scenarios. Officials at the Department of Homeland Security also keep a list of what-if situations that serve as a springboard for departmental planning.

While the so-called "defense planning scenarios" of the Defense Department are closely guarded, the DHS "national planning scenarios" are available publicly via a simple Google search.

The Washington Post Web site offers version number 20.1, dated April 2005, while the State of Oregon kindly makes available what appears to a minor update from the same month, numbered 20.2, plus an executive summary.

A more more current version, dated March 2006, is available from the Web site of Florida's emergency management division.

On top of the list: The explosion of a ten-kiloton improvised nuclear device near a major U.S. city, causing "hundreds of thousands" of casualties.

Also on the list are attacks with improvised explosive devices, which, according to the document, could unfold like this:

During an event at a large urban entertainment/sports venue, three suicide bombers are strategically pre-positioned inside the arena. The detonation of their devices will instill mass panic and chaotic evacuation of the arena.

Occupants evacuating the arena are most likely to move toward one of several locations. A portion of the occupants will remain in the immediate area around the venue, clogging ingress for emergency responders. Some will head toward public transportation, while others will head toward parking lots to retrieve their vehicles and depart the area.

The main thrust of the attack is at the evacuation points. In the area of the main evacuee collection area (most likely on a main street outside the venue), the UA has placed a Large Vehicle Bomb (LVB) disguised as a fire department/EMS service vehicle. It is conceivable to disguise 10,000 pounds of explosives in such a vehicle, but the actual amount could be scaled down and still achieve severe effects.

UA is shorthand for the fictitious "Universal Adversary" terrorist cell.

By John Liang
March 9, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Republican Rep. Eric Cantor (VA) and Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ) are warning against cutting missile defense funding in the face of what they see as escalating threats from North Korea and Iran.

In an op-ed piece published today in Politico, Cantor and Kyl write:

. . . ((U))nclassified reports have detailed North Korea's preparations for the launch, possibly within days, of a new, even longer-range Taepo Dong 2 missile. This kind of missile is a threat, not just to some of America's closest allies in the region (Japan, South Korea and Taiwan) but to the U.S. itself.

Moreover, North Korea continues to be the world’s greatest proliferator of ballistic missile technology and nuclear weapons know-how. We should be very concerned about with whom North Korea does business.

And then there’s Iran.

On Feb. 2, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proudly announced that his country had successfully launched its first satellite. If it were any other country, such a launch would seem of little consequence. However, as the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. James Cartwright, recently noted, space launch technologies “are compatible with an intercontinental ballistic missile-type capability.”

Add to that the latest news that Iran has enriched one-third more uranium than was previously understood -- more than enough to build a nuclear bomb -- and the potential threat is clear.

These examples should underscore the necessity for an effective, operational missile defense system. Yet the Obama administration and congressional Democrats are now seeking ways to halt the progress that’s been made in defending against these threats.

Cantor and Kyl write of their concern about recent statements from other members of Congress and news reports of the Obama administration's alleged plans to "make significant cuts" to the fiscal year 2010 missile defense budget, including "funds that would be used to deploy our missile defense assets to Europe -- which NATO has twice stated is necessary to deal with the threat from Iran.

"That such a rollback of the system is being discussed is dangerous," they warn. "That it is being discussed at the same time North Korea and Iran are carrying out aggressive, threatening activities is irresponsible and unacceptable."

The two lawmakers continue: "When President Obama campaigned last year, he said that he supported missile defense systems that work. Our systems have shown through numerous tests that they work -- that is not in doubt."

The Pentagon's operational test and evaluation office might have something to say about that, however.

At a Feb. 25 House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee hearing, Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) asked DOT&E Director Charles McQueary whether the Ground-based Midcourse Defense system, just because it "receives a less-than-perfect test score, ((does)) this necessarily means it does not provide the warfighter with an operationally effective capability?"

McQueary responded that he couldn't say "with high confidence" that the GMD system is an operationally effective system. "Our job is testing and to deal with the facts at hand. And there's simply not been enough testing done in order to be able to state it."

To which Franks said:

. . . I don't know of any system that we have that is proven 100 percent effective. I'm not even sure we could say that about the baseball bat, but it's still pretty effective at close range.

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 9, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Pentagon officials are still in the process of developing and assembling a set of security-related, what-if scenarios expected to help shape the upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review deliberations, according to sources.

Outgoing Bush administration officials at the Pentagon last year set out the goal of readying a new set of highly classified Defense Planning Scenarios for the new administration to pick and chose from as the 2009/2010 QDR process begins.

Such prep work consumed most of the time during the 2005/2006 QDR season, several officials noted.

Some of the new DPSs have reached the point of being fairly "mature," while work on others has yet to begin in earnest, one source said today.

During the DPS development process, the services are given a chance to comment.

No word on whether a collection of DPSs will be ready later this month, when Defense Secretary Robert Gates is expected to formally kick off the QDR.