The Insider

By Carlo Muñoz
March 6, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Just days after the White House issued new acquisition rules for the U.S. government and little over a week after Sens. Carl Levin (D-MI) and John McCain (R-AZ) penned joint legislation aimed at revamping the Pentagon's procurement process, House members have decided to throw their hat into the acquisition reform ring.

House Armed Services committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D- MO) has formally stood up a new "Panel of Defense Acquisition Reform," according to a committee press release issued today. Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) will chair the newly formed panel, which includes Democratic Reps. Jim Cooper (TN), Brad Ellsworth (IN) and Joe Sestak (PA). On the Republican side, Rep. Mike Conaway (TX) will serve as the group's ranking member, with Reps. Duncan Hunter (CA) and Mike Coffman (CO) rounding out the GOP side of the group.

The seven-member bipartisan committee will "address broad issues surrounding the defense acquisition process," the committee release states. Those issues will include evaluation of current performance and value in the current acquisition system, exploring root causes of system failures and "administrative and cultural pressures" that lead to failing systems, it adds.

The panel will review these and other issues over a six-month period, with an option for an additional six months for continued evaluation. The panel will then issue its recommendations in a report to be included in the fiscal year 2011 defense authorization bill, according to the statement. The panel's preliminary findings will also be integrated into the FY-10 bill, already in the works, as "different pieces of acquisition reform legislation come under consideration," it adds.

"The very talented members of this panel will put a fresh set of eyes on the problem, and I look forward to their recommendations," Skelton said in the statement. 

By Marcus Weisgerber
March 6, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Air Force has ordered inspections of its entire C-130 Hercules cargo hauler fleet after discovering a potential issue with wing bolts, according to service officials.

Each aircraft must undergo a two- to four-hour inspection before returning to flight, an Air Force Special Operations Command official told Inside the Air Force this morning. The command operates specially configured Hercs that are used to insert troops into combat zones and refuel helicopters.

The mandatory inspections include newer Lockheed Martin C-130J aircraft in addition to the legacy C-130s, which make up the bulk of the Air Force's inventory. The oldest Air Force Hercules aircraft entered service in the early 1960s. The newer J-models entered the fleet in the late 1990s.

C-130s are the backbone of intratheater airlift and are used extensively in Iraq and Afghanistan to transport troops and cargo.

“Despite the size of the fleet, inspections are proceeding rapidly, and while this is a significant effort for our maintainers we currently don’t expect any major disruptions to essential airlift operations,” Vicki Stein, an Air Force spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail today.

The C-130 becomes the latest Air Force airframe to fall victim to potentially serious structural issues. A portion of the A-10 Warthog attack jet fleet remains grounded due to cracks in the wings. The service also grounded much of its F-15 fighter fleet for months in 2007 and 2008 after an Eagle snapped in two during a training mission.

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 5, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Development of the Air Force's first-ever cyberspace doctrine appears to have hit a snag, and officials are mum about the cause of the hold-up. As we reported last October, officials crafted and circulated a draft version of the document over the summer. At the time, a service spokesman said the Air Force doctrine folks were trying to get the document wrapped up and approved by November.

A spokesman at Air University's Center for Doctrine Development and Education confirmed this week work on the cyber doctrine is still ongoing. He did not return a phone call requesting more information.

Experts said the delay could be due to still-unresolved fundamental questions over what it means for the service to fight in cyberspace.

(Work on a revision of another key, and related, Air Force doctrine piece, "information operations," also appears to be going slow, we're told.)

A senior general last week suggested the military as whole should move a tad bit more quickly on all things cyberspace, Inside the Air Force reported.

"My message for the cyberspace domain is it’s time we generate momentum in this particular area,” U.S. Strategic Command chief Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilton said during a Feb. 26 speech at an Air Force Association-sponsored conference in Florida. “We are under ((cyber)) attack, we are behind, we are reactive, not proactive, and we -- all of us -- are making it too easy for those who would exploit and attack our networks.”

Meanwhile, Inside the Pentagon today reports about new push from the Joint Staff to get the personnel requirements for cyberspace operations figured out by late spring.

By Christopher J. Castelli
March 4, 2009 at 5:00 AM

UPDATED: Obama gave his speech, as advertised -- and unloaded on defense contracting.

The transcript and a memo Obama signed on contracting reform are here. Our coverage to follow.

Today at 10 a.m., President Obama is scheduled to give a major speech about his plan to "reform a broken system of contracting to cut back on wasteful spending, and save the American people tens of billions of dollars," according to the White House.

The AP reports that Obama will sign a new memo to reform contracting for the entire federal government, including the Pentagon. He is expected to discuss defense contracts in the speech. Stay tuned.

By Marjorie Censer
March 4, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, KS, is seeking an "Ike Skelton Chair of Counterinsurgency" to serve “as the focal point for the diffusion of knowledge within CGSC and its three schools . . . concerning all aspects of counterinsurgency.”

According to the vacancy announcement, the selected person will serve “as an advocate for counterinsurgency education within the U.S. Army.” The job involves collaboration with school leaders; “interaction with national and international governmental and private agencies;” and advisory work on “changing the culture of the force through the use of experimentation, counterinsurgency articles, and the creation and sharing of knowledge and experiences.”

The salary will range from $105,000 to $120,000 for a limited tenure not to exceed three years, though the tenure is renewable.

The vacancy announcement comes as Ft. Leavenworth -- the intellectual center of the service -- is working more broadly to improve the Army's ability to respond to a changing combat environment.

Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, the commanding general of the post's Combined Arms Center, last month called for increased interagency cooperation.

In particular, he said at a Feb. 11 breakfast, the Army is seeking to bring representatives from other federal agencies out to Ft. Leavenworth to be educated alongside Army officers.

“Your Army is thinking, and it’s constantly evolving to adapt to and change itself to be as capable and effective as it has always been,” Caldwell told the audience. “The environment today that we operate in we know has changed, the enemy has changed and we in the Army must also change.”

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 4, 2009 at 5:00 AM

All signs point to an increased emphasis on energy issues at DOD, perhaps even in the context of the Quadrennial Defense Review. The British military, too, is thinking along those lines, according to a recently released Ministry of Defence science and technology plan.

Under the heading "Emerging Technologies," British defense officials have published a slide indicating how the Brits intend to go from "critical dependence on fossil fuels" to "efficient, cost effective alternatives to fossil fuels."

Admittedly, the slide consists mostly of buzzwords displayed on a notional time axis. But there are some interesting ones. For example, the idea of "Unmanned Vehicle Power Sharing" sounds pretty cool.

By Christopher J. Castelli
March 3, 2009 at 5:00 AM

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are scheduled to meet with Defense Secretary Robert Gates in the Oval Office today at 4:30 p.m., according to the White House. The meeting is closed to the press. No word yet what will be discussed, but it's a safe bet Obama will be asking questions.

On Sunday's Meet the Press, Gates said Obama is "somewhat more analytical" than former President George W. Bush, noting Obama "makes sure he hears from everybody in the room on an issue, and if they don't speak up, he calls on them." Bush was interested in hearing different points of view, but didn't go out of his way to make sure everybody spoke if they hadn't spoken up before, Gates noted.

Though today's White House meeting is private, Gates is slated to go before the microphones earlier this afternoon at the Pentagon when he holds a press conference with France’s minister of defense, Hervé Morin.

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 3, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The ink on the press release announcing the Levin-McCain acquisition reform bill last week had barely dried when the allegedly slow-as-molasses Pentagon bureaucracy moved with lightning speed to pick the legislation apart for what one official called "can't-live-with" items.

On Wednesday, outgoing Pentagon acquisition chief John Young gave orders to compile a DOD assessment of the measure for a scheduled Friday morning meeting between Defense Secretary Robert Gates and bill co-sponsor Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).

McCain is the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) is the panel's chairman.

To what extent are senators willing to listen to concerns from inside what they have called a "flawed" DOD acquisition system in their attempt to enforce reforms?

"We will consider DOD's views, but we will not be governed by them," panel spokeswoman Tara Andringa tells us via e-mail.

The Friday Gates-McCain meeting never took place, by the way, because Gates was called to join President Obama at Camp Lejeune that day, according to Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell.

By John Liang
March 3, 2009 at 5:00 AM

President Obama was asked today about a New York Times story regarding a letter he sent to Russia's president last month in which Obama, according to the Times, offered to "back off deploying a new missile defense system in Eastern Europe if Moscow would help stop Iran from developing long-range weapons." The NYT further reported:

The Obama letter was hand-delivered in Moscow by top administration officials three weeks ago. It said the United States would not need to proceed with the interceptor system, which has been vehemently opposed by Russia since it was proposed by the Bush administration, if Iran halted any efforts to build nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles.

The officials who described the contents of the message requested anonymity because it has not been made public. While they said it did not offer a direct quid pro quo, the letter was intended to give Moscow an incentive to join the United States in a common front against Iran. Russia’s military, diplomatic and commercial ties to Tehran give it some influence there, but it has often resisted Washington’s hard line against Iran.

"It’s almost saying to them, put up or shut up," said a senior administration official. "It's not that the Russians get to say, 'We'll try and therefore you have to suspend.' It says the threat has to go away."

At a joint briefing with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Obama was asked about the letter, according to a White House transcript:

Q I'd like to ask you about the letter that you've written to the Russian President about the anti-missile shield in Eastern Europe. Can you talk about why sort of a quid pro quo seemed like the smartest approach?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: You know, I think that the report that was in The New York Times didn't accurately characterize the letter. What we had was a very lengthy letter talking about a whole range of issues from nuclear proliferation to how are we going to deal with a set of common security concerns along the Afghan border and terrorism. And what I said in the letter is the same thing that I've said publicly, which is that the missile defense that we have talked about deploying is directed towards not Russia, but Iran. That has always been the concern, that you had potentially a missile from Iran that threatened either the United States or Europe.

And what I said in the letter was that, obviously, to the extent that we are lessening Iran's commitment to nuclear weapons, then that reduces the pressure for, or the need for a missile defense system.

In no way does that in any -- does that diminish my commitment to making sure that Poland, the Czech Republic and other NATO members are fully enjoying the partnership of the Alliance and U.S. support with respect to their security.

So the way it got characterized I think was as some sort of quid pro quo. It was simply a statement of fact that I've made previously, which is, is that the missile defense program, to the extent that it is deployed, is designed to deal with not a Russian threat, but a Iranian threat.

Q -- response have you received from Russia?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: We've had a good exchange between ourselves and the Russians. I've said that we need to reset or reboot the relationship there. Russia needs to understand our unflagging commitment to the independence and security of countries like a Poland or a Czech Republic. On the other hand, we have areas of common concern. And I cited two examples: the issue of nuclear nonproliferation and the issue of terrorism. And at this point, I think we probably have some potential common concerns on the world economic front, as well.

So my hope is, is that we can have a constructive relationship where, based on common respect and mutual interest, we can move forward.

By Thomas Duffy
March 3, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Army is hoping to mimic the counterinsurgency successes it has had in Iraq in Afghanistan and is looking for a contractor to carry out an extensive information operations program in the country. Last year, the service took over funding an existing program known as the United States External Information Program-Afghanistan, which it describes as “an Afghan approved full-spectrum and sustained counter-improvised explosive device (C-IED) information campaign focused on separating the bomb makers and users from the support of the populace,” according to a solicitation the Army issued to industry today.

When the service took over the program it realigned its goals “to inform and influence undecided Afghans in order to accept the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) as a legitimate government of the people, support the acceptance of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) as legitimate security forces and enhance the perception an improved Afghan quality of life is controlled by their actions.”

The Army is asking the contractor to use all manner of media including billboards, flyers, posters, educational pamphlets or brochures, newspaper advertisements, radio messages, television advertisements and documentaries.

Countering IEDs is one of four main themes the program will carry out this year (the others being the ANSF and GIRoA, education, and development). Today the Army told potential contractors the counter-IED information campaign should reflect the following:

  • Report IED activities. The theme is that security is everyone's concern. The concept is to use media to encourage the local populace to stop violence by reporting IED activities and facilitators to the ANSF.
  • IEDs impact families and Afghan society. The theme is IEDs and bomb makers have an adverse impact on civil society. IEDs kill innocent men, women and children, IED facilitators are criminals, and IEDs tarnish the future of Afghanistan. The concept is to use media to document the effects of IEDs on society and family.
  • Killing Muslims is against Islam. The theme is that bombing and IEDs result in the murder of innocent Muslims, the concept is to use media to denounce IEDs as un-Islamic acts of violence and results in murder of innocent Muslims.
By Christopher J. Castelli
March 3, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The White House just announced that Vice President Biden will travel to Brussels, Belgium, next week to meet with the North Atlantic Council, the principal forum for NATO’s 26 member states.

Biden will consult with allies on Afghanistan and Pakistan and to try to ensure their views help inform the strategic review ordered by President Obama, according to the administration's statement. Biden also will meet with NATO’s secretary general, senior leaders of the European Union and officials of the Belgian government.

More details will be released “at a later date,” according to the White House.

By Carlo Muñoz
March 2, 2009 at 5:00 AM

This week, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the Pentagon will begin providing military support to counternarcotics operations led by the Mexican government. During an interview on NBC's Meet the Press, Gates said the Defense Department will conduct training for Mexican counternarcotics officials, as well as provide intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities to those forces.

"I think we are beginning to be in a position to help the Mexicans more than we have in the past. Some of the old biases against cooperation between our militaries and so on, I think, are being satisfied," Gates said. Those biases have declined, he added, due to Mexican President Felipe Calderon's increased efforts to take on the cartels operating in the country.

Last month's execution of Mexican Brig. Gen. Marco Enrique Tello Quinonez, which was linked to cartel leaders, was the latest event in a recent escalation of violence between the cartels and Mexican officials.

Those cartels pose a serious threat to U.S. national security, according to U.S. Joint Forces Command's 2008 Joint Operating Environment assessment released late last year. In the report, JFCOM strategists stated the destabilizing effect of Mexico's drug traffickers had put the country on par with Pakistan in terms of the possibility of a "rapid and sudden collapse."

The "sustained assault" on the Mexican government by the cartels has weakened Calderon's control over the country, the report states. "Any descent by Mexico into chaos would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone," it adds.

Last month, Inside the Pentagon reported that JFCOM commander Gen. James Mattis planned to sit down with Mexican diplomats to discuss the JOE's findings.

While noting the ongoing war between the cartels and the Mexican government is "clearly a serious problem," Gates said the increased violence is an unfortunate side effect to Calderon's successful counternarcotics campaign. "I think people need to point out is the courage that Calderon has shown in taking this on," Gates said. "Because one of the reasons it's gotten as bad as it has is because his predecessors basically refused to do that."

By Sebastian Sprenger
March 2, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The beginning of the week had some bad news in store for the presidential helicopter program.

First, a story broke over the weekend that an employee of a "Maryland-based" defense company used a peer-to-peer file sharing program to beam potentially sensitive engineering and avionics data of the Sikorsky-made VH-60 helicopter into cyberspace.

By late last month, the files had already spread to a computer in Iran, Keith Tagliaferri of Tiversa, the Pennsylvania-based computer security company that first brought the incident to the attention of the military, told Reuters.

(We report on new plans by DOD to avoid similar cases of data loss in the future in a related story on

In Inside the Navy today, the follow-on Marine One copter program, the VH-71, also makes headlines by virtue of what government and industry sources believe to be its impending demise.

"In the days to come, any information you may receive about budget or program decisions will undoubtedly be wrong because I intend to wait until the end of our review process before making any decisions," Gates said at a Pentagon press briefing last week. "Putting together a budget package this large, complex and interrelated requires a coherent and holistic process -- a process that would be undermined if decisions about particular programs are made piecemeal or before the assessment is complete."

Nonetheless, government and industry sources, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the discussions, said last week that the VH-71program is likely to meet its end.

Lockheed Martin, AgustaWestland and Bell Helicopter Textron cooperate on the VH-71 program.

By Jason Simpson
February 27, 2009 at 5:00 AM

In a Defense: Next post earlier this week, titled “Strike Back,” the Joint Strike Fighter program executive officer, Air Force Maj. Gen. Charles Davis, commented on criticisms over the past several years made by an Australian think tank on the F-35 program and its applicability for Australia's future combat.

Well, it didn't take long for the group's head of capability analysis, Carlo Kopp, to respond with an open letter on the Defence Professionals' Web site.

First, Kopp noted “Air Power Australia's” agenda -- which Davis said was to extend the life of the F-111 and demand Aussie use of the F-22A:

Our agenda is simple: to ensure that the Western alliance never again suffers the humiliation of defeat in combat by opponents with superior air combat capabilities.

Your suggestion that Air Power Australia (APA) somehow has a primary focus in criticizing your program is false, in fact, of the thirty three (33) papers published in our APA Analyses research journal since its launch in 2004, only five, or 15 percent, are specifically focused upon the F-35 program. Moreover, APA has argued widely and strongly for acquisition reform, and proper force structure planning for Western Air Forces.

On APA's Web site, found six articles from the group itself in the F-35's subpage, as well as more than a dozen from other publications. When browsing the site's F-22A subpage -- which notes that “there are no alternatives to the F-22 Raptor" -- there are yet another handful of articles from other publications related to the JSF, with titles such as “Is the JSF really good enough?” and “Is the JSF right for Australia?” -- a two-part series.

Kopp continues:

Make no mistake, the world is changing around us and many of these changes are not for the better. Our ability, as the Western alliance, to maintain global military superiority, will depend upon us having genuinely superior capabilities. There is no room for the intellectual sloth which has pervaded much of the Joint Strike Fighter Program since its inception.

He also states that Davis misrepresented APA as having “a very 1950s-type of mindset” in how it looked at future aerial combat, contending, “had you taken the time to study this work, you would not have falsely claimed that APA made no allowances for radar-absorbent materials in our analysis, as APA made unusually generous allowances, favouring the F-35. In fact the analysis produced by APA also included the impact of refraction upon target aspect angles in long-range missile engagement geometries, a factor usually in such analyses, also favouring the F-35.”

“You failed to mention the principal point made by the APA, which is that inevitable evolutionary advancements in Russian radar power-aperture, signal and data processing, and missile performance, have surpassed the stealth specification to which the F-35 is being built,” he added.

Both the fifth-generation F-22 and the F-35 are built by Lockheed Martin.

Kopp's claim:

APA invested considerable effort in finding the optimal escape manoeuvre for the F-35, to minimise its exposure to a Surface to Air Missile battery, giving the aircraft every advantage we could. The aircraft consistently died in combat, because its poor aft sector stealth and low escape speed allowed the missile to run it down and kill it every time. The key factors were improved radar power-aperture and missile kinematic performance in the Russian Surface to Air Missile batteries. When APA applied this very same model to the F-22, it survived every time, due to much better aft sector stealth and supercruise.

Davis also mentioned that APA has not been briefed to the extent that partner nations have been, to the “special access required” level.

Kopp responds in his letter that “Your comments on classified access are curious, insofar as the Laws of Physics and Rules of Probability have no respect for such bureaucratic devices. Hiding information by such means merely makes it harder for an analyst to divine the ground truth, not impossible.”

He also contends that the JSF “program is a techno-strategic failure” and discounts Davis' leadership by saying he “became infatuated with marketing the program over managing it.”

But, based on Davis' recent comments -- that the program has “wasted more time on this group than we needed to” -- it's doubtful that this debate will be long-lived.

Meanwhile, 2009 will be a year of many firsts for the JSF program, in terms of testing new aspects of the plane. Check out Davis' less controversial comments on these activities in this week's Inside the Air Force.

February 26, 2009 at 5:00 AM

News flash: Boeing is no longer partnered with Alenia for Joint Cargo Aircraft production, Inside the Air Force's Marcus Weisgerber reports from the Air Force Association conference in Orlando, FL.

Boeing was supposed to build an assembly plant for the Spartan in Jacksonville, FL, but the companies have been having trouble getting on the same page for months. Now, according to industry officials, the deal has been called off.

More details to come.