The Insider

By Jason Sherman
January 22, 2009 at 5:00 AM

A Pentagon watchdog group wants William Lynn, a former Raytheon executive and registered lobbyist for the defense industry giant, knocked out of the running to be the Defense Department's No. 2 official and replaced with a candidate who does not require a waiver from new White House ethics rules.

Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, said her organization “believes strongly in the revolving door restrictions President Barack Obama has outlined to restore integrity and ethics to government.”

It is because we believe so strongly in the positive impact that such a change will have that we urge the President to withdraw his nomination of William J. Lynn III as deputy secretary of defense. President Obama should not compromise his standards and the effectiveness of the Department of Defense by allowing a top defense industry lobbyist to receive a waiver from these standards. The defense industry is in a class of its own among all of the industries that have had a pervasive stranglehold on public policy to advance their own financial interests.

Obama yesterday signed executive orders that set forth the strictest rules imposed by any president on lobbying activities for his administration.

Will this call by POGO move anyone in the Senate to block the nomination?

During Lynn's Jan. 15 confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) -- one of Obama's earliest and staunchest supporters in the Senate during the presidential campaign -- was the only lawmaker to raise the indelicate matter of Lynn's lobbying background.

SEN. MCCASKILL: Mr. Lynn -- you know, first of all, all of you I appreciate your service. All of you are not coming back for the glory or the money; you're coming back because you want to serve, and I thank all four of you for that. And I don't mean by directing this question to in any way impugn your integrity, but the revolving door is an important issue for us to talk about, between the Pentagon and the defense community.

You went directly from the Pentagon to a defense contractor.

You are coming back directly from a defense contractor, a major -- one of the largest defense contractors -- into the Department of Defense. And in that role, you have a major responsibility over acquisition procurement.

This is troubling to a lot of people who are just looking at this situation. We have gone a long way in Congress to try to begin to stop the revolving door. We haven't done as well as we'd like to, but there's a whole lot of attention in the public about the revolving door between lobbying and Congress and lobbying and Congress. Frankly, there isn't as much attention in the defense sector, and it's an incestuous business what's going on in terms of the defense contractors and the Pentagon and the highest levels of our military. I'd like to give you an opportunity to speak to it, since you're an example of it. (Laughter.)

MR. LYNN: Senator, when I left the department I followed the strict ethics, procedures and didn't have any contact with the department for the period that's set by law. On coming back into the department, there are equally strict ethics procedures on what issues I can handle and what issues I can't. I will be working with the general counsel's office to ensure to ensure I follow those ethics procedures completely.

SEN. MCCASKILL: Well, do you have a comment -- I mean, do you feel like you could be somebody who could be a reformer in this regard? Do you sense that there's something else that we need to do? Do you sense that there may not be a problem that there is maybe too much shortcutting of picking up the phone and dialing into the Pentagon from a defense contract agency because of former friends that are there and vice versa? I mean, do you have any sense that reform is needed here?

MR. LYNN: Well, I'm --

SEN. MCCASKILL: Do you hear the hopeful tone in my voice?

MR. LYNN: I do hear the tone, Senator. I'm not aware whether the DCAA case you -- I think you probably have more familiarity with the details as to whether that was people leaving DCAA and contacting back to DCAA. I hadn't heard that, but perhaps you know more. I think we need to keep --

SEN. MCCASKILL: The best example I can give you is the Thunderbird scandal. That was really somebody who had left the military and was working for a contractor and reached back in to get a contract, a sweetheart contract, no-bid, noncompetitive contract for some PR work for the Air Force Thunderbirds. That's one example; I can give you some other examples.

MR. LYNN: Well, Senator, I certainly believe that we need to maintain the highest ethical standards. I pledge to you that I will do that personally in terms of your hopefulness that we can reform. I will -- well, I will work to not only ensure that we follow the highest ethical standards but that we have the transparency that provides the public the belief, the understanding that indeed those standards are being followed. It's not just the reality, it's the perception, and I understand that and we plan to work on both.

The Senate Armed Services Committee received formal nominations of Pentagon appointees yesterday and has not yet voted on Lynn, according to a source on the committee.

By Carlo Muñoz
January 22, 2009 at 5:00 AM

During his confirmation hearing today before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, retired Adm. Dennis Blair, President Obama's pick for director of national intelligence, was hit with a wide variety of questions on the vast array of issues swirling around the intelligence community, and how he planned to address them.

But before Blair could be put on the spot over such issues as the interrogation tactics used by CIA operatives on foreign enemy combatants, domestic surveillance programs or what to do with the detainees housed at Guantanamo Bay once the U.S. detention facility there is closed, committee members wanted to hear . . . about the F-22A Raptor program.

For the very first question of the hearing, Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) brought up a 2006 incident regarding Blair's involvement on the Raptor program during his tenure as president of the Fairfax, VA-based Institute for Defense Analyses. At the time, it was revealed that Blair held financial interests in F-22A subcontractor EDO Corp while IDA was conducting a business-case analysis on the program for the Air Force.

"Why you did not recuse yourself, how you view that decision in retrospect, and how you would intend to handle potential future conflicts in the future?" Feinstein asked. In response, Blair told members of the committee that the decision not to recuse himself from the IDA review of the Raptor was a mistake.

"I've thought a great deal about the incident since and the greatest damage was the damage to my own reputation for integrity caused by that decision and of course, the reputation of the Institute for Defense Analysis. I should have recused myself and I didn't," Blair said. However, he did note that a Defense Department inspector general inquiry into the matter found that his ties to EDO Corp. did not affect the results of 2006 business-case analysis.

"I think the lesson of that is that you can be absolutely sure that if confirmed, I will not take any action that is remotely -- that can remotely cause that kind of a situation to happen again. I will comply fully, in consultation with my counsel, with all regulations and ensure that any decisions that I make as DNI will be completely free of any suspicion," he said.

By Kate Brannen
January 21, 2009 at 5:00 AM

When Gen. Peter Chiarelli, the Army's vice chief of staff, met with reporters at a breakfast this morning, he was reluctant to say much about the brand-new Obama administration. But he did say he liked what he he had seen on the White House's overhauled Website, which includes a new position paper on Obama's defense agenda.

Chiarelli said he browsed the site yesterday after it was launched and read up on the president's official agenda for defense. And, he said he was particularly pleased with the administration's position on growing the Army. "I'm sure the Marines feel the same way, because it said the same thing about the Marines."

"Obama and Biden support plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marine Corps by 27,000 Marines. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families," the paper states.

Chiarelli said he was also happy to see support for non-kinetic skill sets that are so useful to today's conflicts.

Obama and Biden believe that we must build up our special operations forces, civil affairs, information operations, and other units and capabilities that remain in chronic short supply; invest in foreign language training, cultural awareness, and human intelligence and other needed counterinsurgency and stabilization skill sets.

"I was very, very pleased that that is the direction they seem to be going," said Chiarelli.

Meanwhile, the vice chief of staff made some news on FCS, which we cover here.

By John Reed
January 21, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Air Force officials have delayed the decision on whether to built a privately owned coal-to-liquids refinery on unused land at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, service officials tell Inside the Air Force.

Air Force Times, citing a service spokesman, reported this week that the Air Force was expected to announce the results of the decision -- which was supposed to have been made last Friday -- this afternoon.

However, “Due to some technical issues and clarifications that still need to be made, no decision was made on Friday,” reads a Jan 21 e-mail from the same Air Force spokesman, Gary Strasburg. The decision likely will be made in the next two weeks, said Stasburg later this afternoon. He did not elaborate on the reasons behind the delay.

If built, the refinery could produce up to 20,000 gallons of coal-based fuel each day, Air Force officials said in late 2007 when they announced plans to build the plant. Service energy officials have long touted the plant as a major step toward the service's ultimate goal of being able to fly 50 percent of all stateside missions on synthetic fuel by 2016.

The Malmstrom plant would sit on property leased to its operators at a discount in exchange for a significant price break on the fuel produced there. The Minuteman III ICBM base -- which no longer has fixed-wing flight operations -- has plenty of unused land and sits near some of the world's largest coal deposits, service officials have said.

The plan to use coal-based synthetic fuel in Air Force planes has come under scrutiny over the past year as opponents have pointed out that so called “clean coal” technology does not exist outside of the laboratory. Using current technology, coal-based fuel emits far more greenhouse gases than standard jet fuel. Furthermore, Section 526 of the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act prohibits the service from buying fuel that emits more greenhouse gases than conventional fuel.

This could be a major hurdle in getting investors to pony up the billions in cash for such a plant because the Air Force would not be able to sign long-term contracts for fuel that pollutes more than standard jet fuel.

However, Kevin Billings -- acting assistant secretary of the Air Force for installations, logistics and environment -- told Inside the Air Force last week that the service is launching a plan to certify its planes to fly on biofuels made from feedstocks like algae and biomass. He did not provide a time line for this effort.

By Marjorie Censer
January 21, 2009 at 5:00 AM

The Army's Future Combat Systems effort will support a full-spectrum Army, according to the service's chief of staff.

Gen. George Casey, in an interview in the most recent issue of Joint Force Quarterly, acknowledges that the program was designed with conventional warfare in mind but says it has been useful in current operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In particular, he said the Land Warrior system is providing soldiers with greatly enhanced situational awareness.

“I visited (a battalion) there, and they said that they would rather leave the compound without their weapons than without their Land Warrior system,” Casey writes.

He explains that seeing soldiers in Iraq using the equipment pushed him to restructure the FCS program, which will now be fielded first to infantry brigade combat teams, rather than to heavy brigade combat teams as originally planned.

“So we're doing that, and we'll have it in the hands of the light Soldiers in 2011,” Casey says. “The first brigade, which means probably the last of the 'Grow the Army' brigades that we build, will be outfitted with the FCS systems and the first increment of the network, and we'll continue to build the rest of the systems over time.”

He said the restructured format represents a move “in the right direction, and what we're going to see now is not just 15 FCS brigades that come out of this, but we're going to have an FCS-enabled Army, and it will start with the infantry guys, and that will be a fundamentally different Army.

“What you're going to see also is the FCS capabilities overlaid on modular organizations, and that's what the Army of the 21st century will ultimately look like,” he continues. “We're still refining that, but simplistically said, that's what's going to happen. It will be a full-spectrum Army.”


By John Liang
January 21, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Several politically appointed defense environmental officials, including top DOD environment chief Wayne Arny, will be staying in their posts temporarily under the Obama administration until their replacements are named, sister publication Defense Environment Alert's Stuart Parker reported this week:

Political appointees requiring Senate confirmation may take some time to replace, DOD sources indicate, with the most senior posts being filled first. Other officials, meanwhile, are either leaving voluntarily on Jan. 20 or have been asked by the Obama transition team to vacate their positions.

Arny, deputy under secretary of defense for installations and environment, will be staying until a replacement is found, but the number two environment official, Alex Beehler, who is DOD assistant deputy under secretary for environment, safety and occupational health, was slated to officially leave his position by Jan. 16. Neither of these positions requires Senate confirmation.

At the Army, Keith Eastin, assistant secretary of the Army for installations and environment, will also stay for the time being, along with the Army’s top energy executive Paul Bollinger and the Army Secretary himself Pete Geren, sources confirm.

At the Navy, it is now clear that Donald Schregardus, deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for environment, will stay until replaced, and Navy Secretary Donald Winter will remain until March 13, unless the president names a replacement first.

By Jason Sherman
January 21, 2009 at 5:00 AM

President Barack Obama met this afternoon with select members of his national security team and U.S. military brass in charge of Iraq to discuss the mission. This evening Obama issued the following statement:

This afternoon, I met with our Ambassador to Iraq, the commander in Iraq, and the overall theater commander in the region in order to get a full update on the situation in Iraq. Key members of my cabinet and senior national security officials also participated in this meeting.

The meeting was productive and I very much appreciated receiving assessments from these experienced and dedicated individuals. During the discussion, I asked the military leadership to engage in additional planning necessary to execute a responsible military drawdown from Iraq.

In the coming days and weeks, I will also visit the Department of Defense to consult with the Joint Chiefs on these issues, and we will undertake a full review of the situation in Afghanistan in order to develop a comprehensive policy for the entire region.

By Dan Dupont
January 20, 2009 at 5:00 AM

President Obama's White House Website was up and running within minutes of his oath of office -- and while it lacks detail it does include a statement on his defense priorities.

A taste:

* Fully Equip Our Troops for the Missions They Face: Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe we must get essential equipment to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines before lives are lost.

* Review Weapons Programs: We must rebalance our capabilities to ensure that our forces can succeed in both conventional wars and in stabilization and counter-insurgency operations. Obama and Biden have committed to a review of each major defense program in light of current needs, gaps in the field, and likely future threat scenarios in the post-9/11 world.

* Preserve Global Reach in the Air: We must preserve our unparalleled airpower capabilities to deter and defeat any conventional competitors, swiftly respond to crises across the globe, and support our ground forces. We need greater investment in advanced technology ranging from the revolutionary, like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and electronic warfare capabilities, to essential systems like the C-17 cargo and KC-X air refueling aircraft, which provide the backbone of our ability to extend global power.

* Maintain Power Projection at Sea: We must recapitalize our naval forces, replacing aging ships and modernizing existing platforms, while adapting them to the 21st century. Obama and Biden will add to the Maritime Pre-Positioning Force Squadrons to support operations ashore and invest in smaller, more capable ships, providing the agility to operate close to shore and the reach to rapidly deploy Marines to global crises.

* National Missile Defense: The Obama-Biden Administration will support missile defense, but ensure that it is developed in a way that is pragmatic and cost-effective; and, most importantly, does not divert resources from other national security priorities until we are positive the technology will protect the American public.

* Ensure Freedom of Space: The Obama-Biden Administration will restore American leadership on space issues, seeking a worldwide ban on weapons that interfere with military and commercial satellites. They will thoroughly assess possible threats to U.S. space assets and the best options, military and diplomatic, for countering them, establishing contingency plans to ensure that U.S. forces can maintain or duplicate access to information from space assets and accelerating programs to harden U.S. satellites against attack.

* Protect the U.S in Cyberspace: The Obama-Biden Administration cooperate with our allies and the private sector to identify and protect against emerging cyber-threats.

More agenda items here.

By Jason Sherman
January 20, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Gen. Victor "Gene" Renuart, head of U.S. Northern Command and NORAD, weighs in on today's main event with a statement issued through his press office:

Today marks an historic event, and we view the inauguration of our new commander-in-chief with hope and purpose. Our mission continues … Our task clear …Our leadership resolute. The people in our commands commemorate this historic transition with renewed focus on the families we protect, on the communities we protect and on the Nations we protect. We are the defenders of our democracy and of the Democracy of all in this Hemisphere … as Canadians and Americans today, we are proud of the efforts of our two militaries and proud of what we do each day. We are looking forward, anticipating our Nations' needs and ready to respond at a moment's notice. We are honored to participate as just one of myriad local, state and federal agencies working hard to make today's events safe and secure.

NORTHCOM is the lead Defense Department element tasked to support civilian agencies in the event of an attack on the homeland.

His expression of "hope" with today's changing of the guard is uniquely informed. Renuart operated in the highest precincts of the Bush administration's national security team before taking his current job -- he was senior military assistant to then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

By Sebastian Sprenger
January 20, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Count NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer as one of the international dignitaries delivering congratulations to the newly inaugurated President Obama.

"On behalf of the Atlantic Alliance, I warmly congratulate Barack Obama on his inauguration as the 44th President of the United States of America," de Hoop Scheffer said, according to a note posted on the NATO Web site today.

"President Obama takes up his responsibilities at a time when the international community faces great challenges, but also great opportunities to build a safer, more secure world. The NATO Allies, including the United States, stand together to help reach that goal.

"The United States has played a leading role within NATO since the Alliance was founded in 1949. I have no doubt that President Obama will carry on that tradition. We look forward to welcoming him to his first NATO Summit in April, in Strasbourg and Kehl, as we will celebrate NATO's 60th Anniversary and chart the way forward for the Atlantic Alliance," de Hoop Scheffer said.

In the search for that new way forward, alliance members must be encouraged by Obama's pledge to work through international organizations in tackling security problems worldwide.

But the Obama presidency could also force some uncomfortable issues for the European NATO members. With the hugely unpopular Bush administration now over, countries like Germany might find it more difficult to deny requests for more troops or more operational flexibility of their forces in Afghanistan.

By Christopher J. Castelli
January 19, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Steve Kosiak, an expert on the defense budget and national security spending, has been tapped by the new administration to be associate director for defense and international affairs at the Office of Management and Budget. He is the vice president for budget studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Kosiak is also a professor for the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University, where he teaches graduate-level courses on U.S. defense budgeting and strategic planning.

And he is no stranger to readers of

By Sebastian Sprenger
January 16, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Amid the buzz about the upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review and deliberations about the Pentagon's strategic realignment in an Obama administration, the congressionally mandated Space Posture Review marks another review worth watching this year.

Michèle Flournoy, in line to be the under secretary of defense for policy, considers the topic important enough that she said she would play a "leading role" in the drill. This is according to written answers she provided to the Senate Armed Services Committee in preparation of her confirmation hearing yesterday.

Lawmakers requested the Space Posture Review, a joint effort between the Defense Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, in the fiscal year 2009 defense authorization legislation. A final report is due to Congress on Dec. 1.

The ten-year outlook is supposed to touch on virtually everything space-related, including the topics of space situational awareness, offensive and defensive space operations, acquisition and arms control, according to the legislation.

By Jason Simpson
January 16, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Sure, the Joint Strike Fighter could be set up as a manned-unmanned fighter jet, but is it worth it?

This rhetorical question was raised by Air Force Maj. Gen. Charles Davis this week at a briefing on the F-35 Lightning II.

When asked if the JSF would be the last manned fighter jet, the F-35 program executive officer began his answer thusly:

When you're ready to hop on a United airplane going from Dulles to London without anybody in the cockpit, I'll tell you we've built our last manned fighter.

There will always be a role for a man in the loop for combat missions, he said, even if the requirement for 9-G maneuvering capabilities no longer exists; the Air Force will forever need someone to be able to push information in a real-time setting and “be able to get in and out of the places it needs to go without being destroyed."

“I don't ever see the requirement for some manned capability totally going away,” he said.

The Lightning II could easily be configured to fly unmanned missions through a ground control station similar to those used for target drones like QF-4s and QF-16s, but the JSF office is not working on those kinds of plans, Davis said.

What's to be gained by taking a man out of the cockpit? If you look at what we're spending money on primarily for what it costs to support that platform ((for manned flight)), it's the ejection seat and the separation system on the canopy. Beyond that, everything that would be in the cockpit today would be required for an unmanned system.

One difference: The plane's color displays would be irrelevant.

But, Davis said having a fighter drone for the sake of having one is trumped by the reality of what a manned jet carries with it: The creativity and adaptability of the human brain right in the thick of the action.

I consider us ((pilots)) a pretty cost-effective tool. In the flexibility that brings in a real-time situation -- the real-time thinking -- is probably worth the amount of money that it costs to build that ejection seat. Short of some of the long-endurance missions . . . there's always going to be a requirement for some guy to do something.

By Jason Sherman
January 15, 2009 at 5:00 AM

William Lynn, president-elect Obama's nominee to be the Pentagon's No. 2 official, said today that the new Defense Department leadership plans three large-scale reviews of program and budgets including a scrub of war costs, the base budget and the Quadrennial Defense Review.

Lynn told the Senate Armed Services Committee during his opening remarks at his confirmation hearing this morning that, if confirmed by the Senate for the job, he plans to examine the balance of the fiscal year 2009 war cost request, look at the fiscal year 2010 defense budget proposal and ensure “expeditious completion” of the Quadrennial Defense Review.

He said the QDR will be used to set a new blueprint to “lay out an effective force” to deal with a wider range of security challenges, including boosting capabilities to deal with irregular operations.

More on the QDR:

By Jason Sherman
January 15, 2009 at 5:00 AM

We'll have a story soon on the budget and program news made during the confirmation hearing this morning for William Lynn, Michele Fournoy, Robert Hale and Jeh Johnson. Meantime, the session wrapped up without any issues surfacing that would appear to threaten any of the nominations. Sen. Levin, the committee chairman, wrapped up the meeting with a pledge to move to a vote as soon as possible.